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The next day after we drove the goblins' troops away. We're gathering and discussing inside the mansion's undamaged room; a room that's on the larger side.

Inside, Alexia; Aerith; Cait; Elynor; Benton-san, who was the chamberlain of this house; Belt-san, as the representative of the leftover soldiers; and I, have gathered. Eclat is sleeping on top of my lap.

"Thank you for saving the territory on this occasion. If Your Highness and the others were not around, all the residents would have probably been dead"

Benton-san, who says and bows his head. Swept along by that, Belt-san also bows his head.

"Please raise your heads. We just happen to be around by chance, and we have turned the territory into a wreck, so it is not something for you guys to bow your heads like that"

Alexia makes a bitter smile. We'd indeed turned the territory into a wreck after all. I feel really apologetic in that regard.

"No, no matter how many times the territory becomes a wreck, it can be rebuilt if there are residents. It might probably be harsh for a brief period, but it will work out somehow"

"Is that so. I understand. I will also try to speak to Otou-sama to provide some help. It is just that, this Baron's territory......"

"Eeh, I understand. I suppose it can no longer function as Baron Mangus Territory. The residents found out about the Baron's deeds. Even if the son inherited it out of compassion, the residents will probably not do as they are told. It will end up with an insurrection if it is handled poorly"

That's right. Let alone carrying out his duties as a noble, Baron Mangus left the residents behind and ran away first. All of the residents have found out about that. I suppose even if that family continued to govern, the residents would revolt. An insurrection will occur like what he's saying just now if it's handled poorly.

"It is just that, can you just spare the lives of Madam and the others? Bantes-sama, the son, is in the Royal Capital the whole time these 3 years and ignorant about everything. Rita-sama, the Madam, is frail and has so little to do with the politics that you can say she has completely nothing to do with it. Cayce-sama, the daughter, told the Baron over and over again with me, but she was unable to get him to listen and was confined in Rita-sama's room"

"......Indeed. I cannot decide at my discretion, but I will try to talk to Otou-sama about that as well. It's just that, even if they're spared, I don't think they'll be able to live as nobles nor remain in this territory anymore"

I guess for the incident this time around, it probably won't go as far as to sentencing the entire household to death, but the Baron will be sentenced to death upon discovery, and the other family members will be stripped of the Baron title as well.

Even if those family members who became commoners remained in the territory, they'd be probably resented and killed in the worst case. It's because they're nobles that they're currently able to stay untouched by the residents. If they're going to suffer such adverse experiences, then it's better if they left the territory. Nobody can't guarantee their livelihoods after that though.

"I understand. I also wish to be of help to the Madam and the others. It will be great if they just have their lives"

Benton-san, who says and bows his head once again. This person is said to be the childhood friend of the Baron and the Madam. I guess it's because of such a bond that he wants to save the Madam. It seems he has other reasons as well, but that's something that doesn't concern us.

"Well, there's nothing else that we can do about the Madam and the others. Concerning the matters here on out, Helen and the others should be currently going towards where Viscount Kennus is and bringing reinforcements over, so let us wait for that. After the reinforcements come and the inside of this territory becomes better, I will return to the Royal Capital and talk to Otou-sama"

After that, we talked about various things concerning here on out and dispersed. Everybody went outside, and the only ones who remained in the room were Alexia; Eclat, who sleeps on top of my lap; and me. ......This girl had been sleeping the whole time huh.

"What's the matter, Lei? You didn't go with everybody?"

Alexia speaks to me when I'm looking at Eclat.

"Aah, I want to talk to Alexia for a bit"

I say, hold Eclat up in my arms, and move to the seat beside Alexia. Eclat doesn't wake up even when I hold her up in my arms. She's sleeping while flapping her wings. It can't be helped, so I'll have her stay on the table briefly. It's slightly hard but bear with it.

"Talk to me? Fufu, what could it be?"

Alexia smiles while looking at my face, but in my eyes, all I can see is her pushing herself and smiling.

"You didn't really sleep since yesterday, right? Don't push yourself and try to shoulder everything alone"

I say that and grasp Alexia's hand. I noticed that Alexia's room was illuminated after I returned from the goblins' hideout yesterday. Only about 3 hours had passed from when I left the Baron Territory until I returned, so I guess Alexia probably also only slept for roughly that much.

When I look in Alexia's direction, she's making a bitter smile.

"As I thought, it's exposed to Lei huh. It may look like this, but I tried my best to make up and hide it though. But you can't say others either, you know?"

Alexia, who says that and pokes my nose. Was yesterday's matter perhaps exposed?

"I somehow know when Lei goes away thanks to the ring. Aerith probably realises it as well. ......You've been continuously doing nothing but things like that since before; you don't push yourself either, alright. I'm disqualified as a Princess if I say something like this, but Lei is more important to me than the residents here"

Saying that, Alexia moves her chair nearer and brings her body closer to me. There's a pleasant scent from Alexia.

"Alexia is important to me as well. So I also don't want you to push yourself too much"

I embrace and bring Alexia's shoulder closer as well. Alexia is smiling happily at me with just that. And then she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Fufu, I wonder what order am I amongst everybody?"

Uu, it's quite troubling if I'm asked that. I don't really want to rank them though.

"I'm joking. I know that Lei cherishes everybody. But, I want you to look at only me occasionally?"

Alexia then carries on to move her face closer and lock lips with me. I also embrace and bring Alexia closer and enjoy our alone time.

"Nn, fuu~. We're going to get scolded if we're seen like this by Aerith huh. Do it to Aerith as well afterwards, alright? But, I'm energised with this. I've got to work even harder for the sake of this territory! Lei as well, you mustn't push yourself too hard, alright?"

Alexia, who says and leaves the room while smiling bewitchingly. ......Huh? I should be caring for Alexia, but I was cared about instead.

When I look in Eclat's direction while scratching my head


she's covering her eyes with her forepaws. It's just that, I guess it's lovable how she's failing at trying to sneak a look. ......Why did she wake up exactly at this time even though she's sleeping until just now.

I hold Eclat up in my arms and leave the room even while I'm thinking of something like that. I guess I'll work hard for the sake of lightening Alexia's burden even just a little.


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