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It Is A Secret From Goshujin-sama 1

Birds of a feather flock togetherーーsaid about people who have similar characters or interests, they naturally gather together and make a circle of friends.

As with such a proverb, these two may have been destined to encounter.

The place and time they encountered were the worst. But nevertheless, to the two of them who walk the Town of Krishna, such a way of encountering may not have mattered.

"......Hey, is it really okay?"

"What is?"

The one who walks in front dignifiedly is the golden-haired beauty, Eleanor.

The beauty with pink hair who looks around at the surrounding restlessly and warily, and walks behind is Serina.

"It's a secret from Egil-san, right......? Where we're going from now"

In regard to the place they are going from now, it's a secret from Egil.

All they told him was just,「We are off shopping」. Naturally, the worrywart Egil said things like,「Is it okay with just the two of you?」and「How about I go along as well?」. He was speaking words that are so gentle to them that it's unimaginable from his stern and manly facial features.

"Can you say it to Egil-sama? About where we are going from now"

"......I can't"

But Egil's kindness, it was rejected at Eleanor's own discretion.

Although the place they are heading to from now is Eleanor's idea, it's something the both of them decided on.

Heading there while they're shoppingーーor ratherーーthe shopping is what they do while they're at it.

"Hora, we arrived!"

What made Eleanor's blue eyes sparkle, was a worn-out and gloomy store.

Although it's wider than a typical detached house, that seasoned building doesn't really give off the charm that attracts people.

In the first place, all that's written above the small entrance is,『Recreation Goods Store』, the interior is unknown. So from the perspective of those people who don't know, this place is a deserted house, or, a house that demons reside, and that image, it's towards the negative side of the spectrum no matter what.

"Wow, the Recreation Goods Store of every town is on the verge of collapsing huh"

"Well, yeah. Leaving that aside, hora, let us quickly enter"

"U, un......"

Although Serina who's being dragged along was repeatedly muttering,「I feel bad for Egil-san」, in the end, Serina herself probably also wanted to enter this place.

Her upturned pink eyes carry a similar sparkle as Eleanor and one can tell that she's feeling slightly excited as she's checking out the inside of that store.

And then the one who welcomed the pair who entered the store was, a grumpy man who's roughly in his 4〇s.


Receiving those words, the two of them immediately turned left inside the shop.

"It is that person again huhーーunlucky"

"Eh, you know him?"

Eleanor starts walking with quick steps while making a bitter look.

"I was sullied by that person"

"Eh, what does that mean......"

"Please be careful. Because that sullen old man, he was the person who violated me with his eyes last time"

Although it's a misunderstanding when it comes to this, because Eleanor's expression is serious, Serina took those words seriously and swallowed her saliva loudly.

And then they proceed. Proceed and proceed. At the destination they finally arrived, it was a dream world for the two of them who possessed peculiar fetishesーーa corner for the mangas drawn by an author called Lione.

The two of them made their biggest smile today and stood before that bookcase.

"Again, I am able to come......Again, I am able to take Lione-san's work in my hands"

"I'd thought that I'll never be able to read it again. I'm glad, I'm really glad"

As for Eleanor, she has visited just about two weeks ago but, today she's visiting the store along with a congener, she came with Serina, who has a similar hobby(fetish). For her, being able to share the happiness is something blissful.

The two of them took in their hands the items that caught their eyes and stared at it.

"Uh, 『The Young Lady Who Was Made Love To By A Brawny Knight Is Made To Come Over And Over Again』series' new publication is still not out huh......ah, but 『Goshujin-sama's Order Is A Luscious Fruit』series' volume 7 is out!"

"Ah, aah, aah! I've still only read until volume 3 and yet, 『Inside The Hot And Stuffy Futon Is Filled With Dreams』series came out until volume 5! Eh, what happened, what happened after that!? Summary, where's the summaryy!?"

The two of them were making a racket without paying any attention to the surrounding.

Those contents are, by no means something that two beauties should put in words.

So not one person approaches the vicinity of the two of them.

It's a space where there's only the two of them, it's like they're in a different world.

And then, Serina, who read the summary, swallows her saliva and looks at Eleanor.

"Ca, ca ca ca, can I, buy it?"

In response to that question, Eleanor made a devilish smile.

"Of course. But with this, Serina is also an accomplice, alright"

"......I got it"

Both of them slowly nod and carry on to head towards where, the obstacle, which is the employee, is.




The books that were handed over by the smiling pair, and then the employee man who looks at the pair's expressions.

Both of them waited silently.

Waiting. Waiting. They earnestly waited for this employee to do his work.

ーーHowever, no matter how much time passes, the employee doesn't bring it to the register.

In the space of the three of them, trouble was brewing.

Although angry voices going,『Quickly get the bill!』, were being repeated perpetually in their heads, it wasn't conveyed.

Should they open their mouths. But their eyes will meet if they open their mouths. If their eyes meet, they will be violated.

"Qu, quickly get on with it......"

But Serina, she galvanized the heart of her man-hating self.

That's because she wants this book. And it's for the sake of continuing to be the strong Onee-san who protects Eleanor.

However, this was a mistake.

"Hora, I'll get the bill so hand over the money. On top of my hand"

Serina made eye contact with him. And then she was on the verge of being violated by his eyes, on the verge of being violated by his words.

Serina who flusters with her mouth half-open going, 'Awa Awa', retreats one step after another.

"He, he he he, here's the money!"

Eleanor shouted.

And then she threw a sum of money that's slightly more than the amount at the employee, the two of them took the goods in their hands and ran off.

The employee's voice that went,「Please come again」as they were leaving, didn't reach the weeping pair.

"What's with that fellow......scary, it's scary"

"That is a pervert. ......It was a close call, wasn't it, a little bit more and we would have been completely violated"

The two of them who ran away from the Recreation Goods Store are sweating from their forehead and catching their breaths while holding their knees.

And then, Eleanor sighed, 'Fuuー', carried the manga she purchased, and nodded contentedly.

"Although something painful happened as well, it is all for the sake of this work huh. I am glad, I am really glad, aren't you"

"Un, un un! Aah, I want to quickly go back and read it"

In response to Serina, who gives a sigh of beatitude next to her, Eleanor raised her index finger and said.

"But got it? This matter must not be exposed to Egil-sama, alright? Since this is money that was born from our daily scrimping"

"I told you that I got it. We'd scrimped for the sake of this, there's no way I'll say it"

Their expenses on these mangas are the crystallization of their daily scrimping.

Haggling with the employee when they buy ingredients, diluting the shampoo and body soap with a little bit of water, it's the money they saved up by utilizing various scrimping methods.

By no means are they causing trouble to Egil-sama, but it is probably the substantial pride of the girls of substantially wanting to hide these things that are covered with fetishes that they don't want to tell him about this matter.

"Now then, shall we go back"

The contented pair then return at a quick pace.

As for why they are taking quicker steps when returning than when they are going, it's likely their feelings of wanting to promptly go back and read the manga they hold in their hands making them do so.

That's why they weren't able to notice the person who appeared from the corner.



Eleanor and the woman who came from the corner collided.

When the both of them fell on their backsides, Eleanor immediately apologised.

"I, I am sorry. Are you hurt?"

"Eeh, I'm fine. Ojou-san[note]Young lady[/note] as well, are you hurt?"

A mild-mannered tone of voice.

And then the woman, who's clad in an adult's charm, dusted off the sand and dirt that got on her low cut dress that shows her voluptuous breasts, and carried on to extend her hand out to Eleanor.

Eleanor and Serina are probably beauties that anyone would envy. But in the lady who extended her hand out, there was an adult's charm and a beautiful eroticism that are different from the two of them.

"Th, thank you, very much......"

Both Eleanor and Serina were being charmed by that appearance.

Thereupon, the lady before their eyes took in her hands the book that Eleanor dropped.


"Thi, this is, um......"

Looking at Eleanor who became incoherent from embarrassment, the lady returned the book with a dimpled smile.

"Do you, like this book?"

"Eh, yes......I do"

Although she thought just for a moment of hiding it, Eleanor answered honestly.

Thereupon, the lady smiled sweetly.

"I see. I too, like this book"

"Is, is that really so!?"

Although the two of them couldn't believe it, it appears that it's true,

"I've read all of this author's work. So I wonder if I have the same fetishes as you two"

"That might be the case huh. But, to actually have the same fetishes as someone this beautiful, I'm somewhat happy......"

"Ara, aren't the two of you tremendously pretty as well. Besides, I'm already an Oba-san[note]Middle-aged woman[/note] who's over 3〇, you know?"


The two of them opened their eyes wide from astonishment.

3〇 is, referring to 3〇 years old, right.

But the lady is a youthful 3〇s, one can say that she's in her prime.

"You do not look it at all......"

Hearing Eleanor's thoughts, the lady who's happily placing her hand on her mouth closes her eyelids and smiles.

"Thank you, I'm happy even if it's flattery. And, anyhow. Such fetishes aren't something bad, you know? Instead, I wonder, wouldn't it be strange for a woman to not fall for a man like this?"

"Yeah. As I thought, a man like this is great huh"

"Eeh, of course"

The lady who laughed, 'Fufu', told her that,

"Although I'd love to talk more about various things, I'm a little bit busy. If we're able to meet again next time, let's take our time to talk. Well then"

the two of them saw the lady off.

It can be told from the way she walks that she's a high-class person who was taught a great number of etiquettes, like Eleanor.

And then the two of them who saw her off, were being slightly excited.

"It was someone with a very lewd atmosphere huh"

"Un, yeah. But it's a pretty eroticism huh. As expected of someone older, I guess. It's impossible for us to pull off that tranquil atmosphere"


said Eleanor who opened her mouth widely.

"I have forgotten to ask her name"

"Ah, now that you mention it....... Well, won't we be able to meet her again someday?"

"That is also true. Alright then, shall we go back"


And the two of them go back.

They hide the mangas in the shopping bag filled with ingredients so that it doesn't get exposed to Egil.

to be continued.


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