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IMPORTANT: It's kinda late but, there was an error in Chapter 64 that some of you guys may or may not have noticed.

..., the White Dragon Chivalric Order excels in speed, ...


..., the White Tiger Chivalric Order excels in speed, ...


U~n. I guess I should tell her about me also possessing the Goddess' Blessing huh. As I'm thinking about such things while groaning by myself

"What's the matter all of a sudden, you started groaning by yourself. Do you also possess the Goddess' Blessing or something? Fufu, no way that'd be it huh. I just thought that I'd be delighted if you were to possess it as well so don't worry about......what's with that face?"

I suppose I was probably making an unbelievably idiotic look. Since Caro is looking at me with a terribly puzzled-looking face.

"I'm surprised you know, that I possess it"



I ask Caro and Caro tilts her head, so I also tilt my head. Thereupon, Caro tilts her head the other way, so I also tilt my head like I'm going along with her. It somehow feels like deja vu.

"tte, that's noーt it! What is that about. You're saying that you also possess it!?"

Maybe because Caro is agitated, she's looking at me while standing from her seat, placing her hand on the table, and bending forward. I'll get embarrassed if I'm looked at that intensely, won't I. Oops, it's not the time to be getting embarrassed. I've got to explain.

"It's exactly as it sounds. I also possess the Goddess' Blessing like Caro"

Caro feebly flumps into the sofa when I say that. And then she puts her hand on her face

"Haha, hahaha! Is a day like this really possible? A day when I encountered for the first time someone who says he doesn't mind even when he sees me, and to think that the very same person is a Blessing Holder like me. Hahaha, hahahahaha!"

......I can't tell whether she's crying or laughing from here because she's covering her face with her hand. But I got a feeling that I could hear the cries of her heart.


"......Fuu~, sorry. I was overly happy and ended up laughing. And can I ask what you possess?"

says Caro as she wipes her eyes. If she says so then I suppose that's the case. Nothing good will come out of it even if I pry too much. For the time being, I guess I'll also talk about it huh.

"Of course. I possess titles and they are called『The One Without Limits』 and『The One That Difficulties Visits』. With『The One Without Limits』, my status' levels have no upper limit and depending on my effort, I'm able to get all the skills.

And with the other one,『The One That Difficulties Visits』, I will undergo various difficulties in the life that I lead from now on, but my status raises drastically when I overcome it. What do you think?"

Caro sighs, 'Haaー', and looks at me when I ask her. What?

"You're having it quite hard as well huh. Nobody knows whether, in order to face the difficulties, you gain strength with The One Without Limits, or is it because you're gaining strength with The One Without Limits, that you undergo difficulties huh"

says Caro who giggles. That's what I want to ask.

As the both of us continue talking and laughing about trifling topics after that, there's the sound of a knock on the door. Caro replies to that and,

"Excuse me, Caroline-sama. It is already almost t......i......m......eh?"

it was Mery-san who came in. However, she froze from astonishment when she saw Caro and me sitting and talking. What?

"What's wrong, Mery. You're making such a surprised expression"

"N, no, it is nothing. More importantly, it is the time for the divine service so please prepare for it"

"Ara, it's already that time huh. Fun time goes by in the blink of an eye huh. Sorry, Lei. The other Archbishops get annoying if I don't show up for this divine service. 'What are you thinking, for the Holy Maiden-sama, the Goddess' Blessing Holder, to not show up!', they'll say. It's fine for them to have faith in the Goddess, but I'd like for them to not impose that on me"

Caro who says that and sighs, 'Haaー'. It makes me wonder whether it's fine for the Pope's daughter to say such things but I shan't say it. It feels like I'll be stirring up a hornet's nest. It feels like I'll be told something like, 'You're also a Blessing Holder, you show up as well!'.

"I see, that can't be helped. I'll go back to my room as well. Do your best, Caro"

"Fufu, even the things that I don't like to do end up feeling enjoyable when I told something like that by you. Otou-sama was saying that we'll have a welcome party for dinner today so look forward to it"

"Aah, I'll look forward to it. Well then, I'll see you again at dinner"


As I'm about to leave the room, Caro waves her hand before her chest and sends me off. And then when I leave the room,

"What did you do?"


Mery-san asks me. All I can say is that we had a talk even if she asks me what I did.

"I didn't do anything in particular. We just talked normally"

I said that and Mery-san

"Is, that so"

said and remained silent. However, she's leading me so I follow her until the room.

Again, amidst the awkward atmosphere, as we're returning to the room, a corpulent fat guy walks over from the front. Who's that? As I'm looking, Mery-san moves slightly off to the side and greets. It's fine if I don't do it, right. ......It's fine, right?

"My, my, isn't this Mery-dono. Is the Holy Maiden-sama still not done with her preparations?"

says the man who speaks to her while swinging his loose and drooping cheeks. What's with this fellow.

"......Caroline-sama is currently in the midst of her preparations"

"Is that so. Even though the divine service will begin very soon, I wish she'd hurry it up. I wonder if she has no self-awareness as the Holy Maiden"

......I wonder if I should send this fellow flying with my fist. Bloody spouting things as he please without even knowing how much Caro is suffering,

"......My apologies. Cardinal Glen. She will be ready before long so please wait"

"Humph, well, fine. ......Nn, that guy over there is?"

He says and looks at me scrutinizingly. I don't know why but I got goosebumps. What?

"He is the Pope-sama's guest"

"Hoh, not bad"

The man who says and licks his lips. ZowaZowaZowaZowa¹! I have a bad feeling and it's sending chills down my spine! This is bad! This fellow is definitely bad news!

"Well then, guest. Although I would very much like to talk more, there is unfortunately not the time, my apologies and excuse me. I would love to if there is time next time"

"Ha, haha, i, if there's the time"

He goes off when I say that. Fuu~, what's with that man? My goosebumps aren't going away. Mery-san turns to my direction when she confirmed that the man has gone off. And then

"My condolences"

What is that for!? No, I know even if she doesn't say it. I'm begging you, whatever you're going to say after this......

"That person just now is called Cardinal Glen, one of the three Cardinals. And a total homosexual"

Stop it~! Don't nonchalantly say what I don't want to hear the most!

"I will convey it to the Pope-sama, but please do be careful"

Mery-san who says and proceeds forward. Haa~, I didn't think that I'd want to go back on the first day I come here. In any case, I have to make sure not to encounter that man. Uwaa, it feels like my goosebumps are getting worse than just now. I have to quickly go back to where Alexia and the others are and get healed!


"Shoott! Don't let it pass this point no matter what! It's just 1 enemy! Aim and shoott"

"But, magic is completely ineffective against the enemy dragon!"

"Nevertheless, shoot! It will go to the capital if we let it pass here! No matter what......"

"Captain! Breath is coming!"

"Shit! Deploy Magic Barrier!"

"It, it's no use! We can't fully bloc......gyaaaa!"

"Re, retre......gugyaaaaa!"


"What's the matter, Altra. In an awfully good mood today, aren't you"


"I see, I see! I'm also happy to be able to ride on your back after 300 years! Now then, leisurely going to the State's capital takes about 2 days huh. Let's have fun going, shall we"



¹: Onomatopoeia for the shivers or shudders


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