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Enter... The Bimboozler



Devin Dickie

I'm in LOVE! Seriously, how you came up with such an amazing villain... she is so well-defined. You are tremendous at "World-Building" such a creative character driven mind!


I don't really feel like I'm that creative on this one. I wanted to really play with the Bimbo and Bimboification tropes. And I just tried to draw the most bimbo-y bimbo I could draw. I half stole a Harley Quinn-ish design and tried to adapt it.

Devin Dickie

You did, but tastefully and in your own way that doesn't seem like a steal. or tacky. Seems like a solid Villain!!


The way I see it, everyone takes inspiration from other things, whether they know it or not. I was just a bit more aware of how heavily I was being "inspired" by other things on this one.

Robert B.

I remember George Lucas quoting once that there are only 32 plot lines in the world and every story is a derivative of those 32. I don't know if it's true but if it is everything is an "inspiration" of or to something else. As to Bimboozler, she's the Harley Quinn fanboys dream of.

Robert B.

Looks like it'll be an interesting comic, looking forward to it.