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Chp 2061: Where Did It Learn These Weird Habits?

Little Grass tied up both Lian Bingmeng and Mu Ziqi, and excitedly asked Ning Shu, "Master, can I whip them now?"

Ning Shu somehow felt that Little Grass had been corrupted by someone. Where did it learn these weird habits?

"Yue Shuangshuang, the battle is already over." Instructor Wen stood on top of his golden dragon and said to Ning Shu, "There are still people who have to compete after you."

"Oh..." Ning Shu told Little Grass to release the two.

Even though Instructor Wen was now speaking on behalf of her, Lian Bingmeng felt a sort of hatred for him in her heart. She had liked Instructor Wen, but he was biased towards Yue Shuangshuang.

All because Yue Shuangshuang was now powerful.

Since he didn’t care about her, there was no reason for her to be hung up over him.

"Yue Shuangshuang, I will never forget that you killed my summoned beast!" shouted Lian Bingmeng indignantly to Ning Shu. When released by the vines, she immediately picked up the pearl from the ground.

Just as Ning Shu was about to speak, she suddenly turned her head. There was a dense black mass heading towards their location from a distant location in the sky.

In addition, its speed was very fast. The black parts got bigger and bigger as milliseconds passed.

Instructor Wen also looked over there.

It soon flew above the academy, revealing that the mass was a group of griffins. An armored imperial guard stood on the back of every griffin.

"It's the Imperial Griffin Army..."

"What’s the Griffin Army coming to our academy for..."

The students discussed among themselves.

Ning Shu reacted immediately. The Griffin Army was the godly army and weapon under the control of Mu Ziqi's grandfather.

Ning Shu raised her head and looked at the person at the front of the Griffin Army. A man with a robust body and with a slightly graying beard stood on top of a huge bird.

The feathers that covered this bird were beautiful.

It looked like a much larger version of a peacock. It actually looked very similar to the summoned beast owned by Miss Mu, who had died in the man-eating forest, but was much stronger than Miss Mu's.

"Grandfather..." Mu Ziqi hurriedly shouted the moment he saw Marshal Mu. Mu Ziqi embarrassedly pulled on the tattered clothes on his body.

Marshal Mu lowered his head and saw the injuries on his grandson's body, "How did you end up reduced to such a pitiful state?"

Mu Ziqi lowered his head and said nothing.

"Marshal Mu, what are you doing at the summoning academy? You’ve even brought the Griffin Army. This is quite inappropriate." Instructor Wen stood on the golden dragon's head and said this gently.

"Instructor Wen, I'm going to have to bother you a little today. I'm here to seek justice for my deceased granddaughter." Marshal Mu spoke politely, but he wasn’t at all afraid of the summoning academy.

Instructor Wen's expression didn't change. "From what I understand, your granddaughter has already graduated from the summoning academy. What kind of justice could you find here now? Marshal Mu, although our summoning academy does not have a Griffin Army, we are not afraid of you."

If the summoning academy didn’t have powerful people backing it up, how could it have established itself in the empire?

Marshal Mu stroked his graying beard and said, "I only came here to arrest my granddaughter's murderer. I request for Instructor Wen to let us do so."

The nation’s commander-in-chief, a pillar of the empire, was speaking to Instructor Wen in a respectful manner.

Ning Shu's heart instantly had a bad premonition. Fuck, it couldn’t be that she’d been found out.

Strictly speaking, the eldest miss of the Mu family was killed by a man-eating tree. At most, she was just someone who saw her, didn’t save her, and looted Miss Mu’s wealth.

Instructor Wen asked, "And who is that?"

"Why don’t you come and tell us who it is?" Marshal Mu made a gesture with his hand, and an imperial guard escorted someone up.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2062: Only the Two of You Survived

As soon as Ning Shu looked, she saw it was Da Yong.

Da Yong was drenched in blood and had blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had been severely tortured.

The Mu family had actually found out about Da Yong.

Ning Shu secretly turned over all kinds of thoughts in her mind. She wanted to let Little Grass entangle Mu Ziqi, but in making such an unusual move, she’d put herself in an unfavorable situation.

"Look, is the person you talked about here?" Marshal Mu stroked his beard as he spoke to Da Yong.

Da Yong's gaze stopped on Ning Shu, "Master."

"Are you all right?" Ning Shu asked Da Yong.

Da Yong shook his head.

Marshal Mu said, "An entire group went to Fallen Mountain, but only the two of you survived. All of the precious valuables on my granddaughter were stolen. I went to your house to investigate. Your family was originally penniless, but I was actually able to find quite a few gold coins there."

Ning Shu’s expression changed, “What did you do to my parents?”

"They’ve been taken to the imperial prison." Marshal Mu said lightly, "If the gifted children of the Mu family dies, someone has to pay the price. Not only have they offended the nobles, but they’ve also assassinated nobles."

Blue veins popped out on Ning Shu's forehead. This storyline was really crappy. How come the Yue family still ended up implicated?

Back then when Yue Shuangshuang took a dagger and attacked Lian Bingmeng from behind, Yue Shuangshuang's family had also suffered consequences.

"Big Sister..." Little Bean ran up to the arena and in front of Ning Shu to shield her from danger. "Don’t even think about hurting my Big Sister."

Ning Shu tugged Little Bean behind her, and said with a cold expression, "I don't know what you guys are talking about. When Da Yong and I joined the mercenary team, we had to escort Miss Mu to Fallen Mountain’s Jade Waters Ice Pond to harvest the snow soul lotus.”

"Everyone was killed by the Mu family’s Elder Li as a sacrifice for that. We were treated as bait, so I made a prompt decision. I took Da Yong with me and ran away."

"Marshal, that's exactly what this mercenary said," the imperial guard said to Marshal Mu.

Marshal Mu said lightly, "But you returned to Fallen Mountain."

"No matter what, you have to pay for my granddaughter’s life." Marshal Mu said.

"Grandfather, was it really her who killed Big Sister?" Mu Ziqi looked at Ning Shu with red eyes. "Yue Shuangshuang, you really are vicious and merciless! My big sister didn't wrong you in any way, why would you kill her!?"

"I've already said that I didn't kill her." Ning Shu raised her chin. "In fact, it was you Mu family people who killed the mercenaries. If it wasn't for us running away so quickly, we'd already be poisoned to death by the big snake as a sacrifice for the Mu family."

"I don't have the capability to kill the miss of the Mu family at all. My family's gold coins are something I’ve earned by killing monsters." Ning Shu shouted loudly, "Without reliable evidence, how could you arrest my parents and put them in prison?"

“They were obviously arrested after a clear investigation. If you want evidence, it’ll naturally be given to you. Arrest her..." As soon as Marshal Mu waved his hand, the Griffin Army rushed towards Ning Shu.

Little Grass stretched out countless vines, entangling the Griffin Army.

Little Bean extended his fist and smashed it at an imperial guard, directly sending the guard flying.

The entire arena was covered with vines, so the imperial guards could not get near Ning Shu.

Ning Shu stood in mid-air and looked face-to-face at Marshal Mu. She coldly said, "What is the evidence that Marshal Mu talked about? If you can't come up with the evidence, there is no way I will allow myself to be arrested willingly."

"What you should be doing right now is proving that you are not the murderer, not asking this marshal for evidence." Marshal Mu stood on the back of the giant bird with his hands clasped behind his back.

Ning Shu: …The f*ck.

Prove her innocence. What difference was this from asking her to prove that she was Yue Shuangshuang and her name was Yue Shuangshuang?

If she was charged guilty of murder, she had to prove she was not guilty?

Shouldn’t they be trying to prove she was guilty instead?

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2063: Academy Head

Ning Shu was simply speechless. The Mu family was too tyrannical, they were purposefully looking for someone to just vent their anger on.

Why weren’t they talking about how the Mu family had killed so many mercenaries?

Little Grass tied up a lot of people and was having a lot of fun.

Little Bean beat back all the tall and strong imperial guards. Even though Little Bean’s size was small, those imperial guards were no match for him.

Instructor Wen stood on the dragon’s head, his gaze fixed on Little Bean. He didn’t make a single sound.

But his eyes were growing brighter and brighter.

Instructor Wen had yet to speak on the grudge between Ning Shu and the Mu family.

He didn’t judge who was right and who was wrong.

"Little Wen, I asked you to look after the academy. What are you doing right now? What is the Imperial Griffin Army doing here?" An old man in a robe appeared. This old man’s robe was filthy, who knew what had made those stains.

The old man looked quite wretched. He was already balding and his shiny bald forehead was greasy.

"Academy Head." The golden dragon lowered its head and Instructor Wen stepped off it, walking to the academy head.

"What's happening here?" The academy head rubbed his head. He ended up with a palm full of oil which he wiped on his robe.

Instructor Wen explained the entire situation.

The academy head stared at Little Bean, "That is pretty powerful."

"Academy Head, I think the opportunity has revealed itself. The brother and sister are cultivating Attacking Vital Energy. This Attacking Vital Energy is quite powerful. Summoners have reached their period of emergence—they will no longer have to depend on the protection of the summoned beast."

Instructor Wen stood beside the academy head, staring at the sister and brother.

"You want me to save them?" The academy head touched his head again, ended up with another handful of oil, and wanted to wipe it on Instructor Wen. Instructor Wen took a step back. "Teacher, I’m serious."

The academy head nodded and shouted to Marshal Mu, "Old Mu, what are you doing? You’ve come to my academy and have even brought so many people. You’re scaring my baby students."

"Old Luo, you also know that my granddaughter was killed. Don’t tell me you want to embarrass me?" Marshal Mu obviously had a good relationship with the academy head.

"Isn’t there no evidence to prove that she killed your granddaughter? Old Mu, each one of your children and grandchildren have their own lives to live. Don’t regress as you get older. You’ve even brought so many people, should I regard it as you pressuring the academy?" said the academy head.

"Old Luo, you can think of it like that." Marshal Mu said lightly with his hands clasped behind his back, “Members of the Mu family have hidden their outstanding brilliance for too long. People have forgotten the prestige of the Mu family. There are even some who dare to kill a member of the Mu family."

Ning Shu glanced at the nearly bald academy head and was a little astonished. Was this filthy and greasy academy head standing up for her?

Ning Shu glanced at Instructor Wen who nodded at her and gave her a reassuring look.

Ning Shu was a little unable to figure out the situation. Were the academy head and Instructor Wen planning to save her even at the risk of offending Marshal Mu?

Did the academy cherish its students this much?

No matter what each side’s purpose was, she had to first get through this hurdle.

"Old Luo, don’t tell me you’re opposing me for a commoner." Marshal Mu's expression was a little ugly.

"You can do whatever you like when you’re outside this academy. However, when you’re on academy grounds, if you just arrest one of my students like this, our summoning academy's reputation will lose its luster." said the old, partly bald man.

Lian Bingmeng who was watching from the side, saw that not only was Instructor Wen protecting Yue Shuangshuang, but the academy head was as well.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2064: You Can’t Shield a Murderer

Lian Bingmeng was indignant. She didn’t know what was happening with her pearl—she had no way to communicate with it and summon another summoned beast.

"Academy Head, even if Yue Shuangshuang is a student, you still can't shield a murderer." Lian Bingmeng said, looking at Ning Shu who was standing in mid-air. "With Yue Shuangshuang's ability, she could’ve killed Mu Ziqi's sister. "

"Yue Shuangshuang herself also said that Elder Li wanted to kill her at the time but she escaped. Yue Shuangshuang probably thus harbored resentment towards the Mu family’s miss, and wanted to take revenge. It makes perfect sense." Lian Bingmeng was now exceptionally full of hatred.

Ning Shu had caused her to lose control of the pearl.

Ning Shu rolled her eyes. "Just because you lost to me and are now resentful, you’re labelling me as a murderer? Lian Bingmeng, is it possible to be even more tasteless?"

"As I said, I didn’t kill Miss Mu." Ning Shu said lightly. "If you insist on accusing me with these charges, then I’ll have no choice but to fight for my life. There is no way I’ll let myself be captured without a fight."

"Yue Shuangshuang, I didn't think you were so vicious and merciless. Your confession to me failed, so you became resentful and killed my big sister." Mu Ziqi's eyes were red and bloodshot.

Ning Shu: …Nutjob.

Ning Shu facepalmed. She felt so helpless. They were the side of justice while she was the villain. Any random excuse they came up with was enough of a pretext for them to kill her.

"I was blinded by dogshit before to like a little pretty-boy like you." Ning Shu snorted disdainfully.

"Whack whack..." Little Grass swung its vine and whipped the entangled imperial guard.

As soon as Mu Ziqi heard this noise, his expression turned ashen. When he recalled the scene in which he was beaten up, his whole body hurt.

"Old Luo, you’re really not backing up a single inch?" Marshal Mu asked the partly bald old man with a heavy expression.

"Old Mu, in this matter, dead men tell no tales. No one knows how your granddaughter died. It's best to just let this matter be," said the old man.

"What if I won’t just let it be?"

"Today, and as long as she's on academy grounds, you guys can't take her away."

Marshal Mu laughed coldly, "Whatever. We don’t have to arrest her, all we have to do is punish her parents for her crime." Marshal Mu turned around and was about to fly away.

"Capture Mu Ziqi." Ning Shu said to Little Grass.

Little Grass stretched out its vines to entangle Mu Ziqi with lightning speed and dragged him over.

"You..." Marshal Mu's expression was furious. "Release Ziqi."

"I could release him, but you would have to exchange my parents for him." Ning Shu stepped on Mu Ziqi's body.

"If my parents suffer any injuries, Mu Ziqi will suffer the same." Ning Shu said in a stern voice.

Marshal Mu was someone who had woven across the battlefield countless times. He wasn’t frightened by Ning Shu, and said with a light expression, "Are you aware of what you are doing right now?"

"I know that you are the marshal of the empire. You can kill my family, but I might escape. I can come back stronger and take revenge on you. As long as you can't kill me, I will be like a fish bone stuck in your throat—you won’t be able to sleep or eat in peace." Ning Shu put on an inspiring and righteous facade, but was secretly thinking about how to keep the Yue family safe.

In the original storyline, the Yue family members had all died.

Ning Shu somehow felt like the storyline was trying to destroy her since it viewed her as an anomaly. That was why she had to face Marshal Mu now.

Marshal Mu was the pillar of the empire with millions of soldiers under his control.

Marshal Mu sneered. No one had ever spoken to him like that before.

"What would you even dare do to Ziqi? You can't even step out of the gate of the summoning academy." Marshal Mu narrowed his eyes, staring sharply at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu spread her hands in an unconcerned manner, "Then I won't step out."

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2065: Whip That Brat

“My parents are lowly commoners. Having the Mu family’s son be buried next to them is enough of an honor.” Ning Shu said. In her heart, she told Little Grass, “Whip that brat.”

Little Grass lifted its vine and whipped Mu Ziqi with a whack whack whack. The places where the vine whipped him ripped open more holes in his clothing.

Mu Ziqi clenched his teeth and endured the beating. He was too embarrassed to even cry out.

Why was it him again!? Mu Ziqi couldn’t even count the number of times this had already happened. It was extremely pathetic to be beaten in front of his grandfather with so many people watching.

Grandfather would be disappointed in him—he had lowered the prestige and honor of the Mu family.

Mu Ziqi was incredibly angry. This woman Yue Shuangshuang was doing this on purpose. She resented that he had rejected her confession, so was repeatedly humiliating him.

Mu Ziqi wanted to dig a hole and hide in it. He clenched his teeth tightly to hold on to his last bit of dignity.

Marshal Mu had a heavy expression and beckoned to the deputy general beside him. "Bring them over."

The deputy general sat on the griffin and flew away.

"Stop." Ning Shu said towards Little Grass.

Everyone was silent as the two sides confronted each other.

The partly bald academy head leaned in towards Instructor Wen. Instructor Wen took a step back and said gently, "Academy Head, you just came back from your travels. You should go wash up."

"This girlie’s personality is too intense. Is it really good to have her stay in the academy?" The academy head rubbed his head as he looked at Ning Shu.

"When desperate, a cornered dog will leap over a wall. If one doesn't have the spirit of resistance, how could they become powerful?" There were too many setbacks on the path of becoming powerful; unswerving determination was everything. Constantly compromising wouldn’t be able to solve a thing.

"Okay." The academy head wiped his hands on his robe.

Soon after, the Yue family's parents were brought over. Both of them had wounds on their bodies.

"Father, Mother..." Little Bean shouted to Father Yue and Mother Yue who were on griffins, biting his cheek tightly.

The deputy general grabbed Father Yue and Mother Yue off the griffin. When they landed, both Father Yue and Mother Yue were so in pain their faces contorted.

Their feet had been pierced by something, and there were several bloody splots about the size of a nail.

"Now let my grandson go." Marshal Mu said.

"Let my parents go first." Ning Shu’s expression was ice cold.

"Get over there." The deputy general kicked Father Yue and Mother Yue, causing them to fall to the ground.

Both of their feet had been injured terribly, so walking was painful.

Little Grass reached out its vine, entangled Yue Shuangshuang’s parents, and lifted them up to Ning Shu's side.

Ning Shu let go of Mu Ziqi and kicked him, "Get lost."

Marshal Mu pulled Mu Ziqi onto the giant bird, glanced at Ning Shu, and flew away.

Ning Shu let out a long breath.

"Thank you Academy Head, thank you Instructor Wen." Ning Shu thanked the two.

"The academy has a room for instructors. You should first settle your parents down, but we have something to discuss with you after." Instructor Wen said. He gave Ning Shu two bottles of medicine. "Take this and give it to your parents."

Ning Shu took the medicine. He was being this considerate. What did Instructor Wen want?

Ning Shu nodded in agreement and brought her injured parents to the academy’s room for instructors. She then fed them the medicine and cooked something up.

If they were in prison, they definitely couldn’t have eaten very well.

The family of four moved into the academy temporarily.

"Little Bean, look after our parents well. Big Sister’s going to go talk to the instructor." Ning Shu patted Little Bean on the shoulder.

Little Bean nodded heavily, "Big Sister, don't worry."

Ning Shu went to the academy head’s building and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2066: Had Such a Vulgar Appearance

When Ning Shu opened the door, she saw that the academy head and Instructor Wen were already inside.

The academy head had finally worn a clean white robe today, although his head was still extremely oily with only a few sparse strands of hair.

He had such a vulgar appearance.

Was this guy really the academy head?

"Academy Head, Instructor Wen." Ning Shu said, "Again, thank you for bravely stepping forward on my behalf."

Instructor Wen pointed to the chair, "Sit."

"Oh, thank you." Ning Shu quickly thought, it couldn’t be that he got interested in her body, right!?

"I wanted to ask what Attacking Vital Energy is?" asked Instructor Wen.

Ning Shu responded, “It's just a type of martial arts."

"Don’t lie to me. I've already told you, I know every martial arts that exists in the world, and there is no Attacking Vital Energy." Instructor Wen gently looked at Ning Shu, "Please tell me the truth."

"It's a kind of secret cultivation manual."

"So can I know the specific contents of this secret manual?" Instructor Wen looked at Ning Shu. "What about the golden dragan you released? I could feel that it wasn't a living creature."

"It’s the energy formed by cultivating Attacking Vital Energy," Ning Shu said.

"Yue Shuangshuang, could you teach this secret manual to students? That way, the academy can set up a specialized Attacking Vital Energy field of study," Instructor Wen said.

Ning Shu looked at Instructor Wen and asked, "Why should I?"

Instructor Wen was asking her to give up the secret manual in a roundabout way. To be fair though, this method of asking would easily convince many to accept his suggestion.

Instructor Wen said, "I meticulously study the world’s martial arts, hoping that summoners can become powerful just like their summoned beasts, instead of only relying on their summoned beasts for protection."

"My dream is for summoners being able to fight together with their summoned beasts."

"Your younger brother doesn't have a summoned beast, but with Attacking Vital Energy, he was still able to become very powerful. If summoners were to cultivate Attacking Vital Energy, they would become even stronger."

"Open up a specialized field of study for Attacking Vital Energy?" Ning Shu straightened her back, "Does that mean that I'll be an instructor?"

"Of course."

"Then okay." Ning Shu nodded in agreement. She then hesitantly asked, "What about the Mu family?"

"As long as you're with the academy, Old Man Mu can't harm you." The partly bald old man assured Ning Shu.

"Then can you tell me the contents of the secret manual now?" Instructor Wen's voice was eager. "I want to get to the bottom of what this martial skill is."

Ning Shu stood up, "Once I get home, I’ll go and write the secret manual."

"I’ll go with you." Instructor Wen also stood up.

Ning Shu glanced up and down at Instructor Wen, "You saved me because of this secret manual?"


"Thank you, Instructor." No matter how or why, the summoning academy had saved her. If the academy head and Instructor Wen weren’t there, it was likely that a giant battle would’ve been unavoidable, and she had no idea what would’ve happened to Father Yue and Mother Yue.

"Your secret manual concerns everyone," Instructor Wen said gently.

Ning Shu wrote out the secret manual and gave it to Instructor Wen. Instructor Wen studied it meticulously, and whenever he encountered something he couldn’t figure out, he asked Ning Shu about it.

Ning Shu stood at the side, watching Instructor Wen cultivate the Unsurpassable Martial Arts.

Instructor Wen soon began to feel energy. It was much faster than Ning Shu had anticipated.

Instructor Wen himself had a foundation in martial arts. While martial arts would normally toughen the body, the Unsurpassable Martial Arts would toughen both the bones and improve the body.

"It's indeed pretty powerful." Instructor Wen stopped cultivating and relaxed his form. "This way, summoners won’t have to watch their beasts from the sideline in future battles."

This was the problematic practice of summoners. While they would continuously strengthen and cultivate their own summoned beasts, they would neglect improving themselves.

"Of course." Ning Shu stretched, "Can I go now?

"Yes, you should prepare well, the Attacking Vital Energy course will start soon."

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2067: Instructor Yue

Instructor Wen wasn’t the only one cultivating the Unsurpassable Martial Arts. The partly bald old man also began to cultivate it.

The partly bald old man reached his oily hand out to shake Ning Shu’s, “Thank you, Instructor Yue.”

Ning Shu:  …

Ning Shu pulled her hand out of his grasp. When she saw that her hand was glistening from oil, she said, "Academy Head, you need to wash your head better."

The partly bald old man felt his head and said, “I don’t have much hair so it doesn’t really matter if I wash it or not.”

The Attacking Vital Energy course was quickly rolled out so that students could cultivate Attacking Vital Energy.

Ning Shu put on the instructor’s robe, and went into the classroom to see who’d shown up.

There were only two students—one was Little Bean and the other was Da Yong.

Ning Shu wasn’t really disappointed about this because she hadn’t had very high expectations. Although the Unsurpassable Martial Arts was powerful, it still wasn’t a mainstream martial arts skill that would attract the attention of respected summoners.

But Ning Shu also wasn’t worried. The future was long; there would be ample time to change its status.

Anyways, she was now an instructor at the summoning academy. This meant that every month, she’d get resources and a salary to provide for the Yue family.

Right now her relationship with the Mu family was really tense. Ning Shu didn't plan to exit the academy.

Ning Shu just instructed her younger brother and disciple.

For a very long time, Ning Shu didn’t have any new students.

The Mu family also informed students that anyone who joined the Attacking Vital Energy course would be considered by the entire Mu family as an enemy.

Hence, the Attacking Vital Energy course was completely deserted.

“Don’t worry, anything golden is bound to shine.” The partly bald academy head consoled Ning Shu as he reached out his oily hand to shake Ning Shu’s.

Ning Shu rolled her eyes and kept her hands behind her back.

Wretched old man.

“I’m not worried, Academy Head.” Ning Shu currently wasn’t worried at all about this situation. She had the protection of the summoning academy and could also cultivate.

“Good mindset, not bad, not bad.”

Ning Shu became an instructor, while on the other hand, Mu Ziqi dropped out of the summoning academy. After suffering such shame at Ning Shu’s hands, Mu Ziqi, with his arrogant personality, couldn't bear seeing Ning Shu be in such a high position.

Mu Ziqi returned to his family. He swore to become powerful and take revenge.

Not only did Mu Ziqi drop out, but Lian Bingmeng did as well. Although she’d gotten her pearl back, she never found a way to communicate with it, and also had no way to summon another powerful summoned beast.

This pearl was now useless.

However Lian Bingmeng, in any case, was a transmigrator. Her soul and spiritual consciousness were naturally quite powerful. Using the summoner's method, she managed to summon another summoned beast.

But the summoned beast she summoned was not as powerful as the summoned beasts the pearl had summoned. In addition, the pearl could summon many beasts.

She only had one summoned beast now.

Lian Bingmeng couldn't accept this drop in power.

Lian Bingmeng was always proud of how she had multiple very powerful summoned beasts. But now, she was no different from ordinary summoners.

Lian Bingmeng greatly regretted letting out her pearl. This kind of trump card shouldn’t be played even if she was facing death.

In actuality, Lian Bingmeng still had one powerful summoned beast left—White Tiger.

White Tiger was summoned into this world by the pearl and couldn’t return without it.

But Lian Bingmeng also couldn’t control White Tiger, causing her to be scared and on edge.

White Tiger’s goal was to obtain the pearl. At the time, Lian Bingmeng had tricked White Tiger over using it, thinking that she’d just use the pearl again to send him away when the time came.

Now this walking calamity was always with her. Every day, when she woke up, she’d see his white hair.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2068: Unbearable Drop in Status

If she still had a connection with the pearl, she’d definitely send White Tiger away.

Lian Bingmeng regretted summoning White Tiger and letting out her pearl.

Lian Bingmeng felt terrible. She had been kicked off from a position at the very height of supremacy where all looked up to her with reverence. This drastic drop in status was unbearable.

Lian Bingmeng also especially hated her summoned beast, so much so that she even purposefully killed it in hopes of summoning a more powerful one.

Having owned a dragon, a phoenix, White Tiger, and a myriad of similarly powerful summoned beasts, Lian Bingmeng looked down on weak ones.

Even a summoned beast like the fleshy winged dragon would be good.

Lian Bingmeng’s re-summoned summoned beast was relatively okay but Lian Bingmeng looked down upon it, especially since it wasn’t intelligent.

The difference between her current and previous summoned beasts was that of night and day.

Others placed more importance on cultivating their summoned beasts to become more powerful.

But Lian Bingmeng's starting point was too high, so she now lacked the patience to cultivate her summoned beast step by step.

The mercenary team—one with continent-shaking power— she had organized also disbanded.

It was actually disbanded by Lian Bingmeng herself. She was originally the leader of the team, but now had no powerful summoned beast or way to summon multiple beasts.

Rather than be questioned and humiliated by the other members, she felt that it'd be better to just disband the team.

The height of Lian Bingmeng’s starting point was now equal to the level of her embarrassment regarding her current situation, making it very difficult to bear.

What bothered Lian Bingmeng the most was the weak Yue Shuangshuang who had needed her protection, had become stronger and was now even an instructor of the academy.

Without the pearl, she couldn't catch up with Yue Shuangshuang. Helplessness and irritability filled Lian Bingmeng's heart.

Lian Bingmeng even went to the academy to yell at Ning Shu, saying that Ning Shu was a traitor and had betrayed their friendship.

Ning Shu directly simply ordered Little Grass to entangle Lian Bingmeng, and then threw her out of the academy.

What friendship?

Did Lian Bingmeng feel even the slightest bit of guilt when she spoke? She always made herself seem like the victim.

Ning Shu didn’t have patience or time to talk to Lian Bingmeng about these meaningless things.

Ning Shu was now focusing on teaching her younger brother. It was almost time again for the academy tournament. This time, the Attacking Vital Energy branch would participate.

Da Yong was a middle-aged man, so he couldn’t participate in the tournament. Additionally, Da Yong spent most of his time doing mercenary tasks.

Ning Shu was counting on Little Bean to popularize the Attacking Vital Energy course.

Little Bean now had abundant energy that had even begun to change color, though no one knew what kind of form Little Bean’s energy would take

Ning Shu stood beside Little Bean and watched him cultivate. Little Bean opened his eyes and Ning Shu quickly asked, "What form does your energy have?"

Little Bean's expression was a little strange, and he released his energy.

The energy was in the form of a mermaid holding a trident.

However, Little Bean’s energy had just formed. As such, the energy was very unstable and dissipated immediately.

"Not bad." Ning Shu patted Little Bean’s shoulder.

"Big Sister, what is that? Why isn't it a dragon?" Little Bean was quite envious of Ning Shu's golden dragon.

"Yours is more powerful compared to Big Sister’s, not weaker," Ning Shu said. "It's a bit like a Thunder Naga."

"The highest level of Attacking Vital Energy is to give life to the energy." Ning Shu could already feel that this energy could probably become a living creature.

So far, Ning Shu had not been able to make her dragon come alive. While it had intelligence, it was still developing in that direction.

"Could it become like a summoned beast?" Little Bean grabbed Ning Shu’s hand excitedly.

"Maybe. It’s possible it can turn into a living creature." Ning Shu said.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2069: Only Have One Student

Ning Shu was counting on Little Bean to make the Attacking Vital Energy course become a big hit. This way, the number of people who cultivated the Unsurpassable Martial Arts would increase, which would in turn increase her faith power.

When they got to the academy tournament, Ning Shu comforted the anxious Little Bean, “Don’t be nervous. You’re more powerful than all of them.”

Ning Shu wore the uniform for instructors, a white robe, and sat in the designated seats for instructors.

"You still want to participate in the tournament with only two students?" Instructor Wen, who sat beside her, gently asked Ning Shu.

Ning Shu stuck out her finger and wagged it, "No no, I only have one student."

"You're relying on just one person—Little Bean?" Instructor Wen couldn't help but laugh. "You're counting on Little Bean to battle everyone?"

Ning Shu slightly lifted her chin, "Of course."

“Let’s make a bet. If my little brother gets into the top 50, how about I pull off a few scales from your golden dragon?” Ning Shu asked Instructor Wen.

Little Grass had slept for some time after it absorbed the phoenix’s Nirvana flames. When it woke up, Little Grass had become a lot more powerful. It almost instantly stretched countless vines out and enveloped the entire academy.

Its intelligence also increased a lot.

Little Grass coveted the attribute type of Instructor Wen’s golden dragon.

The golden dragon was a metal-type summoned beast that had a powerful and destructive force.

"I naturally don't dare to look down upon Attacking Vital Energy. Plus, things like scales shouldn’t be bet on." Instructor Wen said lightly.

Ning Shu curled her lip, "Boring."

Little Grass floated near Ning Shu, and jabbered to her, "He's so stingy."

"It's his summoned beast. It's normal to not want to bet on it." Ning Shu didn't mind.

"Does your golden dragon shed off its skin?" Ning Shu then asked Instructor Wen.

Instructor Wen stared at the battle situation in the arena, and said gently, "What I have is a dragon, not a snake. It doesn't shed."

Ning Shu didn’t ask any more questions and instead stared at the arena. Little Bean would be going up next round.

"Next round, Yue Jun vs Zhou Tian."

Little Bean wore his uniform and entered the arena. His small face was serious, and he looked at Ning Shu. Ning Shu slightly smiled at Little Bean and nodded.

The battle started. Little Bean clenched his fist and fought against his opponent’s summoned beast.

"Haa, if a summoner cultivated Attacking Vital Energy, it'd be two against one. The odds of winning would increase by a lot." Instructor Wen saw that the summoner was just watching the battle from the side and couldn't help but sigh.

Summoners looked down on those who cultivated martial skills. This kind of idea was deeply ingrained in society and was difficult to change.

Little Bean didn’t even need to release his energy. He was able to defeat his opponent’s summoned beast just using his fists and legs.

"Yue Jun wins."

A smile emerged on Ning Shu’s face.

"Wonderful!" Ning Shu high-fived Little Bean.

"Very good." Instructor Wen praised Little Bean.

In the following rounds, Little Bean won steadily.

Ning Shu asked Instructor Wen, “Instructor, what level have you currently cultivated to?”

"I'm about to form the energy you've talked about." Instructor Wen grasped his fist and felt the force inside his body stirring agitatedly.

Ning Shu proudly laughed.“Little Bean’s energy has already formed into a shape. Age doesn’t necessarily determine one’s cultivation speed.”

"That's indeed true." Instructor Wen nodded in approval.

Ning Shu then asked, "Your golden dragon's scales don't ever fall off?"

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2070: Not Healthy

Instructor Wen glanced over at Ning Shu. "At the very least, I've never seen that happen."

“Tsk tsk tsk…” Ning Shu shook her head. “What’s the difference between that and the situation when our leg hair doesn’t fall off? Your golden dragon is not healthy.”

Instructor Wen:  …

Little Bean defeated his opponent and advanced to the top 200.

The tournament had ended for the day.

At this time, someone scuttled onto the arena, and yelled, "Yue Shuangshuang, if you have any ability, you'll accept my challenge!"

Ning Shu silently stared at Mu Ziqi. Whenever he was bored, he’d come over and challenge her. Did you think if you say you challenge someone then it’d automatically become a real challenge?

"Mu Ziqi, you're not even a student of the academy. Yet you still came here to challenge me, are you stupid?" Ning Shu said in an annoyed tone.

Mu Ziqi stood up in the arena and looked down upon Ning Shu, “So you’re telling me you don’t dare to accept my challenge?”

Ning Shu understood Mu Ziqi’s line of thinking, he just wanted to wash off his shame.

But what surprised Ning Shu was that Lian Bingmeng was with Mu Ziqi.

These two were together now?

Lian Bingmeng saw that Ning Shu was looking at her, and took a deep breath. "I came to ask you to return something."

"Do I owe you anything?" Ning Shu looked puzzled.

"You took my pearl. Please return it to me." Lian Bingmeng raised her chin to showcase an imposing manner, so as not to show weakness in front of Ning Shu.

"What’s wrong with you? Didn’t I already give your weird demon pearl back to you? Now you're asking for the pearl from me again? Lian Bingmeng, are you mentally ill?" Ning Shu said with a dark expression.

Lian Bingmeng's complexion was a little pale. It was difficult for her to stomach being scolded and called mentally ill in front of so many people.

She used to be the proud queen of mercenaries. If she could turn back time to before she had transmigrated, Lian Bingmeng would directly shoot Yue Shuangshuang dead. If it were changed to before when she was able to still summon powerful summoned beasts, she would directly have her phoenix spit fire and burn Yue Shuangshuang to ashes.

But now Lian Bingmeng understood that she was currently no match for Yue Shuangshuang.

"What you gave me was fake. You took the real one away." Lian Bingmeng just said whatever came to her mind, but unexpectedly she hit the nail on the mark.

Ning Shu sneered, "I've never seen your pearl before. I was standing in the arena. How would I have found the time to create a fake? If you want to slander someone, you should at least find a good reason. Otherwise, don’t blame me if I don’t bother being polite."

"Yue Shuangshuang, do you dare to accept my challenge or not?" Mu Ziqi shouted at Ning Shu.

Ning Shu rolled her eyes and said to Little Grass, "Whip that little brat."

Mu Ziqi immediately released his summoned beast. His luan bird had grown a lot bigger. It quickly spread its wings and flew into the air.

Little Grass stretched out its vines while the luan bird spit fire at Little Grass. However, since Little Grass had the capability of absorbing the energy of the Nirvana flames and could even bear the fires of the phoenix, it could easily deal with the luan bird.

The luan bird dodged a few of the vines at first, but soon there were vines everywhere, and it became entangled by them.

Mu Ziqi was pulled off the bird's back. Little Grass raised a vine and whipped Mu Ziqi's body with it.

Mu Ziqi was very embarrassed. He had cultivated his summoned beast to the best of his ability and regarded it as pretty powerful, yet he was still faced with this same old result.

Lian Bingmeng stared blankly as Mu Ziqi was whipped yet again. Why was Yue Shuangshuang so powerful?

"That’s enough." Ning Shu stopped Little Grass and looked at Mu Ziqi, whose entire body was battered and bruised. Mu Ziqi looked at Ning Shu with a gaze full of hatred and disgust.

Ning Shu never took this kind of powerless and resentful look to heart.

Ning Shu asked Little Grass to carry Mu Ziqi and Lian Bingmeng towards the Mu family’s courtyard.

Before, she’d been enduring his annoying actions, but now that Mu Ziqi came to provoke her, she’d finally found a good excuse to exact payback.

Ning Shu hovered above the Mu family courtyard. The Mu family’s courtyard was very large. Little Grass threw the two into the Mu family courtyard.

"Envelope the entire thing with your vines." Ning Shu said lightly.

"Okay..." Little Grass stretched out its endless vines.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho


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