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Chp 2051: So What if You Can Fly?

After Ning Shu and Lian Bingmeng's spears fractured into pieces, the two simultaneously threw down their spears and began to fight with their bare fists. Every punch was vicious and hit the mark.

Lian Bingmeng mobilized her internal energy while Ning Shu mobilized the energy in her dantian.

Lian Bingmeng was punched in the shoulder by Ning Shu and groaned. She felt as if her shoulder was about to break, half of her body was already completely numb.

Lian Bingmeng was secretly alarmed. She didn't expect Yue Shuangshuang to be so strong, Lian Bingmeng felt as if she was hit by a moving mountain.

Her blood began to stir with agitation from the bottom of her heart.

Lian Bingmeng suddenly jumped on her phoenix's back and flew into the air, "Yue Shuangshuang, your summoned beast has been entangled. Without it, what do you have?"

Ugh, she was making fun of the fact Ning Shu couldn’t fly, wasn’t she!

Ning Shu mobilized the energy in her body and directly floated in front of Lian Bingmeng.

She just flew up like that, without any other support.

Lian Bingmeng's pupils shrank. She almost asked Ning Shu how Ning Shu accomplished that.

There was an uproar in the audience. Summoners shouldn’t be able to fly without the help of a summoned beast.

Summoned beasts who could not fly were similarly unable to fly their masters.

Lian Bingmeng frowned and released her fleshy winged dragon. The adorable fleshy winged dragon roared and then transformed into a ferocious and gigantic dragon.

The dragon swung back its body and charged toward Ning Shu.

Ning Shu mobilized the energy in her dantian. A giant golden dragon slowly rose from behind Ning Shu, silently roared, and firmly slammed into Lian Bingmeng’s dragon that was rushing towards them.

The two dragons collided in front of the eyes and focus of countless audience members, producing an unbearable sound wave.

Some people covered their ears with pained expressions.

Instructor Wen abruptly stood up, his eyes lasering in on the golden dragon-shaped energy. He couldn't sense any aura of life from the gigantic golden dragon. Was it not a living creature?

The golden dragon and the fleshy winged dragon fought each other. The occasional dragon roar would hurt students in the audience.

This battle exceeded everyone's expectations. There was barely anyone present who could even get involved in a battle like this.

Instructor Wen sat down and didn’t stop the battle. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the golden dragon in the arena.

Lian Bingmeng was so dumbstruck she almost couldn’t move. She was in disbelief—what was with this gigantic dragon? Was it Yue Shuangshuang's summoned beast?

Lian Bingmeng felt an unprecedented sense of crisis and helpless panic.

How could Yue Shuangshuang be so powerful?

It was impossible.

Ning Shu could finally catch a breath and used this time to ask Little Grass, "How’s it going?"

Looking at the twisting vines below, Ning Shu couldn’t make out the situation and couldn’t help but be speechless.

"Master, wah waah..." Little Grass was so mad it started crying. "This guy is so horrible, so horrible! And also he smells so bad, so disgusting."

Ning Shu directly retrieved Little Grass. It transformed back into an ordinary blade of grass, floating beside Ning Shu.

The ghoul-faced magic vine stretched out its vines towards Ning Shu, but was blocked by Little Grass.

"So annoying." Little Grass's voice was especially angry, and it stretched enough vines to seemingly cover heaven and earth. Flowers blossomed in an instant on these vines.

The entire arena was like a sea of


Little Grass wrapped around the ghoul-faced magic vine, causing flower pollen to fall on the vines of the ghoul-faced magic vine.

Blades of wild grass actually started to grow on the ghoul-faced magic vine’s pitch-black vines. Its originally ugly ghoul face became even more contorted as if it could feel terrible pain.

More and more green grass continued to grow on it.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2052: An Indescribable Sense of Powerlessness

This was Little Grass’ parasite. Unexpectedly, it also had an impact on other plants.

Blades of grass grew all over the magic vine, sucking away its strength and causing the magic vine to get weaker.

As the magic vine’s master, Lian Bingmeng was the first to feel her summoned beast’s situation. She frowned tightly when she saw that her ghoul-faced magic vine was covered with blades of grass.

After some internal debate, she retrieved her ghoul-faced magic vine. If any more of its strength got sucked away, the ghoul-faced magic vine would’ve been completely absorbed and would thus inevitably die.

This ghoul-faced magic vine was summoned through the mysterious pearl. It was chosen specifically to combat and control Yue Shuangshuang's summoned beast.

Lian Bingmeng hadn’t expected her ghoul-faced magic vine to be unable to beat Yue Shuangshuang’s summoned beast.

There was an indescribable sense of powerlessness in Lian Bingmeng's heart.

She had already summoned her most powerful plant-type summoned beast. The ghoul-faced magic vine had a strong corroding attribute as well as a magical aura that could influence the wills of others.

Ning Shu's Little Grass had been cultivated through hard work, while Lian Bingmeng's ghoul-faced magic vine was already a very powerful summoned beast from the start. Hence, Lian Bingmeng never thought about cultivating her ghoul-faced magic vine.

After all, who knew how much higher its starting point was compared to Little Grass’s starting point.

Without the ghoul-faced magic vine bothering it, Little Grass’s situation became much more relaxed.

"Your master can’t float anymore. Make me a chair." The energy in Ning Shu’s dantian had already been taken away by the dragon-shaped energy, and now she had to get support in order to not fall.

"Okay..." Little Grass made a chair covered with flowers.

Ning Shu couldn’t help but feel that this little loli really liked to pretty itself up.

Ning Shu sat on the chair. She wanted to lie down, but with so many people watching, she had to maintain her image.

Ning Shu watched the dragon-shaped energy and fleshy winged dragon battle each other, and the two dragons almost destroyed the arena.

Little Grass stretched its numerous vines towards Lian Bingmeng. From the looks of it, it was trying to wrap the vines around Lian Bingmeng.

"Master, I’ll entangle her, and then slap her. Is that okay..." Little Grass's soft and cute voice sounded in Ning Shu's mind.

Ning Shu: Pfft...

Ning Shu nodded.

Lian Bingmeng's expression was ashen. The phoenix at her feet saw the vines reaching towards it and contempt flashed in its eyes, then it opened its mouth and spat out golden flames.

The flames of the phoenix were not the same as the flames of the luan bird. The flames of the phoenix could not be extinguished.

The vines were instantly burnt to a crisp by the golden flames, and Little Grass immediately retracted the vines it had been extending.

Ning Shu got up in shock and asked repeatedly, "Are you alright?"

"It hurts, it hurts..." Little Grass cried, "I can't absorb this kind of fire."

Absorb what, you would only be burned to ashes in an instant.

Little Grass cautiously and solemnly stretched out its vine and touched the raging and flaming Nirvana flames on the ground. As soon as it came in contact with it, it retracted its vines immediately. As soon as it touched the Nirvana flame with a vine, the vine would be roasted to ashes.

Little Grass continuously attempted to absorb the strength from the Nirvana flames, but the phoenix was

the essence of fire. The flames were not something Little Grass could absorb at all.

Seeing that the phoenix’s Nirvana flame could restrain the vines, Lian Bingmeng's facial color got much better.

There were now a lot more injuries on the fleshy winged dragon's body. With a swipe of the golden dragon's claws, there’d be a deep wound added to the fleshy-winged body.

Meanwhile, it was unknown what kind of monster the other dragon was. It was transparent and there was no way to injure it at all.

"Rooar..." The fleshy-winged dragon roared mournfully after a piece of flesh was torn off its body.

Dragon flesh fell to the ground, and Little Grass immediately took the dragon flesh for itself.

Lian Bingmeng felt heartache and retrieved the fleshy-winged dragon, then made the phoenix spit fire at the golden dragon.

Ning Shu directly withdrew the energy, and the dragon-shaped energy returned to her dantian.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2053: Who Are You?

The intense battle temporarily paused. Clusters of Nirvana flames raged in the area. Ning Shu sat on the flower chair, facing Lian Bingmeng, who was standing on the back of her phoenix, from a distance.

The two were silent.

The people in the audience were also silent. The battle just now surpassed their imagination and challenged their worldview.

Damn. When did summoned beasts get so powerful? When did summoners become able to hack at each other so fiercely?

Lian Bingmeng looked at Ning Shu with a complicated look in her eyes and asked, "Who are you? You aren’t Yue Shuangshuang."

"What are you talking about? Who am I if not Yue Shuangshuang?" Ning Shu put on a puzzled expression.

"Yue Shuangshuang wouldn’t be so powerful." Lian Bingmeng's eyes sharply inspected each inch of Ning Shu’s face.

Ning Shu's expression remained unchanged. "You can be powerful, so why can't I be powerful?"

"That’s different." Lian Bingmeng shook her head. She wasn’t the original Lian Bingmeng and she had been relying on the mysterious pearl’s power to summon powerful summoned beasts.

Did Yue Shuangshuang also find a treasure?

Lian Bingmeng felt that Ning Shu must have a treasure that could alter her destiny. If not, she must have had some other very lucky encounter.

Ning Shu picked a flower and smelled it, "How is it different?"

Lian Bingmeng smiled slightly and said lightly, "Although you are stronger than I thought, it’s naive of you to think that you can defeat me."

"I’ll defeat all of your tricks, no matter what they are." Ning Shu stood up. The winner had not yet been decided, they still had to fight.

Lian Bingmeng closed her eyes slightly and murmured, "White Tiger, please come out."

White Tiger? Ning Shu was momentarily stunned. This couldn’t be the White Tiger that was an ancient mythical beast right?

Ning Shu’s expression was alert. A man in silver clothes with snow-white hair nobly and proudly descended from the sky.

Standing there, he seemed like he could hold up a piece of the sky. An expert killer, the White Tiger’s body was full of a deep killing aura.

A human form summoned beast!

There was an uproar in the audience. Only the strongest summoned beasts could transform into a human form.

The boys' eyes were full of envy and jealousy, while the girls' eyes were full of stars. Not only was the summoned beast powerful, but it was also extremely handsome, exquisite, and charming.

White Tiger hovered in mid-air. His white hair did not make him look old in the least. Rather, his features were handsome and clearly defined, with an aura as if he was looking down on the whole world.

He turned his head to look at Lian Bingmeng, "Why did you call me out? You never do that."

White Tiger examined his surroundings before finally fixing his gaze on Ning Shu. Ning Shu instantly felt an intensely vicious and murderous aura burst forth that began to affect even her consciousness.

Ning Shu recited the heart-clearing chant in her heart. Coupled with the effect of the tranquility pill, Ning Shu didn’t get consumed by the evil aura.

Ning Shu:  …

What the hell, exactly how many summoned beasts did this girl have? She’s already revealed so many. Not only did she have a dragon, but also a phoenix. And now, she even had an ancient mythical beast.

Fudge, Ning Shu didn’t know if Lian Bingmeng would summon the Azure Dragon, the Black Tortoise, or something like that next.

What the hell was that pearl? Wasn’t it too powerful?

"My other summoned beasts are no match for her, so I had no choice but to summon you." Lian Bingmeng's face was a little red. She couldn’t lose, not with so many people watching.

White Tiger's white hair floated slightly, "I can help you, but you know the condition."

Lian Bingmeng's face turned grim. What kind of summoned beast was this? Why was it so full of itself?

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2054: White Tiger

Ning Shu listened to the conversation between these two people. So the White Tiger would only help Lian Bingmeng on a conditional basis?

"As long as you help me win the competition, I will do as you wish," said Lian Bingmeng.

White Tiger nodded, turned his head to look at Ning Shu, and stretched his hand out toward her. Ning Shu immediately felt as if her body was out of control, and she floated towards White Tiger.

Ning Shu gritted her teeth. Wasn’t it just an animal?

Ning Shu mobilized the energy in her body. The golden dragon high-spiritedly came out of Ning Shu's and rushed towards White Tiger.

White Tiger's expression was indifferent. Its expression did not change in the slightest from beginning to end.

Lian Bingmeng looked at the pitiful Ning Shu and couldn’t help but smile.

White Tiger was her most powerful summoned beast. It would definitely defeat Yue Shuangshuang.

"Master, what do we do now?" Little Grass asked Ning Shu. As long as that bird was around, it had no way to help her.

Little Grass had tried its best to absorb the flaming Nirvana flames on the ground, but as soon as its vine made contact with them, its vines would burn to ashes.

Fortunately, it had absorbed energy from the luan bird’s flames earlier, so it had a little immunity.

Ning Shu watched the battle between her golden energy and the White Tiger. The White Tiger was in a relaxed posture. It didn’t even transform into its original form and calmly held the tail of the dragon-formed energy in his hand.

No matter how hard the dragon-formed energy struggled, it couldn’t escape.

"Oh my god, so powerful..."

In the audience, there were peals of inhalation sounds. It was just a battle in the academy tournament, but it had evolved to an extremely high degree. Many academy instructors didn’t even have human-formed summoned beasts.

They couldn't tear their eyes off of the white-haired White Tiger. Their eyes were full of longing and thirst. Now, when they looked towards Lian Bingmeng, reverence filled their eyes.

Lian Bingmeng had reached heights that they couldn’t even hope for.

"Big Sister..." Little Bean clenched his fists tightly, eyes fixed on Ning Shu on the stage.

"Big Sister will be okay, right?" Little Bean tugged on Instructor Wen's clothes. "Help Big Sister, are you not her instructor?"

Instructor Wen had a gentle expression. "Sit down. I'll go up and stop the competition if something happens."

Instructor Wen narrowed his eyes as he watched the situation on stage. It was beyond his expectations.

Perhaps his goal of these past few years—making summoners powerful on their own—was about to be achieved.

Instructor Wen looked at Little Bean, whose face was incomparably taut with worry. "Is Attacking Vital Energy what you and your big sister are cultivating?"

"Yes." Little Bean was worried about his sister.

Ning Shu saw that the dragon-formed energy was falling into a disadvantageous position. As such, she took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the vine chair, and took out a spiritual essence crystal from her bag. She held it in the palm of her hand and started absorbing the spiritual energy contained in the crystal.

The terrifying amount of spiritual energy in the spiritual essence crystal rushed through Ning Shu’s meridians, causing her body to slightly tremble, and into her dantian.

It felt like countless sharp knives were scraping her dantian. However, they disappeared after circling around for a while.

Now with sufficient spiritual energy, the dragon-formed energy roared. Its golden color shone even brighter and its dragon scales became more vivid and lifelike. It looked like a genuine golden dragon.

The dragon-formed energy flicked off the White Tiger's hand at once, breaking free from his control.

White Tiger was a little surprised. He tilted his head and looked at the dragon-formed energy, "I wonder if you can produce intelligence?"

"Regardless, you must disappear now." White Tiger stretched out his hand, and an invisible force took control of the giant dragon.

White Tiger's hand clenched the air and the golden dragon-formed energy exploded with a bang. It turned into sparks of weak golden light before finally dying out.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2055: There’s Still Time to Admit Defeat

Ning Shu’s dragon-formed energy was effortlessly obliterated by White Tiger. She let out a groan and spurted out a mouth of blood.

Ning Shu’s gaze severely dimmed, Her dantian was heavily damaged and her ravaged meridians had become unbearably twisted and broken.

“Master…” Little Grass was so scared it started crying. Bursts of wood-type energy spread into Ning Shu’s broken body, slowly restoring it.

Lian Bingmeng sighed in relief after seeing Ning Shu spit blood. Yue Shuangshuang seemed so strong, and Lian Bingmeng had been nervous that Yue Shuangshuang would be unbeatable.

"Yue Shuangshuang, there's still time to admit defeat. I don't know if that dragon is your summoned beast or not, but it’s obliterated now. Plus, your vine can only disintegrate to ashes when facing my phoenix’s Nirvana flame."

"Master, she's too arrogant. I want to slap her to death!" Little Grass shouted loudly with its cute voice, the noise echoing in Ning Shu's heart.

"Calm down." Ning Shu said weakly.

Ning Shu looked at Lian Bingmeng. This girl was seriously overpowered.

Ning Shu didn’t want to give up, but she had no remaining methods to defeat Lian Bingmeng.

The only difference right now between Ning Shu and Yue Shuangshuang was that Ning Shu was at the start point, while Yue Shuangshuang was already at the endpoint of being crushed by Lian Bingmeng.


How could Lian Bingmeng be this strong?

Lian Bingmeng saw that Ning Shu wasn’t admitting defeat and slightly frowned. She felt on edge, did Yue Shuangshuan still have a trump card up her sleeve?

"It's best to admit defeat right now. It won’t be good for the next battle if we exhaust ourselves fighting until we’re on the brink of death," Lian Bingmeng said.

Ning Shu felt pain all over her body. Hearing Lian Bingmeng's words, she rolled her eyes. "I just like to stay in the arena. Why don’t you bite me?"

"I asked you to admit defeat for your own good, so you won’t suffer any irreversible injuries." Lian Bingmeng's expression remained unchanged, putting up a well-intentioned act.

Ning Shu's dantian was uncomfortably empty. She sat cross-legged and quickly cultivated the Unsurpassable Martial Arts. Unexpectedly, the spiritual energy around her whistled as it rushed towards Ning Shu. The spiritual energy turned into streams of water in her body and flowed into her dantian.

Ning Shu was startled for a second, what was happening?

Ning Shu's dantian was like a big pond flourishing with liquid spiritual energy. A golden-colored water dragon formed inside it.

The water dragon swam and jumped inside the spiritual lake.

It had transformed from being a gaseous mass to becoming more like liquid. Would it become a solid next time?

As the density grew, the spiritual energy concentration got thicker and thicker.

Was this an example of the phrase, “Without destruction, there can be no construction?”

Could this open up another way of cultivating the Unsurpassable Martial Arts?

"White Tiger, kill her!" Lian Bingmeng immediately shouted when she saw the formation of a spiritual energy hurricane around Ning Shu. Although Lian Bingmeng didn't know what was exactly happening with Ning Shu, it was definitely not a good thing.

A look of astonishment emerged on White Tiger's face. He slowly walked through the air toward Ning Shu. However, he didn’t immediately kill her, probably because he wanted to study what was happening.

Little Grass instantly stretched out countless vines, trying to entangle White Tiger.

"Nixy, spit fire." Lian Bingmeng lifted her foot and lightly stamped on the phoenix's back.

The phoenix immediately spat out golden flames at the vines, which burnt to ashes as soon as they came in contact with the Nirvana flames.

But Little Grass continued to diligently stretch out its vines towards White Tiger, trying to stop him.

In the end, the vines all burnt to ashes.

"Nixy, just directly burn that blade of grass to death." Lian Bingmeng stomped her feet with a sullen face.

"Lian Bingmeng, wait a minute." Instructor Wen stood up and said.

Lian Bingmeng's heart was filled with jealousy. She gritted her teeth with rage and said, "Spit fire!"

Lian Bingmeng had a hunch that Yue Shuangshuang would be a great enemy in the future. She had already forced out almost all of Lian Bingmeng’s trump cards.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2056: To Ashes

Yue Shuangshuang would only continue to get stronger in the future.

Who knew what she’d be able to become.

White Tiger walked through the air toward Ning Shu. Some vines wrapped around his ankle, but they were immediately crushed to dust.

Blazing Nirvana flames that the phoenix spat engulfed the entire arena and engulfed Little Grass.

Vines danced in the sea of

fire before finally turning into ashes.

White Tiger walked in front of Ning Shu, opened his mouth, and sucked all the spiritual energy surrounding her into his own body.

"White Tiger, kill her!" Lian Bingmeng shouted.

"Lian Bingmeng, this is only a competition. Don’t go too far." Instructor Wen released his own summoned beast, and a huge golden dragon covered the sky and earth in the academy.

Lian Bingmeng felt even more jealous. Why did the instructor always protect Yue Shuangshuang? What was so good about Yue Shuangshuang?

It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair at all!

White Tiger looked at the huge golden dragon. "Why is there another dragon?"

Were golden dragons popular this year?

White Tiger stretched out his hand and grasped Ning Shu's neck. A golden dragon stretched out from behind Ning Shu, but this dragon was made of water.

The dragon was not very big. It was about the length of a human and it bit White Tiger's wrist as soon as it came out.

White Tiger tried to crush the golden dragon with his other hand, but the golden dragon just turned into golden water droplets in one fell swoop, before quickly returning to its original state.

The golden dragon bit with all its strength and snapped White Tiger's wrist.

The White Tiger let out a roar and instantly turned into a huge white tiger.

In front of the huge white tiger, the golden dragon seemed very small. Maybe it was because it was made of water, but the golden dragon looked much more like a living creature. It even blinked its eyes, appearing very quick-witted.

The golden dragon charged toward the white tiger.

Ning Shu opened her eyes and saw the roaring flames in the arena. There was no trace of Little Grass.

Ning Shu's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly shouted in her heart, "Little Grass, where are you? Respond to me!"

But Little Grass's soft voice didn't appear.

Had it been burnt to ashes?

Ning Shu felt incomparable pain. There seemed to be buzzing in her head, and she looked at Lian Bingmeng with red eyes.

Lian Bingmeng raised her chin slightly. Ning Shu asked lightly, "You killed my summoned beast?"

"Well, it stretched its vines out on its own. Do you think I’d let it entangle me?" Lian Bingmeng knew very well that she’d basically be letting herself get slaughtered if she was entangled by the vines.

No one would let themselves be entangled.

Ning Shu walked towards Lian Bingmeng in the air. Lian Bingmeng saw Ning Shu’s cold expression, and her heart trembled. The phoenix at Lian Bingmeng's feet spat out flames toward Ning Shu.

Ning Shu avoided the fire with a leap and flew in front of Lian Bingmeng. In one movement, she was almost nose to nose with Lian Bingmeng.

Ning Shu suddenly stretched out her hand and dragged Lian Bingmeng off the phoenix’s back, causing her to fall onto the arena.

The phoenix was

Lian Bingmeng's summoned beast. As such, the Nirvana flames wouldn’t hurt her.

Lian Bingmeng immediately raised her head and saw Ning Shu standing on the back of her summoned beast. Lian Bingmeng hastily tried to withdraw her summoned beast.

Ning Shu squatted down, mobilized the energy in her dantian to her fist, raised it, and smashed her first into the phoenix's back.

"Chirp..." the phoenix cried out mournfully.

Punch after punch, Ning Shu smashed the phoenix's back, until its back was in bloody tatters.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2057: Blood for Blood

"Nixy, come back..." Lian Bingmeng shouted anxiously. She was so anxious that she burst into tears, she had no way to fly like Ning Shu.

Ning Shu pulled at the phoenix's feathers tightly, smashing its back with her fist.

The phoenix's cries grew weaker and weaker.

"Yue Shuangshuang, release her, or I won’t rest till you die!" Lian Bingmeng shouted at Ning Shu with all her energy, her voice full of deep hatred.

That was her comrade.

"White Tiger, White Tiger, hurry up and save Nixy!" Lian Bingmeng shouted.

White Tiger was entangled by the golden dragon. This water-type dragon was very difficult to get rid of. Even if he squeezed it to pieces, crushed it under his feet, or turned it into a pool of water, it would always recover.

"Lian Bingmeng, you killed my summoned beast, so I'll also kill your summoned beast." Ning Shu grabbed the bloodied skin of the phoenix, mobilized the energy in her body, and used all her strength to tear the phoenix into two halves.

"Chirp chirp..." The phoenix let out a mournful cry, blood spraying out. The blood of a phoenix was scorching hot, so as it fell from the sky it was like a rain of fire.

Ning Shu held half of the phoenix corpse in one hand. It was a terrifying sight.

"Ni… Nixy!" Lian Bingmeng shouted mournfully. "Yue Shuangshuang, I won’t rest until you die."

Ning Shu threw the phoenix corpse in her hand away. "If you don't rest till I die, then don’t rest. If you kill my summoned beast, I will also kill your summoned beast."

Lian Bingmeng’s face was pale and her entire body was trembling. With the death of the phoenix, the Nirvana flames in the arena began to slowly die out.

Ning Shu saw a little bundle of gray that was Little Grass. However much pain she had to endure, she would make sure that Lian Bingmeng suffered even more.

Lian Bingmeng picked up the broken sword from the ground and stabbed it at Ning Shu. Ning Shu released her energy and sent Lian Bingmeng flying back.

Lian Bingmeng fell onto the arena and coughed a few times in pain.

"Yue Shuangshuang! You killed my summoned beast, my comrade. We’re enemies that cannot live underneath the same sky." Lian Bingmeng closed her eyes and summoned a titan ape.

As soon as the titan ape roared, the entire arena trembled.

The titan ape had extraordinary strength and could move mountains.

"Kill her, smash her into paste." Lian Bingmeng shouted coldly. "Yue Shuangshuang, you need to pay the price."

The titan ape received its master's instructions and charged toward Ning Shu with its fist raised.

The titan ape was not only boundlessly strong but also incredibly fast.

While being watched by hundreds, Ning Shu lifted her own fist and rushed towards the titan ape as well.

As long as it was a body of blood and flesh, there was no such thing as being immune to pain. There was nothing that could not be beaten to death.

Ning Shu mobilized the energy in her body and slammed her fist right into the titan ape’s.

The moment their fists collided, the air fluctuated in waves. It seemed as if Ning Shu and the titan ape were frozen in place.

In the next moment, the titan ape flew up and fell to the ground with a thump, its fist limp.

The titan ape snarled at Ning Shu with red eyes.

Lian Bingmeng had a splitting headache, and shouted at White Tiger in a very dissatisfied manner, "Aren’t you being too half-hearted? If you kill this woman, I will give you the item you want."

The white tiger ignored the harassment of the golden dragon and charged toward Ning Shu with a roar.

People said the white tiger was a mythical beast, but in reality, it was just a high-level monster. Ning Shu formed the appropriate hand sign and started chanting the incarnation for the beast entrapment spell. For better or for worse, she had spent time in a cultivation plane before.

Speaking of which, it was quite embarrassing but it was Kelp-sama who taught her these tricks.

Ning Shu continuously formed different hand signs. It drained almost all of the spiritual energy in her dantian’s spirit lake, but she formed an invisible cage to trap the white tiger.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2058: This Is a Cultivation Technique

Before the change in her dantian, Ning Shu didn’t have enough spiritual energy to create the cage to trap the beast. In the cultivation plane, only those who were at the soul formation stage and above had enough spiritual energy to do that spell.

Trapped in an invisible cage, the white tiger was unable to escape and kept roaring.

"What are you doing, hurry up!" Lian Bingmeng shouted to the white tiger with an incomparably ugly spatial color.

Ning Shu continued forming hand signs and slowly started tightening the cage.

With no other choice, White Tiger could only transform into his human form. White Tiger looked at Ning Shu and sent her a voice transmission, "This is a cultivation technique."

Ning Shu did not speak.

Lian Bingmeng saw that White Tiger couldn't get out and gave Ning Shu a deep look. She then called out to Instructor Wen who was standing on the giant golden dragon's head, "I admit defeat."

Lian Bingmeng's affection for Instructor Wen had completely disappeared. He had only observed the match the entire time.

She needed a lover and comrade that could be entrusted to have her back, not someone like Instructor Wen.

"Yue Shuangshuang wins." Instructor Wen shouted.

Lian Bingmeng wanted to call back White Tiger but found that he could not come back at all. He had become controlled by Yue Shuangshuang.

Lian Bingmeng stared blankly at Ning Shu. How did she do it?.

She found more and more that she couldn't understand Yue Shuangshuang.

Was this still the Yue Shuangshuang from her memories?

"Yue Shuangshuang, I've already admitted defeat. What else do you want from me? Release White Tiger." Lian Bingmeng shouted at Ning Shu with a dark expression.

Ning Shu ignored Yue Shuangshuang. Her gaze was fixed on the bundle of black ash on the ring. She had felt a bit of movement.

Under Ning Shu's watch, tender green grass shoots grew out of the black ash, followed by a blade of grass.

Boundless joy arose in Ning Shu’s heart. Was this Little Grass?

"Is that you?" Ning Shu asked anxiously in her heart.

"Master..." The soft voice sounded, almost making Ning Shu's heart melt.

"You scared me to death." Ning Shu said in a stern voice. "Don't you know you should run if you're on fire?"

Little Grass drifted up to hover around Ning Shu.

"It’s alright as long as you’re okay, it's good that you’re okay." Ning Shu let out a long breath.

Lian Bingmeng looked at Little Grass who had come back from the dead with a shocked expression. Her face immediately turned ashen. "Yue Shuangshuang, you underhanded wretch! You had your summoned beast fake its own death."

"Isn't your summoned beast a phoenix? Can’t it just be reborn from its ashes?" Ning Shu said, not in the least bit concerned.

Although grass was ordinary, it was hardy and it was difficult to quench its life. Not even a wildfire could destroy grass, it would grow again when the spring breeze blows.

"Yue Shuangshuang, what kind of attitude is that? I'm going to kill you!" Lian Bingmeng's face was so angry it was ashen.

"The competition is already over. Do you still want to fight me?" Ning Shu said lightly.

Lian Bingmeng was so pissed at Ning Shu's attitude that her lungs were about to explode and her face turned blue. "Your summoned beast is alive, but my summoned beast is dead. I want you to pay for my summoned beast’s life. "

Lian Bingmeng glanced at the trapped White Tiger. This guy was not reliable at all. He’d acted like he just came along to play. If she didn't have what he wanted, this evil beast wouldn’t have paid any attention to her at all.

"My summoned beast survived by its own ability. Your summoned beast wasn’t able to survive. What does that have to do with me?" Ning Shu said irritatedly.

"Yue. Shuang. Shuang. Don't be too arrogant." Lian Bingmeng gritted her teeth, gnashing so hard that her gums bled.

She was in a state of confusion and disorder. There was no way to eliminate the resentment and anger in her heart.

Whether it was out of a desire to recover her reputation or because of the hostility between the two, Lian Bingmeng wanted to kill Ning Shu to ease the grief in her heart.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2059: Trump Card

"Yue Shuangshuang, I'm going to kill you." Lian Bingmeng's eyes were red. A pearl slowly rose from her head.

This pearl was blood-red and there seemed to be blood essence billowing inside it, fluctuating. When people looked at it they would be dazzled.

Lian Bingmeng placed almost all her hopes on this pearl. As long as someone was sucked into the pearl, they’d get lost inside and wouldn’t be able to escape.

This pearl could also help Lian Bingmeng summon powerful summoned beasts.

As soon as the pearl came out, the trapped White Tiger stared at the pearl intensely.

Ning Shu gazed at the pearl suspended above Lian Bingmeng's head. What was this pearl?

Lian Bingmeng was so eager to kill her that she had pulled out all her trump cards.

"Yue Shuangshuang, I didn't expect the two of us to walk this path. I sincerely treated you as a friend, but you actually mercilessly murdered my summoned beast." Lian Bingmeng said coldly.

Ning Shu didn't want to listen to Lian Bingmeng. In any case, Lian Bingmeng would always see herself as the victim and Ning Shu as the ungrateful traitor.

"Ning Shu." 2333's voice suddenly sounded in Ning Shu's mind.

Ning Shu was very surprised. Wasn’t 2333 perfecting its data, why did it suddenly appear?

"Have you finished perfecting your data?" Ning Shu alertedly kept an eye on Lian Bingmeng as she inwardly asked 2333.

"How is that possible?" 2333 irritatedly said. "The system space is about to explode right now."

"What happened?"

"The soul pearl exploded."

"Exploded!??" The little guy in Ning Shu's heart covered its head. "How could it explode?"

"Well, it’s more like it’s violently agitated. Right now, it's bouncing around in the system space like a marble." 2333 said.

Ning Shu: …

What had just happened without her knowledge...

Ning Shu asked carefully, "Did something happen?"

“Isn’t it just that it fancies that pearl?"

"What kind of pearl is this?" Ning Shu asked. Ning Shu immediately dodged the pearl when she saw Lian Bingmeng throw it toward her.

As soon as she got near the pearl, Ning Shu felt a huge suction force trying to absorb her whole being into it.

What the hell was this thing?

"What exactly is this?" Ning Shu asked anxiously.

"In this world, there are animals that can freely move across planes, such as the mouse you had seen before. There are also items that can freely move across planes, and in addition, have the capability to take something from a different plane and move it to this plane."

"This kind of thing can ignore any rules. Space barriers are nothing to it."

Ning Shu was dumbstruck. The frick, this world really had so many bizarre and reality-defying existences.

This nature-defying pearl was what brought all of Lian Bingmeng’s summoned beasts over to this world.

So why did this pearl acknowledge Lian Bingmeng as its owner?

Ning Shu didn't dare to get near the pearl, for fear that the pearl would capture her. Why was the soul pearl drooling over it?

"If you let me go, I’ll work with you to control this pearl. What do you think?" The trapped White Tiger suddenly said Ning Shu.

When Lian Bingmeng heard this, she was so angry her face contorted. White Tiger was her summoned beast, but it switched sides so quickly, embarrassing Lian Bingmeng.

Ning Shu ignored White Tiger. Little Grass stretched out its vine and secretly dragged away the phoenix's corpse, instantly absorbing the energy in it.

This destroyed all traces of the body.

Then Little Grass also stretched out its vines toward White Tiger, but was blocked. The beast entrapment spell trapped White Tiger, but it also prevented those on the outside from entering.

Ning Shu was being chased around everywhere by a pearl. She was afraid that Little Grass would be taken by the pearl, so she recalled Little Grass.

Translator: chiss

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho

Chp 2060: You Need to Sever the Spiritual Connection

Ning Shu anxiously asked 2333, "Is there any way to obtain this pearl?"

"You need to sever the spiritual connection between the owner and the pearl," 2333 said.

Fudge, how could she sever it?

Lian Bingmeng's expression was cold. The pitiful sight of Ning Shu being chased around like a fleeing mouse made her feel slightly better.

This was the first time she’d been in such a pitiful situation since she had transmigrated. This was all because of Yue Shuangshuang.

"Bingmeng, how are you doing?" Lian Bingmeng's teammates all came onto the arena and asked Lian Bingmeng worriedly.

The earlier battle was simply not something they could get involved in. Only now that the battle was over could they go down and see the battlefield situation.

Ning Shu took a deep breath. No matter what, she still had to try. Ning Shu released the golden dragon in her dantian.

As soon as the golden dragon came out, it opened its mouth, swallowed the pearl, and returned to Ning Shu's dantian.

The pearl floated in the spiritual lake in Ning Shu's dantian. Then, it actually began to gluttonously absorb the spiritual energy in her dantian.

Ning Shu: ...Shit.

At this absorption rate, no matter how much spiritual energy Ning Shu had, it would never be enough for the pearl.

It was simply like putting a disaster in her body.

Courting death!

"I'll take the pearl." 2333 said.


An indescribable force wrapped around the pearl which then disappeared at once.

"Ah..." Lian Bingmeng suddenly held her head, knelt on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood with a plop.

Her expression was incomparably pained and panicked.

She couldn't sense the existence of her pearl. Where did her pearl go?!

Without the pearl, how would she be able to summon beasts? What would she do?

Without the pearl, she’d instantly be beaten back to her original shape.

That couldn’t happen, it couldn’t.

"Lian Bingmeng, what's wrong with you?" Mu Ziqi asked Lian Bingmeng anxiously.

Lian Bingmeng couldn’t be bothered to even wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, she rushed toward Ning Shu with a sinister expression. "Yue Shuangshuang, return my pearl to me, it’s mine!"

"As if anyone wants your things." Ning Shu took out a pearl and threw it to Lian Bingmeng.

This pearl looked the exact same as Lian Bingmeng's previous pearl.

Ning Shu had finally found a benefit to having 2333— 2333 was good at making amazing imitations of objects.

Ning Shu didn't want to have to bother with Lian Bingmeng asking her for the pearl daily, so she just gave Lian Bingmeng a fake for her to play with.

Lian Bingmeng hurriedly caught the pearl and heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. The pearl was finally back in her hands.

Lian Bingmeng knew very clearly that all of her achievements were thanks to this pearl. Without it, there was no way for her to be so powerful.

It was just that the pearl didn’t have any spiritual connection with her now, meaning she had no way to command it.

"Lian Bingmeng, are you going to kill me now?" Ning Shu released Little Grass, which stretched out its vines to entangle Lian Bingmeng.

Lian Bingmeng was caught off guard and got tangled in the vines. The pearl in her hand fell to the ground and her expression immediately changed. She wanted to pick up the pearl, but was tied up and couldn't move a single inch.

"Yue Shuangshuang, you’re taking advantage of my difficult situation." Lian Bingmeng struggled as she shouted at Ning Shu. Her face was pale, and she bit her lip tightly as she looked towards Ning Shu with a stubborn expression.

Seeing that Lian Bingmeng was entangled, Mu Ziqi yelled at Ning Shu, "Yue Shuangshuang, let go of Lian Bingmeng or I’ll make you pay!"

"How are you going to make me pay?" Ning Shu's expression was indifferent.

Little Grass stretched out another vine and wrapped it around Mu Ziqi. Mu Ziqi's expression changed. He’d been tied up again—he didn't even want to count the number of times this had happened.

Translator: chiss

chiss’ comment: Overestimated him.. Thought he’d at least be able to count to 5

MTL Editor: Taconite

TLC: Kaho



Noooo! Not Little Grass!