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Whew! 12 hours of 3D modeling and I am done lol. I actually started at 6am cuz why not? So here is what I made for you guys: 

First I started with Duergar Despot. This is the first Duergar from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and you can find him in the MTOF folder under Duergar. 

Next I made my first Loxodon! Its a Loxodon Cleric of the Ancients. You can find him in the Ravnica folder. 

Then I made Dagon from H.P Lovecraft. You can find him in the Lovecraft Folder. 

Next I made a Clockwork Titan. I really love this guy :-D. You can find him in the C Folder - Clockworks. He's fully rigged if you want to pose him differently. 

Then I made an Animated Dwarven Armor. You can find him under A - Animated Objects - Animated Armor. 

Then things got... weird. I made the Beast from the Bushes of Love. Its based on the lyrics of this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RySHDUU2juM  

Yeah its horrifying lol

And finally I made  Blibdoolpoolp! 

Whew! Ok that's it for me. I'm shipping off to training tomorrow. I hope to get some time off down at Fort Bragg so I can model some more but we'll see. 

Wyrmlings, here are the links: 











Great sculpts Miguel!! Good to know you are a colleague 👨‍⚕️ Best of luck!

James P

Thanks for doing the Clockwork Titan, really wanted to see your take on that, looks great.