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Tomorrow during my marathon stream, at 9pm EST, I'm going to take a short break for an interview with 3D Sculpted Printed Minis, an up and coming 3D art channel. I originally put down 9am but the interviewer meant pm. I'm too used to military time lol. 

Anyway, so that will be tonight instead of this morning.  I'll be joining other 3D artists as we are interviewed about our experience with 3D modeling, printing, mini painting, and our future plans with this growing field. You can watch the stream here:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6BFVwFEZjepxGdRKGrb3Jg/live 

So come on over and check this out. But don't forget, starting at 630am EST on Twitch ( mz4250 - Twitch )I will be streaming my 3D modeling, with my primary source being the Request Board! Man tomorrow will be wild :-D 


3D Sculpted Printed Minis

A series of live broadcasts, where I sculpt away on new miniatures to be 3D printed, and used in tabletop roleplaying and war games!


Douglas Rector

Hmm that pic gives me an idea. Holiday elf warrior figs....