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I’ve just been reminded today that I have hater fans that are actively following my chat just to take screenshots to attempt to use against me without context. And that they are making the rounds in Discords and DMs.

Especially regarding this latest incident with a Furry: https://twitter.com/moekaki69/status/1634261009496940550?s=46&t=rLvKTnoYcG_aRnyyOiiXHg

So, let me take a minute to do what these nutters will never do. Actually show who I really am.

This particular person wanted to be a Furry Artist, so I supported them, and gave them advice. For free. Whenever requested. I even took the time, without being requested, to do private livestreams to show them basics they would need.

But nobody is going to say that. Nobody is going to point that out because nobody knows.

My commissioners know I try and go the extra mile for them. I often ADD THINGS for FREE, just because I think it’d be a cool easter egg or just for funsies.

So it BURNS MY ASS, that so many people are being fed crap about me and buying into it so easily.

I’m sorry- I keep my good will private. I did not KNOW I’d need to keep a FUCKING LIST of the nice things I try to do every day for people.

I’m sick of it. THIS right here, is why no artists want to talk to anyone or be supportive. THIS.

Guys and gals, I’m well aware that I under charge for commissions. I’ve known this for YEARS.

But I’ve ALWAYS tried to be fair to you all. So when you read this stuff. Please try and be fair to me.

Thank you.





Sad that you need to make so many screenshots today, to prove hat you are not the arsehole :( I just hope you will keep your spirit high. It is very hard often but worth to be positve in the end. I kow this sounds like a fortune cookie phrase but I allow me to say so, cause in my job I have to live through bad stuff everyday, but I will never stop doing it cause for me it is important :)

Dan White

Damn, that's fucknuts.