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Alright! I apologize for the extremely long delay, and my utter terribleness with keeping everyone informed here on Patreon!

So, first off: Commissions! I just completed a PRIVATE COMMISSION, resketched the next one and will be resketching it one more time! (I fumbled the ball on the last resketch!!!)

Also, I'm back to work on Game Design, and after taking a number of classes, am proud to report that my Anatomy and software understanding have increased ten fold!

Attached above, is Yoko's Final Design vs my last attempt! Her final design being the one on the right! I wanted a combinated of fluffy/straight!

You'll notice there are several angles shown of her face here. That's because I'm currently making an 8 way walk cycle of Yoko for the Adventure Game I'm building for her!

For those of you that have been keeping track: I've already written the game's script for the start of the game, but was having trouble finding a composer for the project, among other things. So GUESS WHAT- I'm taking classes on composing the music myself.

I'm also taking classes on using software to ANIMATE my 2D artwork more efficiently.

I know it's a lot- but I have to make this work!!!

Please continue to support me in my silly attempts and endeavors, and thank you all so much for sticking with me- despite my tendency to get dragged into community drama as I've tended to do these last three or so years.

I promise to get things back on track.

Thank you so much, again- for believing in me.





Eyyy you really took that "critique" to heart and slammed back with a "LIKE THIS?" The anatomy work is looking Hella nice on her walk sprite! And the consistency!!! You're really giving your all with learning to just do every aspect yourself. I aspire to get it all done too, so I recognize just how much work you're putting into this. Can't wait to see the results!


Wait- are we talking about a specific critique? I get a lot of them. 💩