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Every day at the shrine, inbetween folding 16 page Lotus Flower Origamis, I’ve been studying Topology and Skin Shaders.

Why? Because I want people to look at this game and say, “This has no right to look this good.”

And yesterday, before sitting down to try sketching either girls, I asked the Patreon Discord, “What style of HIPFC did you like best for Yoko?” And I got the same answer I usually get when I ask this question:

How Yoko looked, in 2017, when Cassandra was hiding under the desk.

So, last night when I got home, I found the closest anime character to Yoko that I could find appearance wise: Mari Kurihara (PRISON SCHOOL) and used her as a baseline for anime art rules I had to follow for the sake of Topology. (My faces can be random at times…)

Then I took 2017 Yoko and the latest version of Yoko and combined them to put together the best version of Yoko that I could think of.

Which you can now see here! Yoko was always meant to have bags under her eyes, but in the comic they ket coming and going because I kept making her look old by accident.

Basically Yoko had three rules, and I felt I could never get them all portrayed at the same time, visually. Ever.

1. She’s hot. Like, elegant and mature, hot.

2. She’s exhausted. Constantly tormented by failure/depression.

3. She’s tough, but appears fragile and weepy.

And apparently, 2017 Yoko was the closest to that. Other times she just looked like an Older Woman. 🙈

As for Cass. Well… Cass has always looked like Cass, I think. 😂

So she was never that hard. A small, noisy girl that has no idea what she’s doing with herself 99% of the time.

Anyway. I’ll keep working on this until the third.

At which point, when my free time comes around again I will drop this immediately until we’re all caught up for November!

Until then, thoughts on these? This is how the girls will look in 3D! 😤 And don’t worry about the eyes. I couldn’t find anyone to hire that knew how to do them… but I now know several different ways I can do them! 😤✊✊✊✊





I'm very excited to see the game and your characters in action. I know it may be a while before it's ready, but I'm excited anyways!