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So, during the mourning period leading up to the funeral, I am not allowed, per the family’s wishes:

To cut my hair, nails, have sex, etc. We’re pretty sure this involves drawing porn, posting it, etc.

The funeral will be on the second, so I’ll be able to resume work as usual on the third.

Normally, the mourning period is supposed to be FAR LONGER, but modern Taiwanese aren’t given the 49 days off that would be required.

The modern workplace also requires you to shave, and cut your nails because hygiene.

In the MEANTIME, I’ve been taking a 3D course for the one to two hours I’ve had off after manning the shrine all day and folding lotus origamis and dealing with… well, everything left behind.

There’s a lot to take care of… and somehow it’s all fallen to my wife and I, and her brother, to take care of it all.

So I’ll probably be here with her until either the end of December or February.

February seems most likely.

On top of that, the family dog, Sheba, has a tumor that they say gives her just three months to live. We learned this last night.

Not a good month.


On a positive note, after three days of a series of 10 minute courses, I’ve now learned why I hated UV Texturing for 3D models (I was doing it wrong), and how to make texturing something I’ll LOVE instead (doing it right)!


We’re off to bed soon. I just thought I’d update you all.



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