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Milly and Meryl were already tied up... but it seems they both need to learn an important lesson: There's just some guys you don't kick in the nuts.


So, I wanted some inspiration to do something yesterday, so I dropped a Twitter post and asked in Discord if anyone had any OLD SCHOOL WAIFUs that were ignored Tickle Art wise in the past.

I mostly did it to see what people would say... and APPARENTLY, a bunch of people remembered these two the most!

And I was reminded that I'm getting old because people think Kim Possible is OLD SCHOOL.


ANYWAY! I leave for Taiwan in a couple of days. Then when I get there I'll resume finishing the commissions I have due. I'M GONNA BE UNDER HOUSE ARREST FOR TWO WEEKS!!! (COVID)






hahah now this is brillaint - I certaintly haven't recalled any trigun characters getting the treatment anywhere... also is that from episode 1 maybe... haha certainly don't recall that scene but well done!


Yes! Milly is a secret pleasure of mine. I like seeing very tall girls getting it, and she’s got that cheery attitude to make it fun!