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Just writing to let you guys know: This house bullshit is almost done- and next week I’ll be in Taiwan.

When I get there I’ll get back to work! I’ll be confined to one room for two weeks anyway. You know: COVID.

All I’ve done since this house started going to shit is spent most of my waking hours on the phone, writing emails or supervising the house myself. I shouldn’t have had to do this, and will be posting an article complete with videos and photos after this home is done to show why you all should avoid this country wide company at all costs.

I’ll be posting it to the review sites like Yelp!, so don’t worry about your inboxes getting it like spam.

Anyway- I just got off of a call that started at 1120, and someone is LITERALLY STANDING HERE telling me what I can do when I get a minute.


I needed to take a minute to appropriately fill you guys and gals in since not everyone is in the Discord.




As someone who used to work carpentry and house building; just hearing the base level of this nightmare is bullshit. I don't know who the company is, but they sound like a bunch of clowns already!