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(Photo Taken in 2015, Christmas, while still overseas in the Military. I even remember exactly what I was thinking about: Absolutely fucking nothing.)

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the last few days, which is dangerous, I know! But all jokes aside, I’m about ready to go about explaining myself again, but in full... when the time comes.

I’m not sure what I’ve said in the past about the horrible situation I’ve really been in since graduating college in 2009. And I’m not going to get into specifics yet... but it looks like I’m finally looking at the end of that long hard road.

Let’s just say that I have every reason to be a greedy little dirtbag. In fact, to get out of this situation I really, REALLY should have been. Especially when commissioners are offering to pay me hundreds more than I deserve. I don’t like it and I’ve never accepted it.

I don’t accept charity. (Yoko was literally born from this concept, funny enough. What if someone wanted to pay all my problems away!)

But there are events in my life that have, as I have certainly mentioned, given me a fear/respect for... money. So anytime I consider doing anything specifically for money (such as making a VN or starting my own real tickling clip studio), I  eventually shut down and am unable to complete it.

And there are other events that have made me be unable to trust any individual I have ever met. I even trust my best friends much less than they deserve. But it wasn’t one event that did any of this. It was a long, almost laughable string of unfortunate events.

One such event was: someone of blood, pushed me out of a company so they could collect more money for themself. Knowing full well that I was dealing with this other big- money related issue.

It’s really funny. I could write a drama about certain events that have happened in my life- and that shit would be good, dramatic TV. 

I shit you not. Some of the things that have happened, as you may have seen attached to my Pocahontas pic I posted when I left service, are the kinds of things that make you think: “Real people don’t do that.” But you’d be surprised by how depraved, sneaky and petty people really can be.

Especially good, close friends... or even blood.

Which apparently may be why my health has finally gone to shit. I was a dumb, sweet kid. Now I’m a bitter, productive shit.

Regardless, the reason I haven’t and still won’t get into specifics is that I still hate charity. I’m not here to squeeze any money out of anyone. I’m here to create. That’s all I want to do. I want to create and share that with people. With no real end game.

I have no plans where there’s an end goal. I wanna make comics. I wanna make games and have a studio and live with my wife. And just keep doing those things until I kick the bucket.

That’s it. I’m a simple fucking guy. I don’t need no expensive car or big mansion. Just a normal fucking house I‘ll get like everyone else that can even manage to get one.

So in 2020, when the dust is cleared and the weight comes off my chest, I’ll finally explain in 100% detail what I’ve been doing and what I’ve been fighting.

Then I’ll probably take a week off and... cele-fucking-brate.

After that: We’re back to business as usual. But... maybe my work will be better? Or maybe it’s true that your best work only comes from suffering?

I’m actually low-key excited to find out.

Cheers! 8)



Knight of the Round

I’m going to keep this short, no pity, no charity. Just let us know when you are finally free of this mess, so all your supporters here can have a cele-fucking-bratory drink with you! Or at the very least I’ll be toasting to your liberation! Happy new year and the best to you.

Chad Frasemer

The new year is a good way to start fresh and new. Don’t let life keep you down. Cheers Mike! :)


I can believe that you've been through a lot of things from people that fall into the "real people don't do that" category. That's been my experience in life too, and it's one of those bittersweet things of where I'm glad when people can't believe it, because it means they haven't had to suffer it. You don't owe anyone explanations, but if you do decide to elaborate on your struggles; do it in your own time. When you're ready, and when you feel like it benefits you to actually share it. There's no shame in creating and charging for your efforts, but I also.... sympathize with that too. Anyway, congratulations on seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I hope that it comes sooner than later!! And thank you for sharing your creations with us as you have been. :) 2020 is going to be a much better year!!


Been there as well. Like Knight said, I'll keep it short and sweet; I appreciate what you do beyond financial compensation, you seem like a super legitimate dude who just wants to live life. You earned it, keep it up and enjoy the celebration!


Also I had no idea you had even *more* ideas than you do now, it never ceases to surprise me. Looking forward to whatever you try next!


As the expression goes "Those closest to us hurt us the most" Cynical, but it makes sense. A betrayal from some one close stings more than a betrayal from a stranger or acquaintance. Regardless, I'm sorry life has thrown so many challenges and obstacles your way. And that people have been shits to you. I hope the new year brings better fortune, friends, and family your way!