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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It's not much, but I've completed a demo of Yoko on the Island where the game takes place.


Hold Shift = Run

W,A,S,D = Directions



Some notes: I'm trying to build this game for your average PC - so I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible.

- Currently you are only able to explore the Island. (There are currently no easter eggs on the Island to find.)

- The houses on the island are modular assets that will be replaced with Taverns and houses that can be explored (If story relevant). 

- The main castle will be at the base of the massive mountain Peak, directly across from the beach.

- I have also created a temporary invisible wall along the beach. This will later be a dock/pier.

- Yoko is unarmed. I have removed any weapons from the game.

- Why? Because I hate their stock animations I have.

- I will be replacing all of Yoko's animations and making some that are more feminine for her.

- Wind and physics are active and the trees and plants move with it.

- I hate the grass, and have better grass and trees now, for more of a WIND WAKER look. But I'm having troubles getting them to function properly with the wind and physics. Fixing this is my next focus.

- All hair is working off of physics, which is troublesome, so it will glitch.

- Yoko's breasts and ass are also working off of physics. Her ass appears to glitch upon inspection and I will figure out how to fix this.

- Cassandra is also complete, with kitty ears and tail, but not yet in the Unity Engine. 

- The New girl "Wild" is also complete with a fresh new pair of boots! She is also not in the engine just yet.

- All weapons and scabbards are also complete.

DOWNLOAD: -----> MAC & WINDOWS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/78611ye8sfjguyb/AAD-xy2pDIJRZ-PXcSlZWd9ma?dl=0





Andrew Martinez

Huuuuuuhhhh????? no -_-' I just just think she looks cute and cant wait to try out the download after work


Cool! Also merry Christmas Eve!


Merry Christmas! dude!XD


I’m so excited for this!!!


nice! so this is mostly prof of concept correct?


Yes! Sort of! I mean- I’m still gonna do a demo with more of the real mechanics. But this is to show that I’m actually figuring the stuff out!!

Moekaki (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 22:50:35 Thank you!!! >8)
2019-12-27 05:36:07 Thank you!!! >8)

Thank you!!! >8)