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Uh...  Minami? Are you ok? What are you doing, Minami? Why would you want  someone to look at you with a wicked gaze, Minami? What's going on here?  And Tsutsui is pretty cute. Maybe we'll see her again later. ^.^/





"Hmmm. I wonder how Vegeta and Trunks are doing?" *zips over* "NOTICE ME!" "NOOOOO!!!"

Curious Sellsword

Yesss, class rep! (If I remember right 😅) I love her.


Can't wait to see what happens nex


Yes, all the yes!

HazardQueen (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 23:19:08 Already commented on dA, but I just thought of something that'd be quite funny-- but undoubtedly humiliating to poor Cass. :P I'm imagining her trying to sneak a picture of Minami's foot with her phone, what with how directed at her it is. And I'm imagining it going horribly wrong when she realizes too late the flash is on~ Whatever you do next, I'm loving how everyone's catching onto her fetish now <3 A teased Cassandra is my favorite, and the more the merrier!
2017-07-01 00:13:31 Already commented on dA, but I just thought of something that'd be quite funny-- but undoubtedly humiliating to poor Cass. :P I'm imagining her trying to sneak a picture of Minami's foot with her phone, what with how directed at her it is. And I'm imagining it going horribly wrong when she realizes too late the flash is on~ Whatever you do next, I'm loving how everyone's catching onto her fetish now <3 A teased Cassandra is my favorite, and the more the merrier!

Already commented on dA, but I just thought of something that'd be quite funny-- but undoubtedly humiliating to poor Cass. :P I'm imagining her trying to sneak a picture of Minami's foot with her phone, what with how directed at her it is. And I'm imagining it going horribly wrong when she realizes too late the flash is on~ Whatever you do next, I'm loving how everyone's catching onto her fetish now <3 A teased Cassandra is my favorite, and the more the merrier!