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It's  ON! I guess! I dunno what the Principal has planned, but obviously he's  going to try and make our Heroine as miserable as possible until she...  well, opens her legs for him. A total shitbag, this one. Here's to  hoping he gets fucked up in the worst possible way for trying to take  advantage of a student under his care. And for those of you that don't  get it: What the principal said is basically shitbag adult speak for:  "I'm going to fuck you up in a way that nobody else could possibly  perceive wrongdoing." Saw it a lot in the military. Happening to a lot  of people. Best way to beat it? Be smarter than that guy! And to be  honest, talking from experience: It's really NOT HARD at all, to be  smarter than that guy. They always, ALWAYS hang themselves. Guys like  this didn't like me- and I got a huge kick out of it.

You just gotta keep your anger in check 110%.

(I'm extremely PROUD about how these last few strips came out. Yiiiissssssssss.)





Haha definitely accurate statement on the politics people play in service. The world's funny how you have such similar experiences in places you don't expect. Love the comic


Thank you! Yeah... so much petty shit goes on there. But it's hard to look at it as the joke it is when people doing it have actual power over you. Which in service is uh... everyone! ^.^;