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Hi there,  

What we’ve all been waiting for, the renewed edition of Editor is readily available on Steam and the activation keys are being sent out.

As promised, those who purchased any previous version can download and install this version with the Steam activation key. So if you already own it, don’t click on ‘buy’, but look forward to receiving the key via email instead.  

If you don’t happen to find the email until November 1st, then it might have ended up in your junk folder, so check it out first. 

We might have sent it to an older email address you don’t already use or don’t have access to anymore. In this case please write an email to mate.voros@dynamicdungeons.com and we’ll send you the activation key in reply.  

If you haven’t purchased Editor before, then you can try this one out before buying it if you choose and download the demo version on the Steam page of the application for free.  

Known issues: 

- Currently we are facing problems with M1 chip MacBooks, but we're working on a fix

- Video looping is not perfectly seamless on Mac (unfortunately this is the weakness of the Unity video player on OSX), but we’re already working on it to fix it.

- Drag’n drop on the application from an outside source (for example file explorer) doesn’t work on Mac.

- Some of the .animation files made for the a previous edition don’t work here.

- There are only a few particle effects and VFX available in the software, and the 3d model support is still in an experimental phase, but you’ll have more soon here on Patreon and on Steam. If I add new items later to the default DLC, they will be automatically updated for you in the library.

- The public Unity project file that lets you create your own effects called ‘prefabs’ is not ready yet, but it will be available in the upcoming months.  

As stated before, our priority was not the new features, but stability. Yesterday I had the final test during an eight-hour game and the editor did its job without any problems. After all, my goal was to create a modern software with opportunities to progress. 

All the updates are still to be released for free, and the direction of further development will be decided together with you all. 

You might want to read the HELP page in order to make yourself familiar with all the new features of Editor.

Follow these steps to activate your copy of Editor on Steam:

  • Launch the Steam client software and log into your Steam account.
  • Click the Games menu option at the top of the Steam client.
  • Choose Activate a Product on Steam…
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

In case you detect an error in the software then you can fill out a bug report here.

Thank you for your continued support!


Timothy Young

Got my key and am already rebuilding my current campaign! The software feels great so far; I can't wait to try it out on Friday :D


do we also have 2 licenses as on the previous one? or how does it work this time? or do we get 2 steam keys?


No, one key to rule them all. If you are logged in to a computer with your Steam account, you’ll be able to play. It’s possible to be logged in on multiple computers at once.


*excited little girl noises*


I have been looking forward to this.


In theory, we have sent out the keys to everyone who have purchased any previous version. If you haven’t received it then it might have ended up in your junk folder, so check it out first. If you don’t find it, contact us on mate.voros@dynamicdungeons.com and we’ll send you the activation key in reply.


love the new steam version is so much smoother. Will there be more Particle and Props made available?


Why do I have demo written across the maps?


I'm really enjoying the stability of the new software but there a TON of little annoyances that i'm surprised made it though testing. A few suggestions after playing with this for 15 minutes. On the bottom of the screen it always says "Dynamic dungeons editor" If you have a scene that is under those words, you cannot click it, delete, it or move to or from that square. Also, when you zoom out to see all of your grid, it doesn't save that setting so every time you move in and out of a scene you have have to zoom out again to see the entire grid. When dragging a scene to a new square, creating a copy isn't what I would expect. I would expect the scene to move to the new square. Is there a place where we should send things like this to you for improvement? I would love to help suggest QoL improvements


It should not be demo, please fill out the bug report form if only the demo is available for you.


Does anyone know how to zoom in on a map you're working on? Everything that I'm loading in is super tiny


I didn't know it wasn't backwards compatible. I have dozens of map packs in the old format and now I can't use ANY of them without remaking them? Is there any way you can patch in backwards compatibility with old versions? Edit: I can't even use the software anymore. When I go to the story screen, I'm brought to a blank page where it's blank and no ability to add more pages to even import maps. This thing has a LONG way to go, and is definitely far from stable. At present, my only option is to have both programs open and try to redo my work screen by screen.


I think i figured it out! Settings > Default prop scale


Loading a bg from the library: Alt + drag to load es background, normal drag will bring it to the scene as a prop. Scale a prop to the desired size and click on the “set as default scale”. All new props will get that scale value. Or you can set a higher default prop scale value in settings.


Unfortunately it could not be compatible with the stories of the old version. About the problem of the story view, send a bug report with more details and a screenshot, because I cannot reproduce the error you wrote


Fantastic Work! I can't wait to put the new tool to use.


I cannot get it to run on my extended tv screen. The old editor works fine but when I click "Play Story" it does not do anything on the extended monitor. I have it set as "Player monitor ID:2" under the "Application Settings" as 2 is the extended TV display but nothing loads on that extended screen. I have spent hours trying to get it to work but to no avail. Please let me know what I can try next. Thanks!


Fill out a bug report and we can help you find the solution. I could not reproduce the problem.


having some issues on my Mac with it. I assume it's a bug, but it won't let me create or open a story


So at this point there is no way to rotate the imported backgrounds?


We have the same background flip options, find it above the “below grid” button on the background panel.


So having an issue with the new editor. I can import images as backgrounds fine, but when i import video files (i.e. dynamic dungeons video's) they come up as a black screen with a white border, nothing more. Tried a few different videos of different sizes and same result. Tried plugging in a second display and hitting play, but the second screen also comes up black. The same videos work fine on the old player. Not sure whats going wrong

Eric Layton

I loaded Steam and followed the instructions to enter the key I received in my email. After launching it's in a demo mode...I can only project for a couple seconds, have "demo" across the screens and can't use the fog of war. If I look in my "licenses and product key activations" in Steam, "Dynamic Dungeons Editor" is listed. Not sure how to fix this. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling a few times, but now I think I'll wait for a fix.


Please fill out a bug report form and send the log files and a picture, please, so we can investigate this issue on your end.


This issue came up for several users, we’re investigating the problem. Please fill out the bug report form and send us the log files.


Hello, I was wondering how you guys organise your game on the editor ? If I have a big session, with a tavern, and then, a forest, and then a graveyard, and then a journey on a boat (and everytime, with more than one battle map) do you create one big DD bundle story, with all of the above ? Or you chose to make a bundle for the tavern, then another for the forest, etc etc... ? Thank you for your tips !


Update: I apologize, I can confirm that a Demo version was accidentally downloaded for Mac users. This bug has been fixed, refreshing the software on Steam solves this problem, but we still have issues with the default assets that don’t show up in the library on Mac.


Are there actually tokens / particles / props to insert them into the maps? If I insert a map with Alt and Drag / Drop, can I also zoom in? Is it possible to work on the map without the players who see the second screen being unable to see what I am doing?


Also Just curious how one goes about getting old exclusives? is there a time frame for them to become available, can I buy them? or is it just bad luck at this point?


when can we expect the promised original application with all the bugs fixed. ? This would be useful to know to determine if I keep my old campaigns or if I should just rebuild them from scratch.


Unable to use. Can't make a new story or load a story. Error. Unable to load DLL 'StandaloneFileBrowser': the specified module could not be found. Bug report filled out. Mac, M1, OS 12.0.1


We have some unreleased fixes for the previous version but that version have some weaknesses that can not be improved. I was focusing on the renewed version and I also have problems with the coder who worked on the old Editor. I’m looking for someone who is familiar with harman (adobe) air, actionscript and starling, but can’t really find anyone. This is the reason of the delay.


In addition to bug reports, I think you should add a feature request page. I agree with some of the earlier comments that there are some annoyances. that being said, there are many good things about the new version. For sure, the ability to expand the story board and ability to run this on multiple machines. I haven't played with the props too much yet. I did notice some of my props/backgrounds being resized ..... I am going to try to reproduce more systematically to identify the trigger but that is annoying. Also, with the other version, I could edit a different screen than I was playing. I haven't figured out how to do this yet. Also, seeing the name of the loaded story would be simple request. All in all, a solid effot but it is not quite there yet. Looking forward to seing prompt regular updates....


Also, it seems that when you exit without saving it still saves the changes. Look at the times on the files. It updates with any changes even if you do not save it. Edit - The issue seems to be there is no exit without saving from within the player. So the only way to exit without saving is to close the entire app.


Any update on the M1 fix?


Hi, I submitted a bug report for the following; I cannot get it to run on my extended tv screen connected via HDMI (50 Inch 4K Smart LED Roku TV ). The old editor works fine but when I click "Play Story" on the new version it does not do anything on the extended monitor. Nothing appears on the TV extended screen. I have it set as "Player monitor ID:2" under the "Application Settings" as 2 is the extended TV display but nothing loads on that extended screen. I also emailed you the player.log file that has a bunch of errors in it. Thanks.


Yeah, player isn't working on my end as well. It did work on an old machine that had the player already installed? No idea, if anyone finds a solution, it would be much appreciated. I uninstalled and re-installed twice.


Already did


How do I load my old stories? It says error, corrupted save file.


Is it going to be in the future? I have hours and hours of time put into those maps.


No, I’m sorry Unity is a completely different environment and I’m afraid it’s impossible to make the stories compatible.


Congratulations! We plan to try it out this weekend! Also, you should seriously consider making stuff for Shotguns and Sorcery. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/forbeck/shotguns-and-sorcery-for-5e


Great to see a new update! Can't wait for new particle effects, will the old ones make a return? Always loved a nice fire wall ;) Keep up the good work, it's looking great!


When I do prepare properly I usually have logical things in one DD, for example: A tavern can be next to a forest, so I'll add a few forest maps and the tavern it self, most of the times I'll add night and day versions so I'll end up with 6-9 maps combined in 1 story. Gives me the flexibility to quickly change, if the party runs towards another piece of land, but still have the editor run smoothly. Talking about the old editor though, will have to see how the new one deals :)


I love the prospect of this being on steam. One feature that that the original had that the new Steam version does not is a masking editor for the grids. This was an essential function for me! Am I missing it?


I use to change the tint (color) of the animated props… it’s seems that this feature has vanished in the steam version… will it reappear ?

Eric Layton

I can't seem to get Fog of War to work. Anyone having any luck with that?


Would you consider making a prop pack? Just of various props like maps, swords, anvils, and other fantasy stuff! It'd really add to the atmosphere of my maps.

Clarisse Shepard

I'm pretty sure I had the editor before, but I have not received a key email :(

zachary kolvoord

Im liking the new software, but using it on mac, and I see a Dynamic Dungeons Editor Demo water mark, I bought the old software and downloaded the new one using the code you emailed me. How can I get rid of the demo water mark?


Is there an animated token patreon that works with DD?


Will all of the assets from the original program work with this application? Backgrounds, png prop files, animations? Is there a default user location we need to use to put backgrounds, props, effects? What is the default prop size that would correlate with a 40 or 50 inch grid?


Thanks, there are endless possibilities with the new Unity particle and VFX engine. We'll frequently release new particle effects, and the best will be when finally anyone who knows something about unity will be able to make their own. We are working on that.


the truth is, so many things came up in the last stages of development that I was happy to finally release the app, even if a few things were left out, like grid masking. it's on the list to get it back.


Gotcha! Appreciate the answer. The old editor still works for me. Thank you for developing this. I love using it at the table and my players love it.


Any fixes for those of us that can't get the player screen to work?


Will Animation and particle from your previous works, work with this?


I have a similar problem one of laptop… already filled a bug report form.


Anyone know how to get the props that have been released in the past with the new steam editor?


yep same boat, and not in the junk mail, been waiting >.< (sent you an email already)


I have a crazy question. I have a PC, can I use Steam Link App on an iPad connected to a TV in order to use the iPad at the table in lieu of a laptop? I guess I could just try it out myself but I wasn't sure if someone had already done it. I know with a video adaptor some programs can dictate what shows up on the second monitor instead of just mirroring the iPad.


Can't get screen to play either on 2nd screen. Nothing happens when I hit play button. Other than that I'm liking this new version. But I just can't use it yet with my players. Is there a fix?


Player can't detect second screen??? Any ideas? I'm running MacBook air

Ashia Vain!

Can you export maps made in this to Foundry VTT?


Anyone else having problems with using a second computer? I make maps on my desktop but play them on a laptop. And the program seems to point to locations on my desktop harddrive causing errors, so I have to recreate all the maps on my laptop. In the old version everything just worked, admittedly with fewer features. I like all the features the new program has but it's unusable for me if I have to create maps only on the computer that plays them.


This issue is still outstanding and we have not gotten an update on it. I am having the same issue.


Yep. That's happened to me.


With the new version, did the ability to quickly navigate between maps using the arrow keys go away?


Steam version is completely unusable in play. Does not open anything on the secondary screen.


I'm having same problem with second screen not working. About over it now. Was trying to be patient with this but it's been long enough... since November.


Did you try to put "2" in the settings, and restart the app ?


Did you try to change the number of the screen in the settings ? change it from 1 to 2, and restart DD. (Worked for me after being annoyed a lot).


It works for most of us. As Sibylline suggested, you should set the monitor id to "2" and restart the app. The monitor should be connected when you launch the app. If you need more help, contact Mate on mate.voros@dynamicdungeons.com


I think I tried that back in Nov. I'll give it another shot tonight.


"2" has always been in the settings, unless I changed it to try different numbers. It seems that the new patch for the DD has resolve the screen issue, but now I still have another issue that makes it unusable. When I open DD, it immediately takes up over 2 gigs of memory, and loading a DD video files displays like a static image, instead of a video.


To give some background, I have been using DD since before version 3 came out, and I had no problems initially playing entire stories, with no lag in the video. After some patches were released, the secondary screen stopped working entirely, including the Steam version. Now this Steam version is completely unusable.


Any update on the second screen not showing anything?


No. I tried changing screen numbers . It was already on 2. But I switched them around to see if that would help. I emailed my pc specs so maybe that's the issue.


I sent them all the files months ago and never heard back. Nothing appears on the 2nd monitor. It would be nice if we got an update or status.


I just updated my driver's, now the 2nd screen is working!!


This is still not working on my 2nd monitor (50" tv) even though the old one works fine. I am upgrading to Windows 11 on my main display which is a laptop to see if that resolves the issue. 3/18/22 Update - Windows 11 did not resolve the issue.


So I tried it again last night, and Steam said it had updated it, and now it is working. Not sure what fixed it.


After reopening a saved game on my windows laptop everything (except the thumbnails) goes to black? Is this a Steam or DDE thing? (and does anyone know how to solve this? ;)) Love working with this DDE by the way!


There is a known issue in the current version which is related to the settings. The "GM only" function about prop visibility is malfunctioning. Till the fix comes, try to set it to all, save the story and restart the app. It should fix the problem. If not, send me the project by email to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com for examination.


Is there a way to rotate a background from like portrait to landscape? When I drag a background on like a prop there isn't a set as background option like there is in the tutorial video.