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Hi there, I hope these two fall-themed forest encounter maps will catch your fancy. There are never enough of these general encounter scenes and I welcome your ideas on what else to come.

I used some in-season colors and I’m quite positive about the river, too. 

Night versions are included as usual. In the next month, I'll add an intact and ruined bridge and campsite props that fit the theme and can be placed anywhere on the map. 

Editor status report: 

Stay tuned if you have bought any previous version of the Editor: You will receive an activation key by email in the coming days, by the end of the month.

Download link:


Thank you for your continued support!




I'm CG and I can't access these, for some reason. Nothing shows up on the Google Drive.


Love to see this "normal" scenery that can be used is so many different ways and be reused again and again, love the work !


Thank you, I agree, I will continue to make these kind of versatile locations in various themes in addition to the specific ones.


Tamas, you work is great and appreciated more than you know. The only suggestion if you are looking for input is to make maps that are along the same themes as some of the new Dungeons & Dragons source books and adventures that have come out. I know these maps are used for all types of games but D&D is probably the most known and popular in general and how most gamers start. Just food for thought.


That's the way like it : Versatille locations :) Thank you for your beautiful work. My friends and I are enjoying playing on it a lot !


That is so beautiful and appreciated! More autumn please!


Thanks Lou, I’m glad you like it. It was a lot of fun to make these, so there will be a sequel.


I agree with this too, I'm trying to keep the balance between general and adventure specific scenes. There will also be a poll soon.

Rob Leonard

Wow, such great maps and nice ambience SFX. I agree with the others...very versatile and I really appreciate that. One bit of feedback though...the crow squawking is going to get annoying very quickly when looping this. Please consider making "annoying" SFX like crows, dogs barking, etc. more of a muted background SFX instead of having them louder and in the foreground of the scene.


Thanks for the feedback. In the new editor you will be able to mute the sound of the background video, and use custom ambient sounds. Although there won't be too many sounds in the first version yet, but I’ll expand the default sound library.


If the new editor allows custom sounds. Then I’d say leave the unseen animal sounds as optional add ins and seen ones more towards the back of the soundscape(muted).

Rob Leonard

Thanks for the response. That works great for those using your editor, but I'm using FoundryVTT.


As usual awesome stuff! Any news on the New Editor?

Rob Leonard

Indeed I can. But what I'm trying to get across is that "annoying" sounds like that really get on everyone's nerves when you loop the scene. Imagine listening to a baby crying, or a dog barking, mosquitos/flies buzzing, or in this case a crow, for 10+ minutes. I'm suggesting that it is better to either not put those in, or have them much more muted like they're in the distance. That's my feedback, and I thank you for any consideration you might give it. :)


Thanks! Yes, the activation keys will be sent out this weekend. Before the email is sent you can expect to be notified again with a new patreon post.


Awesome i am mega excited for this


The email said 6 new maps, I only counted 4, was that a typo or did I miss something? I see forest_day, forest_creek_day, and the 2 night versions for them. Thanks and can't wait for the new editor!


I think the email notification that Patreon sends about a new release is mentioning the number of cover images of this post.


Were the bridge and campsite props loaded?


I just love these - beautiful.