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Hi there,  

I'm getting a lot of messages about the Editor, so I thought I’d summarize the major points about the current situation and my plans for the future.  First of all, I’m thankful for everyone who’s supporting the development of Editor and for those forwarding bugs and errors to me - these are of tremendous help in order to make Editor the best thing possible. 

Unfortunately, the corrections didn’t go at the pace I required because the programmer I worked with couldn’t dedicate enough time to it. So it became obvious that these things need to be changed.  

After months of research and prep, I appointed a team of programmers to develop a cooler and more modern version of Editor. As a result of this, a new software is under construction, which will keep all advantages and get rid of all hindrances of its former self. 

This software will be free for everyone who purchased a previous edition of the software. 

This is not just a vague concept for the future since it’s already 95% finished and beta tests are yet to be performed this week. The final product will be available for everyone at the end of September.  

New Editor is being developed in Unity, which is great because it’s a modern system with the latest technology available, thus it will dramatically increase user experience, performance, and stability. Moreover, a special 3D particle system will be implemented that will provide a wide range of variety, and in future updates of the program, it will be possible to use real 3d props. 

The software will be available for download and install via Steam. This way updates and DLCs will be easily accessible and our community will be able to share self-made content, effects, and animations. Those who already purchased the latest or a former version of Editor will get an activation key, which can let them download and install New Editor for free.  

As for the current version, I’m trying to get the programmer to correct the remaining errors and thus 3.4.5 is still going to be around, but the new features we planned and you recommended will only be available in New Editor. 

Thanks for your patience and support - I hope New Editor will live up to its expectations. 

The software is already quite promising in its current form, and I’m ecstatic to see how you like it. 

Till then, happy gaming and take care!




How do I get a replacement license key? My original license key was lost in a system upgrade. I’ve emailed you about this and received no response. The login page at herokuapp does not recognize my PayPal address either.

Eric Layton

Awesome news! With this version be Mac compatible as well? Thanks!


This looks amazing, I’m so excited for this. I’m hoping Mac will still be supported!


Holy fuck! Thank you! Can't wait for the new editor! Edit: I am curious about the beta tests! Keep us updated :D


You should hear from him, I have always received a response.




I will help with testing if you wish


This looks great, can’t wait :)


This sounds amazing!


Fantastic! Any thoughts on the ability to mirror and rotate maps within the editor?


Will previous DD stories be compatible?


Are you able to release an assets pack so we can modify your existing maps? I.e trees , water effects (stream, puddles etc), rocks, mushrooms etc ?


Thank you for this great update


Unity! Does that mean there will be a Linux build available? (For that matter, Unity can also compile for web, though I'm not sure how well that would work.)


Outstanding news! Thanks for this update. I enjoy using the current editor for our sessions. Can’t wait to use the new version. I’d love to test as well. Will send mail


Very exciting news


Will I be able to load maps that are larger than the visible screen and pan around exposing the whole map?


Yes, it’ll work like this. Fow and props stick to the map, there won’t be resolution limit.


Pc and Mac versions are coming, but I plan to make a poll to determine the further updates and new features, including compatibility with different platforms.


Super exciting news. I'd love to see Real time changeable/ movable/ reveal props. Thank you for working on this, keep the maps coming!


YEAH !!! Can't wait ! It looks amazing.


This is great news! can't wait!


Awesome! The old editor has been a pain in some ways 😁


This Looks great! The current windows version has been a challenge. My players and I look forward to this whole new program for the windows OS.


Looks great! The old editor has beena challenge


Been a follower for a long time and I’m super excited for this overhauled editor!


This work looks amazing! Thanks for your dedication to the project! Looking forward to getting the new editor. Will for sure make my sessions even easier to run!


Like having to open the program three times before it will work...


It feels a bit like Christmas is early this year: at end of september to be precise! :) Looking forward to this upgrade!


End of September is coming soon... that's super great !


Will the new editor be able to load already prepared stories with the current version ? BTW many many for the awesome work !


i am so hype for the new editor! it will be fun to test it like 1 week after release in real time to my players :D


is it the end of September yet?


Wake me up when September ends.


are we there yet? *repeatsinbartsimpsonvoice50timesinarow* :D


it would be also nice if u can make a text field for the Initiative Tracker


Looks great! I hope you will make a release on Linux too.


yah, looking forward to this >.<


Due to Corona we didn't meet for over a year. Now, in October, finally, we'll start again. Will the new editor be out soon? I need to brief our DM in it's usage...


Expecting greatest. :)


Can I please help with testing?!?!


Where can I get those tiles to the right of the original pic?


HI when can i get the code for this?


Hi Sosay, The software is not part of the patronage, you can try out the demo or buy it for 30 USD. The app is in constant development and the future updates are included in the price. All media players can play the videomaps, my software is not necessary, but it offers the advantage of playing videos with quad and hex grids, coloring, fog of war settings, props, tokens and particle effects. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1694430/Dynamic_Dungeons_Editor/