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The adventurers are exploring the ruins of an ancient village, which was flooded by a putrid swamp a century ago. Not only is it unpredictable terrain, but blood-sucking pests and venomous spiders are also making travelers’ advancement more difficult. 

Yet there is an even bigger threat lurking at them during their journey through the stifling mists before they can behold the ruins of a church which once was. 

The heroes must be having a good reason to come here and bother the sunken tombstones of the churchyard, but this is something you need to figure out Almighty Master of Dungeons. However, I'm thrilled to read some ideas in the comments.

Two locations made it into this package: in the first one you can have an exciting encounter among some abandoned cottages, and the second one is the ruins of the church, with graves deluged by murky swamp water. 

A simple but versatile plain marsh playmat was made as an exclusive map, which could be perfect for a random encounter. I will send it to all of you in private who support all three map-packs.

 (If you haven’t already, now you can switch on to support all three map-packs in order to receive the exclusive content at the beginning of next month.) Don't miss them,  they're coming your way with a similar style, yet modular - with props and animation files so you can build your own swamp map.

Download link:


Thank you for your continued support!




I love these static maps, can we get them with a grid?


You can find the gridless static versions in the STATIC subfolder, and apply your custom hex or quad grid over it using the free version of the Dynamic Dungeons Editor. Once you're done with the grid (and grid masking if it's necessary) you can export the final image using the Editor's screenshot creator. (Top right corner in the scene editor)


I see that now and I am trying that, problem is that your program is crashing a lot and I have to task manager end it and restart often. If you guys wanted to do some troubleshooting sometime with me to see if you can make this better I would be all for it :)


What is the size of the screen you are using ?!!


Sure, but it should not crash, we’ll help you find out what could be the problem on your end.

Timothy Mcgaha

If I just signed up for all 3 map packs will I still get the other or will it only be from here on.


As long as you got the membership you should have everything of that tier, no matter how far back.


I've tested both this and one of the town maps (webM on Foundry) and it goes black for a moment at the end of the video before it starts back