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There are these cozy little towns, without any threat lurking in the shadows, where travelers can find rest and only die of boredom. Everybody needs a place of peace. If you want, Smallpond is nothing more than this. 

Mind you, however, that things never stay the same for long, and sometimes they are not even what they appear to be. Our tranquil town might be stressed by inner conflicts, or should be protected from an outside source which set an eye on its wealth. Maybe the nearby lake is not just a simple duck-pond and the namesake of the town, but a crater of a meteorite? Or what’s that eerie light coming from the shrine beside the chapel?

My plan was to leave enough playing area on the map and to make each location work independently, as well. I feel I could do it and I’m super happy with the result. I hope you like it, too. 

These maps also fit the style of the Windmill and Limping Fox Inn locations. 

Three different maps got into this recent pack - and as usual: both in day and night versions. One of them (titled ‘Wheat Field by the Pond’ which leads our travelers to the village) is an exclusive map, so I’ll send it in a private message to all of you who support all three creations. 

Write it in the comment section below if you would like me to create some other streets leading into Smallpond, or if I should rather focus on the interior of the houses, or let it go and look for a new topic. (I make a note of every idea you mention and aim to put them in practice sooner or later.)

Download link: 


Thank you for your continued support! 




I like the idea of interiors, but I wonder if they could all be pictured at the same time? It's less arduous to go between 1 inside map and the outdoor ones, from the perspective of managing a VTT. For example, with the still images, I would simply combine them and use walls to limit player vision. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to merge webm files in a similar manner.

Gerald Valentine

The webm versions of the maps don't seem to have the background sound encoded into them. Is that on purpose?


Can you make all buildings on all maps with interiors, and just have the roofs be placable objects? Then you're just making one map, a few roofs as props, and folks can open and close buildings as needed. If so, for tall buildings maybe you could even make whole levels as props, so they can be placed as players move up or down in the building. I guess if you did that then one could just place that over the roof to create interiors...


Of course, I was thinking about this, but in the perspective I use, the walls are not just lines, so they would hide areas of the interior. It could be possible if I would use a non-perspective top-down view, but in this case, roofs would be simple rectangles, and that wouldn't look good, but I'll try to make the interiors as props that can be pulled to some of the houses of these maps. I also plan to make some basic shapes of interiors that can be dressed up with furniture and can be used as props or be loaded into another scene.


A very cool and useful addition to the map library. They don't all need to be high drama :)


Just wondering but why are the webm version all gridless?


The webm versions are for online VTTs like Foundry or Astral erc where you can apply custom grid.


Nice! Could you do a Winter version?


Any amount of small village will see immadiate use in our games! More streets, especially, but interiors as well, would be very much welcome! I love the waterside one with the abundance of plants giving opportunity for many unique ambushes. Superb!


Actually I can't find that one amongst the downloads. Is that a monthly reward, or what's going on?


Would be awesome if there was a shadowfell version of these. Would be a nice extension of shadowfell for a CoS campaign.


The screen you have up, is it multiple screens pated together to get a larger view?


Would be awesome if we actually got responses to posts. New maps don't help me when the program is broke because files for the Dungeon player can not be found in the update pack. I've been waiting a week now for a response.


I’m sorry, where did you post about the player’s problem? Please contact me via a Patreon message or fill out the bug report form. (All bug reports are recorded and if it’s an issue that we can reproduce, or comes up for others as well, it will be fixed.)


DM'd you on the 13th, along with error quote, sir. Been updating my comment/post on the latest update's posting. not really sure where else I should have directed my problem. Thanks for addressing me, hopefully you can help me resolve this


Hi, i sended pm message for info. I’m already subsceived patron and already downloaded editor.


The town center night gridless turns black the last few seconds, makes the loop super annoying

The Artist H

More maps leading to Small Pond please! Beautiful work as always.


What size TV is in this picture? - I have a 25" x 41" TV and I am thinking of reducing.


I could be blind, but I can't find the map with the meadow and the bridge (over the stream). Is it in another location? I'd like to use that but I don't see it anywhere within the download link. Thx for your hard work!


Yup, same here. Please re-uploud this and thank you for your awesome work!


Do the tv have a touch function? If so wich model do you have?


Would love the map with the small wooden bridge! It is missing from all the folders! Great work as always :)


Can I still get the missing map or is it too late? It would fit perfectly into one of my scenarios :)


I'll second this question, the one with the little wooden bridge looks lovely would be nice to have some way to get it!


Hello. I'd be interested by a couple more street maps so as to get a whole small village.


there is no map of the pond with the creek running into it, is that Picture from another Map? If so I would love to know witch :-)


Hello...Same here with no map of pond/creek/bridge. I figured there might be a separate CG email link to this map, but I'm not seeing that either (and I NEVER delete anything from Patreon lol). Can we get to the bottom of this? As always, Please and Thank you!!!


Hi Jason, patrons with a donation cap may not receive all of the maps. f you want to make sure you get all the maps, choose the Chaotic Good tier and support every creation. (Supporting 3 creations means the same) This will also entitle you to exclusive map versions. You can manage your Patreon pledge here: https://www.patreon.com/pledges There are three conditions for obtaining exclusive versions: 1. You are a Chaotic Good Patron 2. You supported all creations in the previous month (3 or all of them) 3. You did not stop the support in the current month. (your setting is still 3 or all) I send out the exclusive folders in a private Patreon message when posting. If you didn’t get the exclusive map because you haven’t met the requirements yet, don’t worry! Support all 3 creations this month and receive the exclusive content of this month early next month.


still not fixed