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"Dim light from the courtyard falls into this great hall through the broken glass and iron latticework of a large window in the west wall. This immense room is a place of chilly, brooding darkness. Empty iron sconces dot the walls. Hundreds of dust-laden cobwebs drape the hall, hiding the ceiling from view."

"Dusty scrolls and tomes line the walls of this room. More scrolls and books lie scattered on the floor, around four heavy wooden chests fitted with study iron locks."

I completed areas K25, K26, K30, K32, and K33 of Castle Ravenloft. 

Get the UHD grid and gridless video files, the gridless WEBM, and static jpg versions for your online games from this shared folder:


Your generous support let me spend more and more time with tiny details of the maps I make. Thank you!

(This unofficial Fan Content is permitted under the Fan Content Policy of WOTC. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.)

Exclusive content for those who support all (3) map packs I create is a versatile Misty Hall:

You can change the colors of it on the fly with the Dynamic Dungeons Editor / Player. 

The exclusive reward will be sent out today in a private message.
Thank you for your continued support!




Totally missed rooms K27 and K28 on this. No big deal but you have areas that move into them from the dungeon but not them. Easy fix I think. For any DM running this can just run a quick draw up map.


FUCK yes!!! Thank you! <3 <3 <3


I love these, keep them coming!!!!!


Im running COS atm and those maps are helping me a lot!


I can't wait for the whole set! My players just finished Argynvostholt and are heading to Berez, then I think they're almost done with the campaign and will be heading to Ravenloft. Just in time ;)


These are the coolest things ever. The fated battle for my party is set to be here, and it looks so cool! Thanks so much!


These are so STUNNING. I am so hungry for moooore! Hoping when my players enter the castle in a few weeks that they conveniently choose to just enter the rooms you've done thusfar. :P


Please don't stop here man. You know people are fiending for more Curse of Strahd stuff. Keep it coming! More castle Ravenloft PLEASE. Haha


Your Castle Ravenloft maps are exceptional. I am starting a campaign next weekend. Hopefully it will take my players a while to reach the castle, hoping by then there are more DD CoS maps! Thank you!


Death House would be fab!!!