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These two maps can be the first part of a modular-style mind flayer colony map series.
I personally find illithids very exciting so I began with the two most inspiring locations: the Elder Brain chamber and a Tadpole chamber. 

As usual, I'm aiming for a wide variety of choices and I will not stick to this topic only, but if this new pack catches your fancy I will expand on this mind flayer maps, too.

Collaboration! Gifts! Exciting free content! 

To go with this map we've got some great extras from our friends over Cast n Play, please go check out their Patreon or Gumroad as a thank you for giving away this awesome free stuff.

Cast n Play provided a pack of pre supported Mind flayer miniatures with removable hands and accessories which fit really well with our Mind flayer set. All CG patrons can get it free!

Get the maps from this shared folder:


Get the printable mind flayers from here:


Those CG Patrons, who have supported all three of my creations will get the bigger 9cm tall, pre supported Mind flayer miniature statue as an exclusive gift! (Will be sent out in a private message.)

Thank you for your continued support!



Get these ones and more than 400 animated maps on https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons



Any plans to expand and add more mind flayer maps ?

Al Yen

the mindflyer webm's don't have sound


Thanks folks! That's great! Although the WEBM versions don't seem to have any sound but the MP4 ones do.

David Wong

Love it! Please do continue to expand on this mind flayer colony series.


Great job! Always loved the illithids. Total new level of immersion!


Oh I really like this and wish to see more of an illithids organic environment

Cast n Play

Thanks so much for the collaboration! Keep up the great work!


I'm so excited!! Mindflayers are part of our current campaign... this is perfect!!!!


Hello! The link for the minis is not working. I'm really interested in those, since my group is starting to build a mini collection!


Awesome job with this, Im a huge fan of your work :) I'd love a little bit more, maybe something, where they keep their prisoners and have em hatch into ilithid, or lab maybe.

Raphael Lamour

Amazing maps! Perfect for my Out of the Abyss!