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Of course, I didn't forget 'Lost Mines of Phandelver' either. I'm bringing you two maps for this popular adventure: 'Redbrand Hideout' and some areas of 'Wave Echo Cave'. 

I will continue to build this cave but will always create variations for the locations, so it will be useful for those who already played this adventure and those who never plan to do so.  For example, the labyrinthine corridors of 'Mine Tunnels' will be able to be assembled from modular tiles, which can also be used to build other dungeons.

Chaotic Good Patrons get a completely different cave dungeon, the Ghastly Tunnels, and a Bandit Lair.

Download the LMOP content from here:
WAVE ECHO CAVE Areas 1,3,4,5 

Get the Chaotic Good Patron-only rewards, the
Bandits' Lair, and the
Ghastly Tunnels from here.

Thank you for your continued support!

(This unofficial D&D fan content is not endorsed or sponsored by Wizards of the Coast, and permitted under their Fan Content Policy. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.)




on the other hand, why do you introduce it to them without having the rest? lel :)


Some of these are missing. The links just take me to a word doc despite being CG tier.


It seems to work on my end. This it the link to areas 1,3,4,5: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tIruBI1j_-42GXQnHmE1nBOMXCWkS8Qu?usp=sharing This is the main folder link of the Wave Echo Cave: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZpdSKWGk1B_OY2ip0PLLmNWm-_rlKVqL?usp=sharing (new areas will be uploaded here)


is there any gridless version of the redbrand hideout ? i can't find it


My dream comes true today. Unbelievable! Thank you Dynamic Dungeons! Wave Echo has never been so well represented. Legendary!


Please continue the incredible work with Wave Echo! It would be epic!


The Lost Mines content is incredible! I've started my campaign recently and used the Goblin Ambush and Cragmaw hideout maps. My players were blown away and I'm excited to have these other maps added to the set. Can't wait to bust these out.


I added the gridless version in m4v and static. The webm version will be uploaded tomorrow. There won't be a 50grid version, but you can apply a custom grid to the map with the DD Editor or your VTT.


So awesome!!! Is there a 50 grid coming for the hideout? I just see the 40. Keep up this awesome work.


What are the chances of in the Rebrand Hideout, the Cavern with the Nothic could have the torches removed? I've viewed that area as being left dark and spooky and the Rebrands would just bring their light when they go through the area with them.


Love this! Hope to see more of Wave Echo Cave!

zachary kolvoord

any more of wave echo cave coming our way?


a bit awkward that i was able to use the first wave echo cave map for my group but the rest is missing. I don't quite understand the point of releasing partial maps like that. Love the map, worked great but now i need to switch to a blank map after they leave certain areas of the cave.


guuna be running WEC soon please release the rest! thank you