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UPDATE 5 March 2021. Free addition: underwater version

There is an island. Or is there? This island is not your everyday treasure island. Sandy beach? Check. Palm trees? Check. Giant triton shell hut? Hmm, yes there is one. Hag living in the hut? Yes, and she is waiting for her guests. Still, the main danger of this remote place is not even the evil fey creature, but the island itself! Because it is not an island. At all! It is a giant turtle, snugly swimming across the endless ocean.

How will your PC-s hear of this mystical location? It is mentioned in a nursery rhyme around the shores of the ocean. Bards may sing about it in taverns. Lost and found papyri have them in libraries. Or maybe this verse is the answer to a puzzle? Use it as it suits your campaign. Not surprisingly, most adventurer parties will find these lines too nice to be true, too welcoming, too pleasant. So they will arrive prepared, and ready for any danger, like a hag from the sea. But will they be prepared for the sea itself when the island starts to sink? 

This pack contains a stationary and a moving version of the island. The stationary is the exclusive version for those who support all (three) creations of the month. 

I'm happy to expand this set with a version of the turtle swimming underwater. 

Get the day, night videos, WebM files, and statics from this shared folder:


I hope you like this one, Thank you for your continued support!



Morgan Oviatt

I am cg and having issue suddenly accessing the map


I think the shared url is not accessible. Google drive tells me to "request access".


Hello. I didn`t receive an email with the exclusive content. Could you send it again please? Thank you


The exclusives are just being sent out now in pm, it will take me a little bit of time, bear with me. 😘

Morgan Oviatt

Looks like we just hit turbulence. It seems to be clear now.


absolutely awesome !!!, this map will fit into my campaign !!!! THX so Much !


This is fantastic!... I'm going to fit it into my campaign now as well. Just too fun to pass up.


This has to be one of the coolest maps you have done!!


dying to get the opportinity to have the non turtle version and when things get along, shift to turtle version. love this map.

David Casey

Very, very cool. Keep up the great work!!


Hi, I didn't receive a message with the exclusive content. Could you send it please? Thank you.


I’ve sent out the exlusive maps of February and a special gift was also added to this post as a free addition, the underwater version.


sorry to say that but your are mad ! thanks a lot, my next rpg evening won't be the same - great idea


Glad to hear it 😀🥴 I’m open for inspiring mad map concepts, so don’t hesitate to send me ideas.


There seems to be an issue with adding JPG/ PPNG files as backgrounds, static maps. They just don't copy over no matter which way you pull them in. Is there a size limitation or formatting issue?


Do you mean replacing an image with another one which is already placed on a story position? The thumbnail will be updated after entering to the scene editor and returning to the story view.


No just dragging a JPG onto a blank story board, it gives an error ping sound from my PC but no dialogue box. I have tried double clicking and selecting, or dragging, but neither loads the image. Sometimes it makes the program crash. I tried resizing the image, converting from JPG to PNG, that's why I was wondering if there's a size, format, or type limitation on images.


This one is SO CREATIVE!!!!!