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The long awaited Editor and Player App is ready to download for your Mac or PC. 

This version doesn't have fog of war and custom grid settings, nor multiscreen capability, which featres are introduced in the 1.0. version. 

This version of the application is free to all Patrons. You can import or drag and drop video files and images and save it as a story. This is just the beginning, so test it, comment below, and I'll be able to improve it based on your suggestions and ideas. 

We all can bring the v.1.0. version to life on Kickstarter with fog of war, custom quad an hexa grid, special map packs (modular cave, town, forest, jungle etc) and some other cool features you suggest. I plan to start the KS campaign in May, of course you'll be informed first about the launch.

The basic modular dungeon pack with more than 20 maps is coming in two rewards. The first reward is available now, the next one is coming in few days. As always, patrons are charged per reward, not per every single map. Chaotic Good Patrons will find torch versions and exclusive content.

I'm going to update some of the older released maps as seamless looping videos, since this app can loop the maps without skip. (I will only make them upon request, so let me know which of the older maps should be updated)

A quick help about using the software: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gxRAxKMwwngv4wdl_EXY2nPpqvTpVAG/view
UPDATE 22nd March:
Two known bugs has been fixed (horizontal green line appeared at the bottom of the video while moving "N" direction, memory exhausted after 56 steps.) Fixed and reuploaded.
UPDATE 23rd April
Some of you had problems with the editor. Hopefully we've found a solution:
The thumbnail generating function uses the so called FFMPEG library.  FFMPEG only works if the "VISUAL C++ Redistributable pack" is installed under Windows systems. This pack (x86 version) should be installed manually. https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145
After installing it, restart your system and let me know if this solved the problem. 



Fantastic~!, I am having a little issues dragging and dropping, but if thats the only issue I truly cannot complain. I was able to import everything to make a dungeon of my own creation, and frankly this is gorgeous! with your maps it turns out beautifully! I am so excited to be able to use this once i make my table in the next 2 weeks!


Thanks! What was the problem exactly? Drag n drop now only works inside the app, dragging from left into the story grid not from outside.


Great start! For me, however, when the editor opens, it is a giant window that I cannot resize. Can you please make the editor window resizable? Note: Maximized is fine, but i like to not use a maximized window at times. EDIT: Sorry, just tried the player also. great full screen, but only opens on monitor 1 (which is not my primary monitor). Is it movable?

Jason Skavlebo

I am having the same issue as Austin.


After working with this all day listed below are a few tid bits that may help move this forward/make for further enhancements:(testing in win10) 1) default size of window should be easier to adjust (stated previously) 2) you should replace NSEW with actual arrow pointers for ease of understanding. 3) on the player itself if there can be a menu available only to simply 'refresh' the story would be very useful as it does hang at points when running larger stories. 4) a great future enhancement would be able to add layers (if a tunnel goes under a bridge it would be good if we can go to that level if its under the original map[ie: layer 1 = earth, layer 2 = inside earth, layer 3= sky]) 5) when saving from editor replacing a story with an updated version essentially requires you to just save it as a new story, if there could be a separate save/save as, this would greatly help efficiency! 6) I love drag and drop from user directory, just adding a readme to help understand that function would be grand! 7) if you could put direction arrows or compass points on the editor thumbnails to advertise what directions you have already placed will also greatly help users! honestly other then that there are a few minuscule things, but dont take this update negatively. I feel with the above changes made this thing is a ROCK-STAR! I love what you've done with this! so very much, its by far the coolest DM tool I have seen so far! even with version 1 i would easily rate this 8/10, super cool!


I just started to play with this today. Wow! This is awesome. I can not wait to see where it goes. Everything that Jonathan said is spot-on. I am excited to see where this fantastic tool goes from here.


i agree with Jonathan... all good ideas. Nice work


all the Packs are coming along great. keep up the awesome work.


When I'm fiddling with another program on my DM screen, like Excel the animation freezes and bugs out with a green screen. It takes a moment, but starts working again, but is not ideal.


I love it. I like the transitioning between rooms. I would love to be able to import jpgs of individual rooms I've been using and navigate using the app. The problem is there is no scaling for jpgs. Hopefully this is something you plan to implement. Rotation would also be helpful for reusing assets for different rooms. Finally, the ability to load a much larger map and use the mouse to drag it around at runtime, again, for supporting some more options for .jpg maps. Perhaps this could even be helpful for your existing map collection for users without 40" TVs. Perhaps if there were a setting to calibrate the map to your TV size. Aside from some alpha-release type issues, things look amazing!


Anyway you can adapt it to android? I use a tablet and cellphone to cast as I don't have a laptop


For some reason arrow keys nor nsew work for me. I loaded video format into my stories I did not use Jpegs. Could this be the issue? If so will this support the video files you provide? So impressed with your work! if this thing evolves to Jonathan's suggestion list it is truly going to be incredible.


Did you set some of the cardinal directions active in the editor?


Yes, that was the issue. I assumed it would be automatic. That being said I like your way of setting it so you do not accidentally go into a room you are not supposed to! I am so looking forward to your future products!

Francisco Sapene

When I open the Editor in my Windows 10 it opens a black screen minimized


What kind of graphic card do you have? Do you get any error message? Could you please send me a screenshot here: dynamicdungeons@gmail.com


After some more playing, I'm having trouble being able to select which monitor to set the play screen. The app always sends the map to my laptop screen rather than the connected TV. Need to be able to select which screen to send to.

Robert Dancz

I have an issue with the story mode. It will only open on my small screen. I cant get it to open on other monitor.


It's a known issue in the 0.0.1, version. Try screen mirroring instead of extended desktop. It will be solved in the v1. version.


I'm having an issue where it won't fully load. It starts up and I get a parchment screen but nothing else.


I'm having the same issue where the editor only loads partially. The player works fine. (Windows version) Any thoughts on fixes?


Try to delete the content of the resources folder and check if the app starts or not. What kind of videocard do you have?


Try to delete the content of the resources folder and check if the app starts or not. What kind of videocard do you have?


The thumbnail generating function uses the so called FFMPEG library. FFMPEG only works if the "VISUAL C++ Redistributable pack" is installed under Windows systems. This pack should be installed manually. <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145</a> After installing the x86 version, restart your system and let me know if this solved the problem.


The thumbnail generating function uses the so called FFMPEG library. FFMPEG only works if the "VISUAL C++ Redistributable pack" is installed under Windows systems. This pack should be installed manually. <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145</a> After installing it, restart your system and let me know if this solved the problem.


The following does not work for me, I just see 'user'. "If you’ve copied the Modular Dungeon pack to your Resources folder, you’ll find a „Modular_Dungeon” menu under the main horizontal menu bar showing the thumbnails of the modular dungeon pack."


First off, awesome work. I'm really digging what you are making here! Second, any way to zoom the map to size it to the size of the miniatures on the screen I'm using?


I have the same issue! I can still select from some Dungeon rooms to drag &amp; drop onto a new story but most aren't the ones from "Modular_Dungeon", they seem to be rooms I've previously selected while testing the software before setting up the drag &amp; drop functionality.


Hi there! Just became a patron yesterday, thanks for all the awesome material! I can't wait to wow my players with some serious immersion in our upcoming sessions. I have a few suggestions for the editor/player apps for whenever you have the time, mostly geared toward situations involving multiple PC monitors. This is because I run a setup where I remotely cast my screen content to my living room TV. This might be rare but you never know what people might do! 1. Allow for window size adjustment. I personally plan on using these apps alongside other media software and, even though I have two computer monitors to work with, I would love to be able to display multiple programs on a single screen while using the Editor/Player. 2. Have some in-program settings that allow users to select what display the program maximizes or full-screens on. Again, with my dual-monitor setup the programs only maximize on one display for some reason, even if I change my primary display settings through Windows 10. 3. Implement in-app marking/tracking of Story sections/rooms. What I mean is, for example, the Editor could have a system by which a given unit on the grid could be bordered in a specific color and/or assigned a custom name (for display/tracking purposes). This could then transfer to the Player somehow so that a DM could easily keep track of the entire layout of the Story in-app, and maybe the custom name assigned to a room or area would display to players for some added flavor in the scene. The idea I have would be to, perhaps, have a small pop-out window once the Player goes into full-screen that actively displays the colors/names assigned to the current section of the Story and any adjacent areas. 4. Allow for the app to recognize images and videos at the same time when selecting new media to place in a Story tile. If that's not possible, maybe implement something in settings to select a default file format. That's all! Thanks again for the amazing work, I look forward to whatever's coming next :)


Is the app still available for download? I clicked the link but its doesn't connect. Nvm, seems I can't download anything...strange.


Yes, the 0.0.1. version is available to download here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523">https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523</a> Some rewards contains large files (more than 200MB) which exceeds the limit of a file in Patreon. These files were uploaded to my drive. Let me know if you still have problems with downloading.


I'm attempting to download the editor but keep getting routed between this post and another -- the download link works fine for the mac and windows player, but the editor link just loops between the posts. Any advise on this? Thanks!


The Editor and the Player is packed in one zip file. Win: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/file?h=17681523&amp;i=1997114">https://www.patreon.com/file?h=17681523&amp;i=1997114</a>


Mac: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/file?h=17681523&amp;i=1997115">https://www.patreon.com/file?h=17681523&amp;i=1997115</a> The v1. version is also coming soon.


:face_palm: that should have been evident from the file name! Sorry about that!