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Hey, Let's find out together how the modular dungeon room doorways should look like. Some of you suggested that adding some tiles outside the doorways would be useful to set the minis, so the players could get the feel of entering the room. 

The main concept of my modular dungeon system is that every single scene, (a corridor, a dungeon room or a chamber) appears in a top down perspectival view, which looks really cool if the walls and the doorways are visible perspectively, as you saw it in the dungeon of skulls. This camera angle, however, hides the tiles of the outer corridors leading into the room. 

I found a solution by adding some semi-transparent tiles over it, outside the doorways, and I'm now wondering if it looks good, do you need it or not. I don’t want to decide alone. 

I value your thinking, so vote and comment below, then I'll finalise the first map pack, and release it with the long awaited editor and player app.

So, which looks better?

Example video: 




I like the semi-transparent tiles - that is an elegant solution. The problem may be, that the room the minis are leaving may have had specific features that are now missing, but I think that isn't so bad. The cross grid solves that problem, but it looks too artificial and is more disturbing, than helpful. So I would either go with the semi-transparent tiles or no tiles outside the doorway at all.


I'm with the majority here, either no tiles at all, or semi-transparent ones. My only concern/request is that it remains constant from room to room, as i don't want to give away to the party information about the next room if they cant see it yet. Having doorways always look like they lead to a hallway as wide as the door, 3 to 5 squares past the threshold is ideal, even if the next room opens up huge or is barely the size of a small closet.


I agree, 3 x 2 or 4 x 2 squares should be enough for most of the parties to set the minis, and the next room still can be a hallway or a huge full screen chamber.


Yeah just a small staging area is what I was thinking so they aren't having to wait to place their figures or having to place them on the wall of the next room :/ The transparent tiles look fantastic to me. Also, love your work and am so happy I found it. My players love your tilesets and it has really improved immersion in my game! Thank you!


Im voting "no need". This game is imagination. A map like this is a bonus, walking into a door should be easy to mentally picture. But if you DO add to it, semi-transparent tiles.


It took so much time to complete the modular pack, so I did not add the staging area outside the doorways yet, but I'm ready to update some of the rooms soon.


imagination is a great thing. but when your in combat entering or leaving the room. you cant have both maps up at the same time, having a few tiles out side the rooms will accommodate the players moving in and out of the room, during the combat. it was not a must but a convince for tracking movement. you all know how players can be....