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I'm happy to show you the last reward of this month, the Airship! 

I found this camera angle working quite nice with minis, but a real top down view also will be added soon to this post to all of you, then another version without the balloon suspension, with magical propulsion to Chaotic Good Patrons.

In March you'll be able to try the v.0.0.1. of the Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player with the first modular pack of dungeon rooms and corridors. Exclusive free rewards will be sent to the highest pledgers, and for those who pledged more than $15 in February.

The Fortress is also under construction, can't wait to show you! 

Unending thanks for your support, have a good time role-playing!




I love it only issue is see is the grid about one grid square back and forth moves which may make it difficult to keep track of movement


The grid stays in place :) The ship sligthly moves, mostly the clouds, the ropes and the shadows make the illusion of movement.

Carl Bartoli

It does appear that the grid moves......can you get the grid to move with the ship?


I could do that, but if the grid would move with the ship, it would move out of the placed minis. I think it’s easier to keep track of movemenf if the grid is fixed and not moving away.


<a href="http://dmge.digitalforge.ca" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://dmge.digitalforge.ca</a> You can use your own grid there, but you'll probably want to use the gridless version.


You’ll get the same result, except the grids will be over all assets. Just try it, the grid is fixed in place in my gridded version.


this currently says "not found" when I click the link