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I'm happy to show you the last reward of this month, the Airship! 

I found this camera angle working quite nice with minis, but a real top down view also will be added soon to this post to all of you, then another version without the balloon suspension, with magical propulsion to Chaotic Good Patrons.

In March you'll be able to try the v.0.0.1. of the Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player with the first modular pack of dungeon rooms and corridors. Exclusive free rewards will be sent to the highest pledgers, and for those who pledged more than $15 in February.

The Fortress is also under construction, can't wait to show you! 

Unending thanks for your support, have a good time role-playing!


Animated Airship day and night version

Download it here: https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons You can get the static and animated versions for free, Patrons are only charged for the future releases.



The Airship_FULLGrid_72.jpg file keeps giving me an error message that the file format is not supported


Windows =)

Shon C. Love

My Windows 10 machine doesn't recognize Airship_FULLGrid_72.jpg as a supported file format, either. I've tried opening it with a variety of apps. The icon for the file on Google Drive is a document icon instead of an image icon - indicating that Google Drive doesn't know what the file is, either.


I found I was able to open this (and the other one I reported, rainyencounter-35x20inch-gridless.jpg from 3 - Rainy Encounters) via Gimp, however, opening this one with Gimp gives me the following message before being able to open it: "The image... has an embedded color profile: iMac kalibralt Comvert the image to the RGB working space (sRGB built-in)?" so I'm assuming this and the other rainy encounter image may be for imac and not windows?


Same issue- Windows 7 and Windows 10 both can't open Airship_FULLGrid_72.jpg. Can you please re-upload a fix?