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You've helped me reach two of my goals in less than a week, amazing! I can't thank you enough. 

Soon my dream come true to afford to work on Dynamic Dungeons full time, creating even more actions scenes and modular maps for you. 

The next reward, the village is ready, I can't wait to show you the fortress which will be amazing, and I start working on the town. You gave me a lot of work!

Soon I'll release the 0.0.1. version of the Dynamic Dungeons Player and Editor for Mac and Win, which will let you put the maps and modular tiles in order, build your own dungeon than play it back and navigate in with the arrow keys of the keyboard. The videos will loop seamless. 

Thank you and have a good time role-playing!



So stoked!


This all sounds amazing! :)




Nice Keep up the the great work!


Keep up the good work :)

Clarisse Shepard

Very exciting! You deserve it and more! Keep up the fantastic work!

Carl Bartoli

Looking forward to these maps.

Anthony Tony

Awesome buddy! Keep up the great work! I am SO excited to to use these tomorrow night for my game! :D