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Patreon has been doing some updates and it has affected some of the payment processing this month. It would be a huge benefit to me and anyone else you may support to double check that your payment went through. Some banks may identify the payment as a fraudulent charge (They haven't said exactly why but I would suspect they tried to improve their automatic billing system so the way it requests payments may have been altered) and others please check to see if your payment methods are up to date.

I suppose that's about all I can do for now. Thank you all for your support! For those of you who have sketches and color commission slots feel free to send in your requests whenever you get a chance. I'll send out messages in the next few days!




According to another artist I follow: "The MoistToday at 2:17 PM For those who didn’t see yet, Patreon has moved to the UK and some of your pledges are flagged as suspicious. So, you may need to contact your bank or Patreon themselves to let them know that it is you making the payment. Sorry about the inconvenience."


This did happen for me, my bank called to verify possible fraudulent activity, and despite telling them it was normal it was still declined, resolved it now, but it is definitely affecting some

Richard Damoncord

Patreon shifted their banking to the UK from the USA. It has introduced problems for some people's cards.


Im not a patreon anymore, but i used to be.. and i havent removed my patreon so i guess patreon did some stuff in the background. Its now that i see im not a patreon anymore that something is wrong. But my bank hasnt contacted me yet and no transactions went through the first august from "reserved" aka patreon/internet.


checked, paid .... this morning, Tom as well, seems to me something of this says "inter-bank shinanigans"


I wonder what happened? Mine went through so there was no problem there.


According to all the comments Patreon moved their banking to the UK and so international banking transfers might have been seen as unusual?


Suncorp In Australia didn't have trouble, for me at least. :)