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First up Craig with Kaylin in an Evening dress!

Relm for Zro!

For Reference on this - Someone in the chat tried to name the kitten and I explained why it was a bad idea. :P

For reference with this one - Kaylin has a line of event items that while worn make some physical alterations!

Thank you everyone for your continued support! I am also working on something special. I don't know if it will be ready next month or the month after that but I should be able to announce something relatively soon and see if it's worth doing. More on that later- Peace!




Trick safety feature for the kitten: it's unknown heritage hides that the necessary circumstances for a death other than old age are cryptically hidden. So if anyone trys to kill it, it will become deathless, not dead or undead.


Oh, I like that Kaylin in front of the piano like that. Thanks!