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Start my new main job on Wednesday, but I was able to plan it to be a four day job with one of the days being the weekend, so that means I will keep two weekdays to work on the game or animation while family is off doing other things.

As for the game, I have been trying to lock down the gameplay because I have lots of options and a few code packs, but I really don't know what people would like. My original dream was a porn Dungeon Keeper, but that might be beyond my knowledge and ability, so been looking into something more single character focused.  So many people make that type of game where the heroine has to lose to start any scenes, and I don't really enjoy those games as much since I would rather earn scenes through winning something rather then losing, so I am trying to figure that out too.

As I showed on Twitter I have added an HDRI map and some more orcs to the system and will be adding more ladies too.  A new poll for a cameo character will also be up later today.  If anyone has any other suggestions would always be open to hearing them.   Goal is to have another, better, and less buggy build by the end of this year.  Thanks.



I'm glad to hear you say that you prefer H content unlocked through winning because yes the market is oversaturated with the opposite. Would you be open to having the MC be an orc who conquers the female characters? It would be awesome to build a harem of slutty "alliance" bitches after conquering them in battle. Anyway I'm really glad to see you're still invested in this project to whatever degree is possible at this time in your life. You've got a lot of talent


Yes I have considered that, but through my own research it was almost universal that people wanted to play the heroine in some way. I think I even did a poll but now I don't remember.


I dunno, dungeon master/orc capturing alliance ladies sounds like a decent premise XD