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Apologies.  Once I actually got to packaging, it kept breaking.  It's still not 100%, as some of the old bugs like the need to click multiple times to sometimes grab the actors in edit mode continues to persist even though it does nothing of the sort in the editor.

Orcslayers Preview 3 Download 

Not much has changed compared to the last build, but I did attempt to make things a little easier.

  • A few known bugs. Save system is in development but sadly it still bugs out.  There is a save options on the pause menu but it won't actually save anything yet.  The only thing that does save is the menu settings.  The light that is supposed to be on during the viewer for some reason now defaults to 0 so you have to ramp it up first with CTRL - <>, there is also a few clicking bugs like attempting to change to a different mode while in a cinematic.   Lastly, a few of the animations (full nelson) refuse to transfer and so show up as a tpose.  All will hopefully be fixed next time.

  • The menu has been simplified a bit.  While I will consider bringing back the more robust graphics menu  it was too unstable for my liking, which messed with my style.  Instead there are now four presets.  Ultra can feel a little unstable but high and medium should feel good.  Low is also nice but loses a lot of the shadows and such.

  • No need to unlock anything this time.  All characters are just unlocked.  The locking system needs updates to fix previous issues and I am trying to get it more intertwined with the save system.  Will come back as it makes more sense in gameplay context.

  • Am working on a UI that will take over for the key presses, but until that can happen I have added a mini-hud that simply tells you what you can press to get some of the more common actions.  It will even change based on what "mode" you are in.

  • You may notice there are way less actors in the scenes themselves.  That is because I added an ability to spawn actors instead.  When you hit "T" to go into RTS edit mode, simply hit the INSERT key to add a combo.  It will pick a random set of characters and drop them into one of a few preset spots.  Once spawned you can click and drag them like the previous build, though for some reason the "highlight" won't work until you leave and re-enter the edit mode, don't ask me why, I have not figured it out yet.  Also, if you wish to edit the characters or the pose they are in, you have to go into the viewer mode.

  • Lastly, I added a way to better add sequence cinematics.  While it's not much, I added a little mini-scene you can watch by going up to Ravage.  It's a simple looping scene right now and has no "end", but I added just to show what I will likely be adding as rewards for missions or some such.

Anyways, probably best if you all just test it out.  Tell me how it goes and please don't be shy, I want to know whether I am going in the right direction or not.  Hope before the end of the year I might get some actual "gameplay" in there too.  Thanks for sticking around.



Awesome work, Rexx!


Awesome work, Rexx!


Nice update Rex! Aside from the mentioned bugs, the new QOL updates are great. UI keys are nice and new characters look great! Theres so much potential for it, add/replace the orc for a stormtrooper and make a small futuristic prison location and Boom, you got a star wars scene in the game. But i cant deny the good ol elf and orc scenario is still the BEST.


Also, i saw your post on twitter yesterday. Just want to say for some encouragement, you have been one of the most amazing smut artists out there. Literally i still remember the absolute best one from you to the point its forever in my mind. Like, imagine your work will be forever live in your fans memories. Theres that one clip you made of Sylvanas blowing Arthas while he brings his sword up and down her head. That was peak scenario for me man, but i hope you continue on delivering your work because you enjoy it. You got fans out there man, really wishing you the best Rex!

Emanuele Martis

Just a quick thing: the spawn system need a bit of rework in terms of erasing/replacing keys, and it could be great to have a command configuration menu.