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Jumping off from the stuff yesterday, I have worked on developing four "Prime" races for my setting that I hope to get models for first.  These prime races also have "corrupted" variants.  Will go more over them later.

However, much like any fantasy there has to be more to really fill out the world.  I have come up with a few possible  NPC / Mob races, and I wanted you guys to vote on which one should be developed first once I get the primes done.

Vermina - A small humanoid rabbit like race that infests the hills of Haven and can reach as far as the Fringe.  They are considered a nuisance by most but are known to be made into indentured servants by some Thikin aristocracy. (Think Wildstar)

Tygas - An elongated cat like race that can be found in the southern jungles and the northern tundra.  They are known to be primitive and barbaric and don't trust many other races. though a few have shown kinship with the elves. (Think Saberon)

Bauros - A bull like race from beyond the Fringe, they are rare in the west.  They have a very antagonistic history with the Thikin. (Think Tauren)



I do not care


daww only 13 others like bunny girls ;-)