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In my new setting, I am developing a magic system around two opposing forces.  

The universe itself it made up of one specific natural magic that binds all things together, while another magic, new to the universe, brings with it a corrupting influence that supplants the natural magic and warps it.  While there are many different schools of magic, all the magic, both natural and arcane, come directly from the influence of the natural magic and it's connection to the very soul of creation.

I have right now code named these magics Mysteria (Natural) and Ataxia (Chaos), but I wanted to let you guys give some insight into what they should be called.  What do you guys think? If marking no, leave a suggestion below on a cool name, and maybe it will click with me more.



Voted they're good, but I feel I should elaborate. Mysteria I have no issues with, sounds good. Ataxia is very fitting, but also ever so slightly distracting imo. Could just be because the word's first linkage for me is the disease, specifically its presence in Skyrim. Shouldn't be much of an issue, but it might take people a bit out of the setting till they get used to it.


I love the name Ataxia, since it sounds artificial and fits with the idea that this magic came later. Mysteria feels a little on the nose for me, and maybe just a little too similar to Ataxia in terms of the rhythm of the word. What if the name of the natural magic system sounded earthy and simple, just to let it contrast is Ataxia? Maybe something like Woad, or Deww. Anyway, just differing tastes, the current names are already great!


I specifically liked it for it's link with disease. The magic actually acts as a sickness that infects Mysteria and corrupts those made of it's energy.


I like the Ataxia name but Mysteria feels to close to mystery and feels a little... I don't mean any disrespect but for lack of a better word... cheesey. Not nearly as cheesey as "unobtainium" (insert eye roll here) in the Avatar movie. I agree with Manual in that an organic or earthy sounding word would work well. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific words in mind. Thank you Rexx, for giving us the opportunity to share our input. 😀


Ataxia is a medical condition where you can't keep your balance or do fine motor control. It's cool if that's what you want it to basically be like - but that's all I could read when I saw it.


The idea reminds me of Warcraft with stupid fell what in German means fur. So I found the idea with a strange new power that has corrupted me at WoW and I do not like it. In the original Warcraft, the demons come from the living in it and their powers derived from it. no idea why someone is making such a pseudo to me to poet which is also poison green, like the soup of the undead. It is clear where there is a positive force, there is also a negative force. Well no matter. To the names are, I think good hear interesting#


Yes I now can see how that be an issue for those that know a bit about medical terms. I will look into altering it.


Yes I thought it was cheesy too but the more I try to say any of my other ideas, the more it sounds weird to me. For a long time I called it Aether but it never rolled off the tongue for me. Maybe remove the myst and instead go with something like, Teria? Auria?


I kind of liked how they handled 'magic' in The Lord of the Rings. It was never really named as such and its influences were much more subtle and those that could use it much more rare. You might consider a similar approach, you can still have the yin/yang type model you spoke of it's manifestations are more like a ghost out of the corner of your eye.


Oh.... that explains things. I've played WC3 when it was released in czech translation, and I found it weird the red orcs (fel orcs) were called what could be transpated as "furry orcs" .