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[The following is a reward for an anonymous patron. Thank you so much for your support~

The following story is an original work. It features a giant woman ~200 feet tall and a normal-sized woman. The story contains nudity/undressing; kidnapping; feet; handheld; sex/giant fingering; content implied through dialogue; gentle-forcefulness; light mind-breaking.]

In a pulse that took her through a complete void of darkness, Vivian underwent a harsh sensation that vibrated all over her body. Like being thrown fast through the air, she was destined to where she was propelled, unable to alter her trajectory. There was no noise, not even her own scream; perhaps she was deaf, or perhaps this voyage was so incredible that all was mute in that moment it took to warp between worlds.

A moment was really all it was, despite burning a deep impression into Vivian that had her reeling long after it was over. More than just her stomach swirled agonizingly as there was a sudden stop in all of that motion. She gasped for air, her limbs twitching but still bound by chains to the unforgiving slate of stone. What filled her lungs was something starkly different from what she was accustomed to breathing, far cooler and cleaner than what the winds whipped up from the forest into her hometown. She felt it along her skin too, an atmosphere unlike her own, but as intensely as she wished to see where she was, her eyes were still adjusting, only able to view her world as a bobbing blur. All she could understand was that she was still held by the goddess, rocked back into that identifiable rhythm of huge footsteps.

Sharp, metallic sounds buzzed randomly from faraway corners. A slight echo rang through what must have been a corridor, but Vivian had no clue where they could be, a location enclosed on all sides yet arced wide enough for a giant to pass. With spots of her vision returning, Vivian blinked furiously to scope out her surroundings, suddenly struck with a realization that put a panic to her breathing. It could only be the case that this was a realm fitted for the goddess -- this was the domain of the divine, the great Heaven the church claimed she heralded from.

But this was not like any description of Heaven she was taught. Wide open fields that radiated with warmth, rivers that never ran dry, everything illuminated by a golden grace; none of that was to be found as Vivian looked side to side in a furor. All was chill and stale, the world a droning gray and black, illuminated by dozens of dim suns arranged in the sky. The air itself buzzed with a nonstop noise, like an ever present growl, suggesting there was an expansive lifeform among them -- something greater than the goddess herself.

She, the giant cradling Vivian’s slate in one hand, had approached a gate sized for her. It responded to her presence, folding out of her way as though it were dismissed from existing. With so much having astonished her, Vivian remained her palest as she was brought into another chamber, a place tighter and more compact than the area before. It was brighter, and a particular scent was immediately noticed, an aroma that made Vivian want to sneeze and gag as the gate closed them both in.

Before Vivian could even wonder the purpose of the room, it was upon her. From every direction, a spray was unleashed, instantly filling the room with a distinct moisture that coated the occupants. Vivian squealed and stuttered as a shower of chemicals washed over her, seeping into every layer of her crimson dress as she begged for the ordeal to end. That hint of an aroma from before now had its explanation flooded over the wailing woman; though the exact scent was unfamiliar, the acidic, tangy odor must have been a cleaner of some sort; was this a trial of cleansing? Vivian could only imagine it was as much, as a seemingly endless amount of the chemical was covered over her, and the goddess just as well.

As the shower continued and Vivian endured, the slate she was strapped to was maneuvered to be almost flat in both of the goddess’s palms. The rain that should have poured over Vivian was shielded by the giant’s loom of interest over her, though plenty more sprayed on her from all other directions. Angled this way from the goddess’s waist, Vivian was forced to gawk upwards at the divine, aimed to witness how the mist bounced off her unwavering form to no effect -- other than curling her lips into a comfortable smile, warmed by the cleansing shower and the spread of a woman in her grasp. Through the vapor between them, their eyes met, complete confusion dwarfed by a smug, knowing grin.

The spray of water weakened to an end, and with its absence of noise, it was revealed how loudly Vivian had been whimpering and coughing. Restrained from wiping her vision clear, she saw the giant as a massive blur, unable to make sense of how she was being lifted and turned until she heard the shiver of a giggle just above her. The goddess was amused and cherishing the prize in her possession, perhaps taking pity on what Vivian had gone through, but not enough to free her from the slate. When the subsequent gate opened just the same as the one before it, the goddess exited with her smile still shining, navigating into the next room with a keen eye on how her captive would react.

“Now that we’ve been decontaminated,” the goddess said, her voice still so unusual for Vivian to hear, “I can finally welcome you to your new home.” A gentle but pointed fingertip drew near to the little woman and dabbed at her face; though Vivian resisted and twisted away from the touch, it was intended to dry her eyes, priming her to be introduced to a new world -- a world that was terrifyingly advanced, well beyond Vivian’s comprehension.

The view opened up to her as the goddess rotated the slate, aiming the woman’s body around the wide room they had entered. Vivian blinked and gasped, expecting this surreal image to clarify itself, but nothing she saw was recognizable to her. By distancing her understanding of her perspective and thinking more like the giant that held her, she could make out only the most basic features; bench-like seats surrounding a circular table, counters along the walls that displayed a variety of items, and windows that looked out into a night sky -- or was it? The endless pitch black and the shimmering stars were familiar in that way, earning most of Vivian’s focus as the wide view stretched from one wall to another, with a large seat situated in the middle for viewing outside. It truly was a setting that could only be described as otherworldly, so beyond mortal understanding that no religious scholar had ever imagined this cold, steely reality.

A sickness sank within Vivian’s stomach, overwhelmed with everything she saw, scared of how huge it all was. It was a relief to finally be aimed at something else, even if it was her captor’s coy expression, her eyes narrowed in delight, the fullness of her lashes fanning Vivian with their fluttery blinks. The goddess continued inward, freely grabbing a towel from off a shelf that she used to gently dry off the moisture from decontaminating. It was a distinct sensation that Vivian suffered, that she felt humiliated to be carried around like a mere object while so many mysteries went unexplained.

It cast her into a bubble of rage, enough to spit and shout, “Where am I?! What is all of this?!” She panted, finally letting out the fluster that had been suspended to its limits. She strained her neck to look up at the goddess, but it was too demoralizing to maintain, her head slumping forward with a grunt. “Please… I beg of you, Goddess, pl-please… I only wish to know…!”

Vivian’s pleas had been heard, but she shuddered to be addressed, locked again beneath that giant stare of blue eyes that scanned her entirety in an instant. The little woman expected silence, or maybe just another ring of giggles, but she froze and listened carefully when she saw those pink lips curl and move to speak.

“Do you really want to know? Do you want to know everything?” the goddess asked, her volume controlled but always momentous. Even the small sigh that escaped her felt significant with its gust of strength. “I’ve already explained it to the others, too. It’s a boring story, and none of you ever really grasp what’s going on~ You might be better off simply… guessing. Knowing isn’t always better.

Vivian found her throat hollow when she tried to reply, her voice having cowered within her -- it would be too easy, otherwise, for her to be speaking to a goddess so proudly. It was a convincing suggestion from the goddess that she merely close her eyes to the unknown, but the goddess’s mention of the others had Vivian inspired. She choked up the courage to seek out the answers she sacrificed herself for; “I-I want to know… I came here so I could know wh-what happened… to those that were taken… I h-have to know…!” A sob forced itself into her begging as weary, heavy eyes craned back up towards the goddess. “My sister… Wh-Where is she…?”

“Mmm…” The goddess reared her head away, her expression shifting after hearing Vivian out. She gently nodded, finding herself scanning the tiny body once again; it was coming together in her head just what about this woman as an offering had attracted her. “Well… There’s more to unpack here than usual. Your sister, was she taken away? Like you were?”

“Err, y-yes…” Vivian lurked into silence, weighed down by the memories of Christin’s kidnapping. Suddenly, it itched at her how dangerous it was to be so vulnerable in that same giant’s hand. “She was… taken. You took her. She was the first maiden you ever took…”

The goddess nodded more obviously, inhaling the information as her smile crept wider. “Of course… It makes sense now.” Her guideless walk in the central room turned to a countertop, where she laid the slate flat on its back with the red-dressed woman facing up at her. She hovered high and away for a moment, belittling Vivian with just her posture, before taking a finger to the tiny woman’s sides, brushing the tip and just the edge of a nail along her waist and down an immobilized leg. “You look so much like her, heh… Aww~ You might even be just a little cuter.”

Vivian held her breath tightly as the finger groped her side, tickled by its tenderness. Wherever she was touched felt like that part of her then belonged to the goddess, but she held strong to who she was and the commitment she had vowed. “I want to see her…” Vivian whimpered. “I-It’s been five years… So much has changed, I-I’m afraid I may not… recognize her…” She lifted her head, then twitched with desperation, “What did you do to her…?!”

The goddess giggled, a ringing melody that descended onto Vivian as the giant leaned forward onto the countertop, her smug expression propped up by an arm while the other semi-circled around the sacrificial plate. Her amusement settled on a sharp grin, bringing her finger close again to Vivian -- to a chained hand, connecting with it as gently as possible. “You really want to know, hm? But… it’s so fun watching you struggle like this,” she admitted in a laugh. “Something you should learn first about being here… is that I like to draw things out. I like to see you all squirm and scratch. Get riled up. Hehe…”

What was announced haunted Vivian with a hint as to what the dynamic between her and the goddess would be -- presumably, the same as it was for the other maidens that had been whisked away. But the goddess continued, and she offered relief, “But I’m not really that mean. Not all the time~ I just like to have fun. That’s what this is all about. Me, enjoying life, as much as it can be enjoyed while stationed out here…”

More questions were choking Vivian’s thoughts, but her attention snapped to the huge thumb and its long nail that angled at her with razor intent. Vivian spasmed in her restraints as the digit came rushing down, expecting to have an arm severed, or to be impaled outright; there was the startling clash of the goddess’s nail meeting the chain instead, and after a second’s worth of pressure exerted onto it, there was a metallic snap. Vivian flinched just as harsh as before, hitting herself with her newly freed hand -- the excess chain still bound to her wrist whipped her in the cheek, souring the otherwise enlightening sensation of having precious movement again.

“Damn things…” the goddess chuckled. “I wish they’d stop tying you ladies up like this… Literally no one asked for this.” Her tone was chill and smooth, stepped back from the oozing confidence she normally aired. That casual attitude persisted as she took her thumbnail to the other arm’s chain, breaking the restraint apart as if she were cracking a nut. “I guess I shouldn’t complain… Bringing me women to pick from does make things easier. On the other hand, stepping around those little buildings was pretty exciting…”

Using both thumbs, the final two chains were broken simultaneously, releasing Vivian’s legs so that all her limbs were freed. Immediately, she cloistered into herself, hugging the parts of her that had been pinned, but she could only cherish so much while under the shadow of the goddess. An instinct told her to flee, and another told her to beg; between the two, she sat frozen and afraid, unsure if she should be fearing the goddess herself, or the alien world she inhabited.

The goddess allowed her to quiver as she did, delighted enough by what she saw to smile in the silence. She loomed knowingly, that it would dawn on Vivian eventually that there was no place to go -- they were tethered, whether Vivian wanted to be or not. It was proven true when the goddess leaned away to take a seat, reeling a castle-sized barstool into position behind her. By stepping aside, Vivian had every chance to bolt off, and she naturally considered it, but to where she would go, it made no difference, as the ground -- polished smooth and sleek, comparable only to the frozen lakes of winter  -- only led to unforgiving edges, steep drops to a distant floor. There was nowhere to hide, nowhere that the goddess could not reach, and so she kept herself balanced on the slate, the pathetic island that was the only other thing from her world.

Vivian understood the meaning of the test, and her resolve to stay there and steady her breathing was the answer the goddess desired. At least, she was assumed to be pleased; Vivian could only make so much sense of the goddess’s emotions from her perspective at her chest. Though the gigantic woman had sunken into a seat, what Vivian witnessed was still monumental, and sickeningly mesmerizing. Staring up at her body, bare like it was and glistening from the shower, it was easy to fall into a trance over such beauty, so quick to forget the purpose of her being here.

“... Thank you for freeing me,” Vivian said, coughing out of a sore throat. She shuddered the moment the goddess’s body shifted with a giggle, afraid she had spoken out of turn -- already was that class of respect established, that she could only speak when allowed. Her voice itched to be heard while she had the chance, but the question she was compelled to ask was not what she thought to prioritize: “... Who are you? What are you? A… A huma-?”

“Ohh, you’re smart,” the goddess chimed, cutting down Vivian’s boldless volume. The question had struck a chord, so Vivian could tell, as it drew the goddess to fix at her hair and cast a look elsewhere -- nervous habits that were eerily mundane. “Human… That’s a good guess. That’s the best guess any of you ladies have made. You’re sort of right, but, hehe… Look at us, hm?” She relaxed again, now with her composure. She cradled her head into a palm, the other arm perched onto the ledge in front of Vivian’s slate. These movements, the way she repositioned herself to be comfortable, were all so significant to the mortal woman, putting light to the point the goddess was making. “Like you said, I am just a human. But if that’s what I am, then you are a bug. And I’m not even joking. That’s what they classified you as~”

Select words stung to hear. Vivian stammered over her attempts to reply, a feebleness that amused the goddess, until she settled on a single word of mystery: “They…?

The goddess chuckled and rolled her eyes. “The Galactic Protection Force. The government of the galaxy -- exactly what the galaxy didn’t need,” she scoffed, though she figured her humor was well beyond Vivian’s reach. She slouched more onto the counter as though genuinely burdened to have to explain, “They monitor all the civilizations throughout space and make sure nothing troublesome goes interplanetary. But whenever the GPF scanned your planet, they didn’t detect any signs of civilization. Only these little, itty-bitty organisms~ No one even thought to come down and take a look! After all, on the computers, it just looked like a world full of bugs crawling everywhere… Are you keeping up?”

Vivian had turned to stone listening to the goddess. When scholars of the church spoke of the divine as being incomprehensible, she now understood what they must have meant. The goddess spoke of forces so beyond her grasp -- the grasp of all her people, supposedly -- that they were defined as insects. Vivian’s heart drummed painfully in her hollow body; she dreaded the unimportance of her own heartbeat, the insignificance of everything she had lived to know.

“Aw, don’t worry,” the goddess cooed, continuing to speak down on Vivian with a persistent motherly tone. “No one else ever gets it on their first day. I’m surprised you know as much as you do. Heh, if I saw a woman as big as I am to you… obviously I don’t believe in god, but hell, I’d believe she was it. Who would I be to say no?”

“Who are you?!” Vivian gasped, taken over by the horror of her situation. “I-If you’re human, wh-why…?”

“Why?” the giant repeated, leaning in yet closer to hear. Every inch of approach pushed Vivian to crawl away as little as she could on the stone, her eyes always flickering to the behemoth breasts that were pooling onto the countertop. The huff exhaled by the goddess was close enough to swirl around Vivian in a breeze. “Because I’m bigger, and I get bored on this route. I’m just a recruit in the GFP-- as in, I’m just a lackey. A nobody named Shelby.”

“Sh… Shelby…?” Vivian said aloud, daring her lips to form the name. It was unusual, but not very celestial. It was nothing like what the priests predicted the language of angels to be.

Shelby giggled, but waved a finger scoldingly at Vivian for having said it. “I much prefer the ring of goddess, though. No matter who I am in my world… to you, I’m the beginning and the end. I should only have to warn you once just how powerless you are. You’re very small, and very far from home~ So I expect you to be respectful, and listen well to anything I tell you.”

Vivian nodded obediently, but when Shelby’s hand then posed to grab at her, she flinched and scrambled off the stone, hiding behind its ledge. Despite agreeing to do as told, the instinct to flee from something so huge lunging at her was irresistible. It did not matter in the end how she reacted, as she was plucked all the same, the puff of her gown pinched by the pads of fingers and pulled into the air. Vivian squealed as she was suspended upside-down, kicking blindly as she was held in her humiliation.

The motion became more wild when Shelby stood up from the bar and traveled elsewhere around the cabin of her starglider -- a model of spaceship popular with the GFP, renown for its speed and accommodations. Though the inside of the starglider was towering and sprawling from Vivian’s perspective, the dimensions of the quarters were only so spacious to anyone of Shelby's size, allowing only as much room as a camper vehicle. The advanced design was especially space efficient, every feature situated only a few steps away at most. Indeed, Vivian was carried a relatively short distance before she was dropped onto a different surface, that of a low-rise table in the center-side of the cabin.

Vivian staggered up onto her feet, only to become unbalanced again when she turned to witness the goddess standing above her. Placed so low onto the furniture, Vivian only came as high as Shelby’s knees and thus craned her neck back to gawk at the rest of her; so much flesh, seemingly soft and welcoming, the slight excess shivering in response to any movement -- as if it were all about to come undone like a snowcap facing to avalanche. The sight was beheld for only a moment before that collapse appeared to happen, albeit away from Vivian and onto the humble sofa seat behind her. The shockwave of her impact into the cushions was felt from that distance, however, enough to make the little woman flinch towards the middle of the table.

The goddess situated herself comfortably on the couch, displaying the truth of her divinity. That truth was that she was lacking in the grace that the church spoke so highly of; she spread her legs remorselessly, scratched at her bush and propped her feet on top of the table, the obelisks that they were to Vivian pounding the ledge like the loads of catapults striking their target. Vivian looked to each of them with their own deserved amount of fear, only to see between them at that faraway stare perched atop a mountainside of a woman. The feet writhed -- they beckoned to her.

“Come to the edge,” Shelby said. It was hardly a demand, for she did not need to make it one. Vivian was proving loyal already, slowly but responsively doing as told and standing between the house-sized soles. The goddess grinned, “Now, take that off. As cute as that dress is, let me see you.” She twirled a finger in Vivian’s direction, as if casting her with the whim to strip. It was nearly that effortless, for Vivian, lacking in any way to refuse, gradually succumbed to the command and began undoing the complex fashion she had been wrangled into. Initially, she thought herself to have no connection with the clothes, and thought of the relief to shed them aside and be free of its tightness -- but as the garments all loosened, eventually spilling off of her with each undone binding, her fingers pinched the fabric wantingly, appreciating what few things of her world there still were to latch onto. They were suddenly so precious, the dress she had never before worn, and the stocking and garters to go with it; she held them in both her arms, hesitant to let them away from her naked body.

“Lovely… What beautiful skin~” Shelby remarked, one arm crossed beneath her chest as she slouched deeper into the cushions. A playful finger had hooked at her lip as she watched the miserable woman undress, and once the performance was complete, she reached forward and stole the red dress away. It was no longer needed, and so it was ripped out of Vivian’s grasp and quickly discarded onto an unoccupied part of the couch. Vivian’s gasp of despair was a chime that made Shelby giggle, “You’re not going to wear antique rags like that anymore~ I have a whole assortment of cute things that I have you all wear, but until I pick something out, you should get used to being naked. It’s how I like to be~ mm, most of the time...”

Without even the disrobed dress to conceal herself, Vivian shuddered under her own exposure, twisting away from the vision that pierced her like a lance. She sheltered her nudity behind crossed arms and legs, clenching tighter in her own embrace when the massive woman lurked inwards. Fingers hovered onto her, a single hand prodding at her from different angles, each pad finding a part of her to caress. Vivian squeaked in protest, kicking away from the touches until they gave up -- Shelby, bent the way she was with her feet on the table, could only hold the position for so long.

“Aww~ Sorry, I couldn’t hold back any longer,” Shelby giggled, gently nestling her heels together along the tableside. They were posed in front of Vivian like a giant V, now held more still than before. “So, I’m sure you want answers. Keep rubbing my feet, and I’ll be happy to talk.”

Vivian scanned just one of the feet being discussed, overwhelmed by the detail she could see of the sole; every wrinkle, the little spaces between each toe, the hardened skin circling the heel. “R-Rubbing them…” she scoffed quietly, glancing a fast glare up at the goddess. She spoke louder, “I-Is this a ruse? How could I possibly…?”

A heel bounced onto the surface, followed by the other -- two ground-quaking thumps, drummed all around Vivian in an instant. She thought she had misspoken to the goddess to earn such an intimidating gesture, and thus reactively pushed herself into the sole, reaching as high up as she could; truly, Shelby had not heard her little comments, only rushing Vivian when she hesitated for too long. After one foot was chosen to be tended to, Shelby relaxed the other onto the floor so that she could sit well to speak; it tickled her to think of the subject matters ahead, and how she would explain it all to her latest addition.

“It feels so long ago now,” Shelby reminisced, “but when I think about it, it’s only been about six months of patrolling this route. That’s probably more like years on your planet. You see, one day, my bath wouldn’t run water. I could’ve just gone a few days without washing, but your planet was right there, with plenty of clean water. I thought I’d just take a quick dip… but I realized that the little pool I was in was actually a lake. I found little homes nearby, full of little people…! Before I realized it, hehe, I was wandering right into a city~ Everyone was so flustered and scared, running around my feet… and I wasn’t even doing anything. Just walking around. Naked.

“It felt like a dream… so I had to prove it wasn’t, and take something home with me. Something that could only come from a planet with a micro-civilization, hehe~ I looked into this church-place, and found such a pretty woman staring up at me. I wondered what she had to be thinking -- maybe she wondered the same thing about me. When I got close to her, she didn’t run, or scream, not like everyone else. So I picked her up. She was so light, like I was picking up a blot of ink that could drip free. She rolled into the palm of my hand, began freaking out a bit… so I just left. She was mine now. It felt like stealing, heh, something a recruit like me could never get away with… but no one was going to stop me. I was kidnapping a beautiful woman like I was shoplifting something. Ah~” Shelby laid a hand over her heart, while her toes flexed tightly up above Vivian’s head. “God, such a rush… If you knew what it was like, you’d do it over and over, too. Anyone would.

“Hey, are you done already?” Shelby asked, tilting her foot to the side so that she could spy down at Vivian. The tiny woman had fallen still, no longer pressing her arms and elbows into the sole. She had been absorbed into the explanation, to see events from the goddess’s perspective and glimpses of her sister’s fate -- but Shelby only cared about her massage. “If you’re going to stop, I can stop, too.”

“N-No, please! I’m tr-trying…!” Vivian reached hungrily for the foot when it began to drift away, grabbing the heel and pulling herself into its blunt roundness. Her palms ran around the bumps of wrinkles in wide circles; afraid that may not be convincing enough, she also dug her knee into the skin, and then the entire left side of her body, leaning hard into the wall-like foot. She grunted with desperation, “Please, th-that’s my sister…! What happened to her…?”

Shelby’s grin stretched wider with amusement over Vivian’s pleading. “You really must be related,” she teased. “You both worry in the same ways. So feisty. It’s really adorable. But I think you’ll lose that edge, just like she did. She learned.” With a sigh, Shelby drew her foot away from Vivian, only to replace it with the other foot, resting it on its side with the balls of her toes brought close to her tiny captive. It took Vivian only a blink to assert herself there between those stubby digits, stroking their lengths with both hands while she urged her head as far as it could be. “When I brought her here, she wanted so many answers, and I couldn’t even talk yet. She was getting upset, but the moment I told her to stop… she stopped. Instantly~

“I didn’t know what to do, so I put her away in a cabinet. I… did some thinking,” she chuckled and twirled a finger in her hair, “and when I came back to her… she acted very differently. She was bowing to me. When I lifted a finger, she didn’t flinch or pull away. She let me touch her, like a pet learning its place~ And she called me the goddess -- the goddess. She said she had a vision that explained everything to her. I still hadn’t said much, but I never needed to. She knew.

“So for a while, I kept her. In return, she was obedient. Quiet. I didn’t know what to really do with her, until one day, I gave her a task. I was bored again, so I told her that I would crush her if she couldn’t get me off.” Shelby scoffed at her own story, “So mean, wasn’t I? But she took it very seriously -- of course she did, pfft, she thought a goddess had just given her some kind of, I dunno, godly command. Oh, she tried so hard~ Climbing around my pussy, trying to figure out what she could even do, knowing that her life was on the line. She got so worked up, so sweaty, so squeaky, hehe~ You just don’t find lovers quite like that at your own size. It took her a long while… but luckily, I’m a patient goddess. And I admire perseverance.

The details put Vivian into a chokehold, though it did undermine her commitment to massaging the goddess’s foot with nearly her whole body. What was described to her was difficult to comprehend, like only able to see shadows acting out a scene; to think of such intimacy burned her skin with redness, even more so to visualize her own sister’s involvement, the shame that must have burdened her. When she blinked and returned to the present, Vivian looked at the placement of her hands, how they squished into the sole of a giant foot -- such a task was strikingly daunting, yet Christin was seemingly put through so much worse.

“She deserved a reward,” Shelby continued; her toes tenderly curled around Vivian’s frame, though the little woman herself was too absorbed into the story to notice. “She wasn’t nearly as difficult to please~ Mm, one long lick… and she melted like chocolate. Like I licked the life out of her, haha~ She just laid there, agasp… covered in my spit… Mmm…” Her tongue lashed her lips, a sight Vivian glimpsed from a window between two toes. “She looked at me differently from then on. More responsive. I might have awakened something in your sister. And that makes me wonder if the same could happen to you~”

Vivian paused her movements into the foot, opting instead to lean away and reflect on what she had submitted to. She huffed, the lowly scent of the foot now attached to her, the sense of disgust only then rising up in her stomach. Left hanging on Shelby’s words, Vivian trembled backwards, shielding herself and bunkering down when that huge body moved closer to her. She assumed wrongly that she would have a chance to resist being grabbed and possibly squirm free, severely underestimating how inarguable the goddess’s grasp was; in an instant, she was off the table, encased in a ball of fingers that refused to budge, no matter how Vivian kicked against them.

The fist uncurled, exposing Vivian flipped on her front, clutching the base of Shelby’s middle finger. A fearful expression twisted up at the goddess, a face that was pale with the realization that she was defenseless. The other hand rose into view and neared close with a pointed finger; Vivian readied to be jabbed, but the touch was surprisingly soft on her shivering body. It stroked her side, finding a ticklish nook around Vivian’s hips -- Shelby giggled alongside her, pleased to find these secrets, but she had other intentions. The pad of her finger, after swirling once up to Vivian’s hair, turned down the slope of her back and up the peak of her ass. The touch immediately earned a sour answer, with Vivian contorting quickly onto her back, a foot kicked against the fingernail to push it away; a useless response that Shelby thwarted to the tune of a giggle, pinching the ankle and holding it tight up above Vivian. Posed embarrassingly, Vivian roared with fluster, stomping with her other foot against the fingers that bound her, all while attempting to hide her upside-down nudity.

“Mhmm, relax~” Shelby cooed, but her soothing tone could not calm the tiny woman twisting in her grasp. “You did as I asked, so you get a reward, too. Hehe, you’re so touchy~” Her middle finger snaked between the two legs, slithering along the two thighs and spreading them apart. She felt Vivian try hard to close her legs, and just as well did she feel her tiny heart pounding like a storm, her ceaseless breaths sharpening with each inhale -- it was surely dawning on her. “This will feel good-- are you a virgin? I figure you must be. Hah, don’t be so worried, and just let it happen~”

Vivian growled, continuing to kick at the fingers with the fleeting stamina she had left, but the finger could not be refused. Writhing for escape was hopeless, as even if she did wrestle free from the pinch on her ankle, she was limited to only the width of the goddess’s hand -- she was her possession, something like a doll, and her purpose as such was to be used. After one final bout of frustrated resistance, Vivian’s body fell limp in the way it was held, and Shelby’s finger immediately moved in, taking a position where the pad was placed atop her mound. Its subtle weight had tremendous effect on how it quieted Vivian, as though she had been gagged or held at knifepoint; she bit her tongue, her stare switching between the goddess’s touch, and her smug expression hovering overhead.

“Sshhh… Good girl,” Shelby whispered. Gently, her middle finger took motion, swirling back and forth in a restricted way. Though minimal in how it moved, it proved effective in producing the wildest squirm from Vivian, her limbs flailing unexpectedly in a surge. Her ankle nearly kicked free, but Shelby asserted her grip and pulled on the leg, forcing Vivian’s hips tighter against her fingertip. The response choked the little woman mid-gasp, and she dug her nails into the finger as a meek defense, failing to change anything. When she could breathe again, her chest pumped madly, her whole body boiling into a pink color dotted in beads of sweat. Shelby giggled and advised her captive, “Loosen up, and this will feel a lot better. Trust me… I want you to enjoy this…~”

Generously, the momentum of the situation was held steady. Vivian swallowed and caught her breath to some degree, given the chance to stabilize her rushing mind and think clearly. The fingertip yet remained there on her crotch, in the center of her vision, strong and unmoving compared to how she quivered frightfully beneath its point. Shelby’s words haunted her head, unsure how far she could trust the goddess -- or how disobedient she was permitted to be. In this pause, her arms returned to her side, curling into the plushness of the goddess’s palm; she was eventually able to retrieve her ankle, no longer restrained, allowed to rest it around the long, elegant finger. Vivian blinked, and with a sigh, her demeanor had softened, that despite her hesitation, she had been coaxed into releasing some of her tension.

It felt as though some divine ability had convinced her to accept the goddess’s will, but Shelby had only the power of her own charm. Her giggling chimed on as she felt Vivian relax into her palm, that drum-like breathing steadying into a less panicked rhythm. Then, with a pop of motion in her finger, all that tension and more returned. She felt the jitter of Vivian’s body stiffening, reacting harshly to the fingertip that was entering her; her hips were paralyzed, her legs itched but would not kick, and more tightly did she claw into the finger’s skin. Shelby was rewarded with this reaction, finding pleasure in her own electric effect and eager to induce more.

Without warning, she pushed farther inside Vivian. Vivian made the motions of gasping, but her lungs had little air to spare, leaving her in near-silent spasms. She could only muster a whine as she was filled, her cunt widened far beyond than it ever had -- than she ever thought it could. Sweat drenched her body as she found herself caplessly hot, drained of any energy she could have used to resist. On every level, it was easier to collapse and submit; the fingertip, when allowed to penetrate her, did so more smoothly and at a speed she could handle, and no longer did her muscles ache from being clenched at the ready. Indeed, as the finger pulled free and then lightly pushed back in, there was a relief to be found, if only after enduring the strain it caused -- her body felt opened, and in that space was a fresh, wild sensation, as if her spirit was being teased into unnesting.

Somewhere in the hazy moment, Vivian’s voice returned, and she gasped a different pitch. With a surge of strength, she began curling upwards of the finger, that barrel of mass shoved inside of her and pinning her down. Her core pulsated with a warmth that soothed the pain of being entered and more, the pleasure she was rushed into oozing between her legs. It was an embarrassing puddle of her wetness, viscous and clinging to her skin as it did that of the fingertip’s. When she overcame the choke of her throat, Vivian whined meekishly as she comprehended the sensation spelled onto her, that physical release that was like her body being unlocked.

In search of such answers, a messy expression turned upwards at the giant eyes that watched her. Vivian stuttered; tears dotted her eyes from the stress inflicted upon her, blinked away as she gazed up at the goddess seeking her approval – a subconscious desire, to be validated and assured of what she had done. Unable to speak, too afraid to say something before the goddess, she sat struck in her slanted posture, her hips and legs latched to the roundness of the finger like stone. Suspense froze her, until eventually she deciphered the long curve of the goddess’s lips as a satisfied smile, a realization that loosened the awkward tightness.

And when loose enough, Vivian flipped forward, bounced into the tumble by a jump of the finger. Shelby rolled her into the palm of her other hand, amused by the little woman’s quick squeal of surprise after her bubble of bliss had popped. The attitude of how she held Vivian had shifted; though still tender in how she touched her, her handling was playful and less cautious, suddenly more familiar with the weight and shape of a miniature person. Confined in the trust of Shelby’s grasp, Vivian was blindly taken elsewhere by the goddess, her virginity abandoned in that distance – without commemoration, Vivian was from then on initiated.

Shelby entered a different room, effectively taking her captive across ecosystems. Vivian was acutely aware of the change in pressure, but she could only be so prepared for a new world to open around her; the fingers uncurled under brighter lights and whiter walls, imposing upon Vivian’s diminutive comprehension of where she was as everything appeared so distantly huge and wide. She noticed one feature below, a stretch of landscape like a forest or wavy hills, but was actually a maze of wrinkles to an untidy bedspread. A bedroom, Vivian learned, but she corrected herself– The goddess’s… bedroom…

Yet her bewilderment leaped again when something new was brought into view. Shelby had reached for a thing that was alien to Vivian, an orb of dark glass that fitted into a saucer, huge to her like a fortress, yet could be moved by just the whim of the goddess’s gestures. It levitated in the air despite its massiveness, drifted close as if it were a paper lantern hovering along a breeze. The glass displayed a warped reflection all around it like protective chrome, but in an instant – to the command of Shelby’s one tap – the shield vanished, seemingly melting into the saucer, revealing the place that was inside, a location of green grass and a lonely brick building in the middle.

Shelby’s fingers connected to the rim of the saucer, becoming a bridge onto the island’s edge. “It’s time that you’re introduced to your new home~” she explained to her petrified captive. “I want you to get situated as soon as possible. You’ll be living in this from now on– when you’re not keeping me company, I mean. A Sanctuary, modeled like the little temples on your planet. Cute, isn’t it?” Vivian still hesitated, unphased by the excitement behind Shelby’s tone, and unaware of her knowing smile looming above. The goddess whispered to her the most motivating detail: “I’m sure the other girls are just as excited to meet you.”

Compelled by the remark, Vivian bounced forward with a second wind of stamina, uplifted by the promise that she was within reach of her desires. She stuttered with doubt, but Shelby urged her onto the island with a push of motion underneath her. The hand left after shaking her onto the yard, where an overwhelmed Vivian stood only on her knees, trembling in front of the unknown that was the multi-story temple, nowhere to turn back to except the goddess’s gaze of interest.

Anxious, confused, cold, and exhausted; the ailments all melted from Vivian as soon as one image appeared from the archway entrance, just half of a woman peering around its corner to see outside. Her eyes met with Vivian’s, locking their stares together as if they belonged united, colored the same as each other. Almost like a reflection, but painted onto a stranger; awestruck silence gripped both women as they grappled with the reality between them. The robed figure stepped forward, revealing the full state of shock she was in, her lips and tongue visibly struggling to shape the name she remembered:

“... Vivian…?”


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