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This is a rather quick story I whipped up by the suggestion of the commissioning patron~ It was fun to write because of how straightforward it was, nothing too complex to worry about, which I think fits the character really well. She's simple and easy-going, not a lot of baggage~ and even less when she's written for my little kaiju fetish universe.

I've said it before on twitter, but lately I've had this itch for kaiju stories haha. I think it's because rampage stories are so enthralling to write for me, and kaijus are just big balls of destruction without much other purpose. I've wanted to write a story with this dino-girl for awhile, she's just super hot~ The idea of making her a kaiju that doesn't care about humans at all, even hotter. Being a t-rex really makes her a natural fit for this kind of story. I'm definitely gonna be writing for her again at some point~

But yeah, I really like simple kaiju stories! I think I want to try and make more of them, simple destruction-focused stories where a giant character or two wrestle with a tiny city or something similar. I'd love to take requests for this type of thing, too! I think specifically calling these "kaiju stories" should help establish expectations, and that might be easier on my mind when it comes to writing them out~

I don't got much else to say. The story goes public in a week~ Thanks for all the support from everyone! This month should be decently filled with new and/or updated stories~



This was super cute!! And more kaiju-style stuff sounds really fun!!