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[This is a reward for an anonymous patron. Thank you so much for the support!

"Regina" is a (non-giant) character created by the artist Shenaniganza for the webcomic Scalie Schoolie. Her character has yet to appear officially in the story, but Shen has given me permission to write the character with whatever fetishistic desires I came up with~ Even the name "Regina" is of my choosing, and her personality is written how I personally imagine her to be. I figured I'd introduce the character first since she's of such a unique design~ Here's some wonderful size-themed art of her from the artist himself! I hope that gives a clearer idea of who is stomping around in this story, haha~]

Hollow howls of wind swept through the city. The quiet that persisted across all its districts was in contrast to the barrage of chaos that reaped the civilization without remorse hours before. The usually busy streets buzzing with activity were abandoned; the city’s whole population had either been evacuated, or were claimed as victims in the rampage. The only evidence of what terrorized the town lay sleeping in its very center, her snoring no different from the natural winds. And where she slept was a large circle of camouflage uniforms and heavy vehicles; the army, lying in wait to commence their counter-attack against the dinosaur-humanoid -- the green-scaled monster that happily ravaged the community the night prior.

Regina was a kaiju, emboldened with aspects reminiscent of prehistoric titans. A giant monster that the army classified in the range of 200 meters tall, she had stumbled upon the unfortunate city last night, deciding promptly to then wreak havoc on the citizens -- a routine that was ordinary for most creatures of her kind. It was nothing more than a source of entertainment to her, to crash through lowrises with unstoppable footsteps, or to clench semi-trucks in her claws until they were misshapen scraps. She danced through the streets specifically looking to cause harm, uncaring how her long tail whipped into buildings like a cruel club. Anything she found appetizing was appropriately eaten, never to be seen again once past her array of sharp teeth -- of which, she was most proud of, being that of t-rex ancestry specifically.

Indeed, Regina being a dinosaur-kaiju was particularly worrisome. Reptilian goliaths such as her were most feared across humanity. They were infamous for their bloodlust, but renowned for their imperviousness to damage, their scales proving to be tougher than anything the military could mass produce for themselves. Yet, Regina had proven to be uniquely lazy and nonchalant; when she finally went to sleep, it was as spontaneous as her arrival, and she announced her slumber as if she were finished with a party, even thanking the rioting crowds for “a hella good time.”

After the citizens were evacuated from the area, the military took positions. Dire circumstances meant dire resorts, and so a wide-scale attack was arranged. Their hope was to ambush the kaiju with a bombardment so powerful, she would be forced to retreat back to her own lands, or at least be injured enough to be unable to continue her rampage. Tepidly did all ranks of soldiers await their signals, anxiously on-guard for what might be stirred.

The jets were arriving. Units of soldiers backed away to safer distances. Their target was as prone as she had been all night, laid flat on her back with her legs spread lazily apart, and a claw messily drawn into her spandex shorts where they had itched her crotch unabashedly. There was no sense of privacy, but the belittled soldiers hoped this would make her vulnerable; it would all be proven in a short few seconds.

The screech of jet planes, followed by a rain of bombs. As the jets zoomed over the many meters of their target, they released their explosives in carpet bomb fashion. The steady silence was then suddenly disrupted -- B-Boom-Boom-Boom!! The sound of the military’s fiercest attack drummed along the torso and chest of their mighty opponent, enough power to dominate a conventional enemy’s fortress in minutes. Red fires blossomed up from all over her body, peppering her entire sleeping form with this organized airstrike. Preemptively did soldiers cheer and rally to the tune of detonations -- until they felt the ground shiver, the hill-sized limbs curling into motion, slowly responding to what had been done.

There was a groan of grogginess, but across the city, it was as intimidating as a roar. Regina’s head lifted up from the bank headquarters it had used as a pillow, the debris of which was dragged upward in the green-colored tangles of her bedhead. The unruliness of her hair was present in her bangs, the overgrown ends of which extended over her blinking eyes. Much of her risen form was hidden in a veil of smoke left behind by the bombs, but a few coughs and swipes of her claw dispersed the fog. Her expression was then revealed to the surrounding soldiers, that of an uncomfortable scowl that betrayed the happy-go-lucky personality that raved through the city last night.

“Wadda hell…? Ungh…” Regina whined as she twisted a fist into her sleepy eyes, still comprehending the situation. The bombardment may have awakened her, but there was something simpler that ailed her more significantly than the military attack; “What a fuckin’ headache… The hell did I eat yesterd-- ah?”

Found in the thin strips of roads branching from her nest, Regina recognized the camouflage paint and square arrangements posed all around her. A glance behind her took awareness of the jets soaring past her, long gone and away from such a terrifying target. Naturally as a kaiju, Regina had faced military forces in the past, but never before had they tried such cheap tactics -- attacking her while she slept, and a sleep that was especially sound for her. No blame was cast upon herself for sleeping in their city, but instead only an anger aimed at these diminutive nuisances.

“Seriously? Seriously?!” Regina snarled, scratching at her crotch as she continued to crane forward. The army was swift to respond upon realizing the ineffectiveness of their attack, but not so swift to avoid her first strike: a meteoric slam of her fist, crushing flat a squadron of soldiers and their vehicles. “You picked the wrong giant bitch to shake around, boot boys. Ugh!”

A relentless series of strikes followed, instantly overwhelming the military and forcing them to flee. Regina never had to stand up to obliterate her attackers, electing to stay seated while she swatted down helicopters and kicked over tanks. Corners of buildings and passover bridges were blown to pieces by outward stomps that consumed entire streets, bulldozing through the military’s defenses with ease. Unlike Regina’s usual tactics, there was little playfulness in how she rampaged, only the rage of her being disturbed so gracelessly. Within minutes, most of the military had been flattened, with a sparse few managing to retreat out of Regina’s reach.

“It’s too early for this shit,” Regina complained, her tantrum having come to an end. She huffed, trying to blow the loosest strands of her bangs out of her eyes. Using a nearby tower for support, she began to stand up, causing its roof to cave in under her weight. Her tail peeled out from under her, whipping through a garage and its abandoned lot of cars. None of this destruction phased Regina, nor her subsequent yawn. “They sure were eager, huh… but, if they want to play, I’ve got nothing better to do~” Regina strutted forward, brushing the rear-end of her spandex free of dust-like debris. “Let’s see how they like a rude awakening, eheh…”

A trail of talon-shaped craters was left in the wake of Regina’s walk. Her claws carved through the highways, imposing upon unsuspecting drivers with dramatic crashes of footfalls. The cars she stomped over would then be looking out for the swinging of Regina’s dinosaur tail as it followed reliably behind her, proving its power by creating gusts of wind. From long distances did reporters race after her, announcing to the public her predictable direction: the nearest military base.

The administration of which had been preparing for her arrival, arranging for such a development since their bombing attack was confirmed a failure. The soldiers within the perimeter were stationed for a desperate defensive strategy, but their greatest hope for mercy was based on the kaiju’s fickleness; they prayed she might simply lose interest in them, overlooking their airstrike and continuing elsewhere harmlessly.

But the onslaught of nearing footsteps crashing across the countryside foretold only peril, made ever haunting by the growing giggles of the giant. Regina was giddy just by seeing the military base’s signal towers come into view, rising above the hillsides that made it a defensible location. Those same steep slopes, however, were ankle-high to the t-rex woman, surmounting such an obstacle and more by merely stepping over them. Rather than protect the military base from an invading force, the terrain instead sealed them into an inescapable arena for her to play in.

The first line of defense was positioned a mile out from the base. As the quakes grew in magnitude, the soldiers stationed here hustled to their posts and readied their weapons. Their arsenal included rocket launches and heavy gatling guns, some bolted into the ground while others were driven in on the backs of jeeps. Any lesser weapon was brought along for uniform’s sake, a last resort for individuals to pray with if their ranks are broken. As the dinosaur woman marched into proximity, it seemed inevitable that their formations would be ruined.

Regina stepped into a round hill, squashing it into a plain beneath her digitigrade legs and taking pause there with a sharp grin. Ahead of her were the lines of soldiers spread out to intercept her coming. Their commitment made her chuckle, as though they were scrambled just to entertain her. She shook her head with a hand sassily propped on her hip, “Lining up all pretty like this won’t make you any less crushable, ya’ know.”

One additional step forward initiated the forefront defense. Gatling barrels spun rapidly as they unleashed a hailstorm of bullets all together, creating an impressive wave of force to meet Regina -- specifically, the sole of her bare foot as it flung towards them. Despite how synchronous this violent attack was, however, the bullets were virtually unable to pierce the dinosaur’s scales. Regina felt little more than a massage-like tickle brush against her foot, and found it funny enough to even keep her sole exposed to the soldiers.

“It’s warm~ That must be a lot of firepower you’re toting, huh!” Regina laughed, crossing her arms under her chest while her foot remained lifted. She then felt stronger flicks of an attack -- the explosive results of cannons hitting her toes and ankle, powerful enough to make her foot itch. “Aw, isn’t that cute? Don’t you have any bigger weapons? You’re gonna need ‘em, ya’ little--”

Before Regina could continue, she was interrupted by a new type of enemy. Cutting through the clouds towards her was a crew of jets, peppering her with their own gunfire and rockets. With their aerial advantage, they concentrated their attacks onto her chest and shoulders, intending to slow her down and draw her attention. It very well worked, but to the misfortune of the pilots; Regina met their speedy interception with a swipe of her claw, successfully slicing a jet into a mid-air explosion.

“Not fast enough, fuckers,” Regina mocked, her amusement only increasing with every new obstacle. She studied how the jets flew past her in evasive maneuvers; they were as quick as flies, but their paths were predictable. By flicking her tail upward, she was able to catch a jet attempting to circle behind her, causing it to crumble in a blast of fire against the tip. A hardy laugh bellowed from Regina as her tail curled playfully, “Sick! Ahah, did you guys see that?”

In her celebration, Regina progressed towards the military base, unconsciously trampling over that first line of defense. Soldiers forfeited their weapons and positions, but few could escape the shadow of her footfall. Those that did outrun her foot were swept into a whirlwind that blew them off their feet. From these fallen positions, they gawked at the dinosaur woman stepping over them, cowering beneath her lower-half as it hovered past.

“Hah~ Finally here! Hey all you down there!” Regina was upon the military base proper, her entering steps demolishing barriers of concrete without any effort. Announcing her arrival was the cry of sirens, alarming all units inside about the invader at their gates. Regina giggled, feeling more scattered waves of bullets hitting her -- up her calves, as high as her thighs. “Ooh, very impressive,” she sarcastically remarked. “Here, try harder! I’ll make it really ease for you dumbasses~”

As promised, Regina opened herself to further attack by squatting down in front of the soldiers directly ahead of her. Her knees were spread apart, making for a wide opening that begged to be focused on: her crotch, the shape of which could vaguely be made out as the spandex stretched tight from her position. Her arms laid lazily on each leg while she sat above them so, a sultry giggle leaking from her as the army, appropriately, adjusted their angles of attack to where she wanted.

“Haaah-- fuck yeah,” Regina moaned, her claws clenching at her knees in pleasure. She embraced the patter of gunfire focused against her cunt, and she bubbled with joy when explosions detonated between her thighs. Her hips rocked just slightly to the tempo of their assault, turning the army’s resolve to fight into her own means of masturbation. “C’mon, hah…~ That’s so nice! Ahh--”

Then, with only the shift of her weight as warning, Regina’s ass dropped onto the military base. It swung forward like a wrecking ball just before plummeting into the ground, her seat aimed at where the soldiers were bunkered. Like lightning did she suddenly have claim over this fraction of the military base, her butt smashing into the earth like a stockade of bombs hitting a target. The aftermath left soldiers sprawled all around the black wall that was her shorts-clad ass, which continued to slide and grind across the pavement as she settled into position.

“That’s nice~ I can really take a load off here,” Regina sighed, kicking her legs into the air and placing them over two branches of the fort. The heel of a talon blew right through a signal tower as she situated herself, and another stomped right on top of a tank, crumpling it like a can -- neither of which were intentional. Truly, Regina was more concerned about her sex, positioning it strictly up against a corner of the base. She curled forward above the building, casting her wicked smile, “Alright, let’s really put you grunts to use…”

Regina quivered in anticipation as she pulled forward the hem of her spandex, creating a pocket to her cunt that she was happy to fill. Her other claw reached to her side, where a spray of bullets had railed pointlessly against her side, and easily did she scoop these soldiers into her grasp and deposit them into her pants. Those claimed by this attack were too quickly moved to even be aware of what their purpose was for; after just a blink of a moment, these soldiers found themselves flung into a shadowy pit, bouncing down a tarp of underwear and sliding messily against a mammoth set of lips. The distinct smell of Regina’s genitals dominated every breath they took, regardless if they were pinned under her pussy or if they struggled to climb up its wrinkles. It made no difference what they attempted, for when the spandex was closed, they were instantly smothered against the flesh as Regina drove her crotch forward into the base’s corner.

“Ahhn~ Gahh…!” Regina unleashed a roar of arousal, a bestial sound that rippled the wills of those nearby. It overpowered the volume of all else; tanks rolling out and the constant ticking of gatling guns were temporarily drowned underneath the dinosaur’s sensual moaning. Those behind Regina, who had wrongly assumed they were safer than others, were ambushed by her clubbing tail smacking about in a circle, expressing her excitement through unconscious swings that tore through battalions.

Any shiver of Regina’s horniness traveled through the foundation of the military base, imbalancing those taking refuge within. The walls were caving in around strategists and leaders who desperately tried to keep order, ultimately pushing them to make the command of unleashing their best ballistics. The closeness of their target ensured that the base itself would be damaged in the explosions, but it was a small price to pay in exchange for, possibly, persuading the giant to stop. Missile bay doors opened and twisted into a ready state while Regina blankly masturbated like she had been, idly adding more units and equipment into her spandex as she did.

The first missile launched after certified approval. The rocket whistled far faster than its size would suggest, shooting straight upward at an unmissable opponent. Its sound alerted Regina of the incoming projectile, but it was too late for her to react -- not that she would bother trying. Indeed, when the missile struck its mark at the creature’s bosom, Regina responded more with enthusiasm than any semblance of backing off.

“Ohh, hell yeah!” the kaiju flaunted, gripping the breast that had been bombed. She winced from the pinch-like burning of the attack, her grin spreading wider as she massaged around the nipple. “Good aim you got there, boot boys! Did ya’ figure it out? If you get me off, this all ends for you a lot faster~” Her hips thrusted forward with another moan, crashing into the building like it was made of paper. “Hahaaa~ You guys got another one of those ready? C’mon, hit me with it~! Use your best weapons to tickle my boob! That’s all it can fuckin’ do!”

In fact, another missile was being readied, exactly as Regina wished. Unlike before, Regina took notice of where the weapon was being prepared, spotting its launchpad from across the site. As it took aim at her, she shifted her position, wanting more from the attack -- to prove doubtlessly to these soldiers that their ballistics were just toys to her. Thus did she boast her bosom above the military base, crawling on all-fours so that each boob hanged overhead like weapons themselves.

“You can’t miss~” Regina teased, her long hair forming a shell around her downcast head. Her rear-end wiggled in anticipation, attracting a stream of bullets that peppered the broadness of it to no effect. “Do it! Do it already, you tiny lil’ fucks! Don’t get me hyped for nothin’!”

The missile launched, and one second later, it exploded. It traveled much shorter than the previous rocket as Regina’s breasts were so close, yet despite this advantage, the attack only ignited more of her uproarious behavior. Fire and smoke blossomed from her cleavage, burning away at her shirt and gradually revealing more of the green scales underneath. Her top was in tatters, but that glimpse of nudity was thrilling to her; her clothes were being ripped apart by a military’s ultimate efforts, a compliment only a kaiju could savor.

Regina’s arousal spiked, and consequently did her groin shove forward relentlessly. A squadron of lost soldiers that was bunkered before her crotch was gracelessly wiped out as a result, her thighs bursting into offices and labs that were still being evacuated. Many trying to flee were forced into surprise dead-ends where the black of Regina’s spandex had commandeered the layout, and any subsequent twitch of pleasure was enough to shatter more of the building.

Such a feeling of brute power tickled Regina like it traditionally did, and after reaching a point, she accented her climax with a drop of her upper body. She did so with a huff of laughter, collapsing over the roof and allowing her weight to crush everything under her. No structure stood a chance against the thousands of tonnes her body weighed, everything crumbling to dust that spewed outwards away from her mass. A lazy sigh followed after her fall, a gust that flung jeeps onto their sides before soldiers could use them to retreat. Regina had melted over the military base, and still quaking with energy, she remained there rocking her chest and crotch against the remains, occasionally earning a pop of resistance from some unfortunate soul.

“That wasn’t half bad,” Regina commented, her audience consisting of injured, helpless soldiers struggling to reach safety. From behind her bangs, huge eyes scanned the scene in front of her. “Man, there’s a shit-ton of you guys, huh. What do you all even get paid to do…?”

After having jacked-off, Regina wanted only to relax. It entertained her to feel the continued but weakened efforts of the military fight her, makeshift battalions that stubbornly gunned her down from whatever corners of her body they had scope of. Jets continued to dash about in the sky, soaring over Regina’s uplifted ass and tail with fly-by attacks -- Regina had hoped for as much, hence why she kept it lifted. The dinosaur’s only complaint was her hunger, which she knew would be simple to satisfy.

“I think you’ll do,” Regina chuckled, craning her head towards a tower that still stood. Its height was what drew her attention, expecting it to be a worthwhile snack, but her fascination did not go unnoticed by those inside. When she approached the tower, soldiers immediately began to flee from its base. “Nope,” she flatly stated before cupping a claw around the base, cutting off the escape paths for many. “You tiny things are where all the flavor is at~ Just stand right there for a moment, ehehe!”

Regina’s tormenting comments preluded the threat that was her appetite. After belittling the soldiers enough, she leaned forward with her maw gaping open, unabashedly allowing drops of drool to rain down on her prey. Globs of saliva streaked down the tower and glossed the windows that dozens were looking through. Her jaw lowered, consuming the tower from the top-down in a seal of darkness; she intended to devour the tower in one bite, but already was the roof breaking apart against her serpentine tongue. A giggle hummed ominously down the multiple floors, a hint of one last hesitation.

With a definitive chomp, the tower was broken off from the land and picked up into Regina’s mouth -- as much of it as could be taken. Shards of debris spilled over her lips as her tongue curled around the segments of the structure, coiling around it and breaking it apart into smaller, swallowable chunks. Her razor sharp teeth overpowered the concrete and steel with every bite, and the soldiers fared even worse, clambering around her gums amidst pools of saliva. No amount of military training had made their fates anything more than that of crumbs, tossed about in a massive mouth like a hurricane.

Pathetically, the soldiers and their tower were gradually swallowed. Regina licked her lips to catch any drifters as she rolled onto her back, paving away more of the military base for her to lay across. Her tail continued to swing as a gesture of her happiness, periodically tickled by whatever survivors there were lingering both around and on top of her stretched body. Bathed by the warm sunlight, Regina yawned and contemplated rolling back into another nap.


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