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[This is a pledge reward for a patron~ Thank you so much for the support!]


While staring forward at the brambled wall of pubic hair obstructing the road, Lorita’s car creaked and shivered from a grasp being put around it. The whine of metal accompanied her shriek of panic as the vehicle was lifted off the street, a slow ascent that could not be stopped. Lorita tried what she could, honking the horn in desperate smacks while searching for some escape from her own car. Her efforts only earned a giggle of pity from Cassidy, whose brown eyes lit up as they gazed through the front window at her prize.

Lorita stuttered into flustered gasps, too humbled to speak. The silence was killing her, but then, the giant spoke, Cassidy’s huge voice reverberating the car, “Hello, Lori…” Following her words was a slow spread of a smile, a giggle that was clearly restrained from bubbling over too much. “It’s… so good to see you again…”

Cassidy!! Put me down!!” Lorita cried, rattling against her steering wheel as if that would emphasize her plea. “I don’t want to die! I-I’m so sorry!!

“Awww… You’re shivering... so much…” The belittling comment brought a frigid stillness to Lorita, as though freezing her heart. The car swayed side to side uncomfortably as Cassidy shifted her grasp on it, placing it upon her flattened palm with her face hovering nearby. “It’s time for us to be together, Lori. Just like I wanted us to be. That forever I dreamed about… starts now…”

Lorita fell into dry gasps of air, contrary to how Cassidy trembled into giddy giggles. Spoken to in such a way, Lorita dimly realized how her personhood had been so easily demoted. In the shadow of this giant woman, she was an object, a precious thing to be collected. It was wrong, inhumane -- yet, as far as Cassidy was concerned, this was justice. Lorita’s head lobbed in despair, overwhelmed by how fate had turned since that singular day, two decades into her past.

“Come on. Get out of the car,” Cassidy insisted with a slight rock of her body. “I want to take a good look at you… I’ve stared at your pictures f-for so long, but… I want to see you… Let me see…”

Lorita’s mouth opened to speak, but she was more tempted to wail than respond. She nervously glanced outside her windows, judging the height that she was at and how plausible jumping could serve her. Of course, that was really no option, not when she would be scurrying at Cassidy’s gigantic feet like a bug fighting for survival.

“Come on.” Firmer this time did Cassidy’s voice hit the car. “You can’t say no to what I ask, Lori… Heh… You can’t say no to me anymore.” Her grin turned wicked, or at least it was from Lorita’s stressful perspective. “I don’t want to hurt you, but… I don’t believe I could stop myself, either. I’m so powerful, Lori, s-so… big! I could crush that car you’re in by just… closing… my fist…”

And with that warning given, Cassidy’s fingers began to curl into her palm, blanketing the vehicle’s roof. Darkness seeped into the car as Lorita heard the fleshy drum of fingers gripping the exterior. The slightest tightness of Cassidy’s fist was enough to make the metal whine again in resistance, threatening to snap and break even to such minimal power. Yet, overlaid atop the disastrous sounds, the giant’s amusement was ever heard, insulting Lorita’s abysmal situation.

Lorita’s paralysis was broken when the passenger side windows erupted from the pressure. She screamed and bunkered her head to the steering wheel, causing it to blair back at Cassidy. “Wait, wait, wait!” Lorita yelled, helpless to stop her beloved car from being compressed -- it was entirely Cassidy’s whim when and how that destruction would happen.

“You’ve played hard enough to get, haven’t you?” Cassidy joked. With the edge of her nail, she began scratching at the driver side door, the tip of her finger ramming into the window. Lorita fretted from the impacts, resorting to a scramble into the backseat. Just after she did, the glass was broken into, and the invasive fingernail took the door and peeled it off entirely with a metallic rip. Cassidy peered through the opening, this time expressing a pout, “This doesn’t have to be difficult, Lori~”

Stop this, Cassidy…!” Lorita shouted, tangled in her bathrobe after diving into the back. But the pressure continued to intensify, enough to cause the front airbags to pop into inflation. Utterly hopeless, Lorita flopped to a door, pushing herself out of the car in a frantic rush. She fell face-first into a floor of flesh, the undeniable texture of a palm’s skin all around her.

Before coming to terms with that feeling, Lorita felt the world tilt towards the edge of the hand. Wet from rainwater, she slid down the palm as it demanded of her, resulting in a shriek of horror that ended a moment later, when she fell into Cassidy’s other palm on her back. The dizziness continued to get worse as Cassidy then stood up, her legs splintering the pavement as they powered her back to full height. Higher than ever, Lorita crawled towards the middle of her captor’s hand, whimpering as she comprehended the landscape that was a giant’s body.

“There we are. Safe and sound,” Cassidy said softly. “You’re so light… I barely feel you at all on my hand. Sort of tickles…” While gently giggling over this feeling, Lorita’s car was disposed of in an explosive crunch. Lorita witnessed it happen, how her luxury car held in the opposite hand disappeared behind a roll of fingers, their muscles clenching down and compressing the vehicle like a paper ball. Scraps of steel and droplets of oil trickled from between Cassidy’s fingers before they unveiled the junk piece that was left, a distortion of its former self.

Lorita reached out in despair, her fingers flexing in a want to rewind time. “No…! H-H-How could you…?!” she cried, her crushed heart audible in her tone. “Th-That was my car…! M-My beautiful car…!”

Cassidy cared little, gracelessly releasing the mangled steel and glass from her grasp. It plummeted into another explosive bang in someone’s yard, forgotten about in the next moment. That same hand, after having proven its destructive potential, then neared Lorita -- tender, tiny strokes went along her hunched back, attempts to comfort her as though she were just a pet in distress.

Down below, Cassidy’s footsteps rocked the community, mercilessly demolishing anything that was under her. Neighbors watched from wherever they could, piling up at windows to view the giant’s strides or, if brave enough, leaving their houses to witness the raw power themselves. They awed at Cassidy as her legs pounded by with enough power to make them hop and scurry, which proved to be delightful from Cassidy’s angle over them. She grinned at them, as she did as well to the helicopters that hovered from an assumably safe distance.

“Hah… How embarrassing… I’ve made a mess, haven’t I?” Cassidy coyly asked, continuing to pet Cassidy as she strolled up the road. “And everyone is watching… heh… Did you see me, Lori? Were you watching the news? Was I on it?”

Lorita weakly turned her head from the prone position she was in, tear-dotted eyes struggling to see up to Cassidy. Faintly, she managed to reply, “Y-Yes… C-Cassidy, you’ve… you’ve hurt people, a-and destroyed things…! Wh-What is happening? Just… why?!”

“It’s all for you, Lori,” Cassidy answered, the plainness in her tone creating an eerie vibe. “All those years ago… I never stopped thinking of you. There wasn’t a day -- not a single day -- where I wasn’t looking at a picture of you, or dreaming of being with you again… It’s all I ever wanted. When I promised I’d do anything to keep you as mine, I really did mean anything. I took a prestigious job at Momentous Industries, just so I could use something from them, to create something… that would bring you back to me. Bring the world… back in order.”

“You’re insane, Cassidy, you’re fucking out of your mind!!” Lorita snarled, her frustrations boiling over. “That was high school!! I-I haven’t thought about that s-since… college! God’s sake, Cassidy, wh-what the hell is wrong with you?!”

Cassidy chuckled, “I-I’m in love! If you loved someone dearly, w-wouldn’t you do this, too? Do anything?” Her pace slowed and eventually stopped; the ceasing of her quaking movements was foreboding upon Lorita. “This is true, absolute love, Lori. Even if you rejected me… Even if you’re smaller than a finger to me…! This is how things were meant to be! You and me!”

Lorita growled and covered her face in her hands, wiping off the moisture of rain while contemplating her position. When she looked back at Cassidy, expecting to keep arguing, she felt an emotional ping from the giant. She studied the looming expression with clearer eyes, and it dawned upon her that the manic tone in Cassidy’s voice was not a nervous or unhinged effect. What Lorita saw was a warmth, a drool-inducing desire -- her supersized stalker was succumbing to arousal.

Panting with excitement, Cassidy turned and looked down at where she had arrived. “What a lovely home,” she commented, “well, except for the hole in the roof…” They had returned to Lorita’s property, where in their absence, a crowd had come together, buzzing about with unbridled interest regarding the scene. Police and emergency workers warded them from the yard while also attempting to help those injured in the chaos, but nothing they did could sate the crowd’s curiosity. Her smile in the mob’s direction was greeted with a number of high-pitched squeals, but her attention soon went back to Lorita in her hand. “I’m sure you’ve been happy living here, with your… husband…”

Lorita peeked over the ends of Cassidy’s fingers and down at her crumbling home. At the mention of her husband, she grew sickly pale. She watched without reply as Cassidy stepped closer, her foot collapsing over a garden lounge and turning the space into a brown lot of soil.

“I know of him… You probably guessed, huh?” Cassidy said, idly twisting that same foot into the ground so that its stone-made contents were perfectly graveled. “I know that he’s rich. I know that he’s gone a lot. Hehe~ That would be the kind of g-guy you would fall in love with, huh?” Cassidy winced, “Well, not in love… But you did marry him. Oh, Lori… You were so confused, b-but I understand…”

“No, C-Cassidy, stop…” Lorita was breathless, shaking her head against what she foresaw. “No more jokes… No more of this…

“No, Lori, I really do understand. What you want… is someone to take care of you.” Cassidy smiled down at the woman in her hand, offering a prying smile. Lorita shivered beneath it, her head still committed to a slow shake side to side. “Isn’t that true? I know you hated working, but you loved shopping, living luxuriously… I-I can offer that, too, Lori. I’ll provide you everything you need. I mean that.”

“Cassidy, th-this is all wrong…!” Lorita stuttered. “Please, I-I-- we can talk, w-we can talk this whole thing out…!”

Cassidy giggled, a weak effort made to veil her amusement behind a hand. She shifted slightly closer to the home, lifting her toes up to a second floor balcony and allowing them to press into its wall. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think there’s anything that can be said,” she explained. The littlest pressure on putting her foot down was enough to make the balcony snap, held in place by the very force that was breaking it apart. With a curl of her toes, she commanded the rest to splinter into debris, all turning to dust down her sole. “Let’s get this out of the way. You won’t be needing this anymore, hehe…!”

Lorita shook her head wildly, “No no no, Cassidy-- No!!” Desperate reaches down towards her and her husband’s house could not stop Cassidy’s foot from pressing onward, bulldozing through the wall effortlessly. Glass shattered and wood snapped violently, every noise deserving a wail from Lorita, but Cassidy herself heard little more than pops and cracks. When she raised her foot into the air, she observed her work with a slight lean-in, a glimpse of awe seen in how her lips coiled at their sides. Lorita was distraught, staring down at a reckless new opening torn into her home, but she feared worse for the foot hovering above it and the expression Cassidy wrestled with.

“Hah… Th-That was satisfying…” Cassidy whispered, a trance-like stare still focused on the damages. “What a gaudy place this is, Lori… This was a prison, you know. A prison to keep you… from me… In order to make you mine, I’ll rub out this ugly thing. There won’t be an old life to try and go back to -- no chance of me losing you again…!”

While Lorita was still stunned by that first step, the chaos proceeded -- a firm stomp, a straight-through crash past the roof and piercing all three floors. Each collapse of a subsequent floor earned a heavier laugh from Cassidy, joyful to feel the object of her hate be crumpled down into flat slates of scrap. Electrical sparks and little fires bursted up around her leg, all too small to ward her away. A twist of her foot where it stood broken into the home ensured yet more destruction, finely grinding into the dirt the many things Lorita and her spouse had come to own. Evidence of a grand bed and an expansive wardrobe were among the debris, eventually tattered into unrecognizable chunks.

Cassidy, quit it! Just quit it…!” Lorita begged, both hands used to strangle the giant’s middle finger in an effort to control her. She gasped for breaths, both her stamina and sanity being diminished each second. “Y-You’re… a fucking monster!! You’re a freak, Cassidy!! Stop this now! Plea--eeeeiiiiieeee!!

Flung into a shriek, Lorita had no chance to prepare for Cassidy’s hand entombing her into a fist. She feared the grimmest, that her sharp tongue had enraged the giant into a murderous moment. Rather than be crunched in her hand, the fingers unfolded and revealed Cassidy’s face up-close, enough that an exhale was the first thing to whip Lorita once uncovered. She scurried back into a bunker of fingers, but Cassidy’s hand twisted into a grab around the tiny body it possessed, keeping her pinned by the arms in an inarguable grapple that left her vulnerable to all other wants.

“Y-You’re hurting me, Cassidy! Y-You don’t want to hurt me, do you?!” Lorita desperately bargained, seething from the tightness that clutched her wrists. “Please, d-don’t kill me, C-Cassidy! Not like this…!”

“Haah… I won’t kill you, silly,” Cassidy teased, a quiet and careful volume used to speak to the little woman at her mouth. “But I’ll repay you… for what you did to me. Is that fair?”

Lorita blinked, fighting to see clearly with the rain dotting her brow. “Fair…?”

“Very fair… You humiliated me that day in high school. In front of everyone, too. You were cool… popular, important…” Cassidy’s monologue drove chills down Lorita’s body, her grip unintentionally tightening as she spoke. “But now I’m the important one. The most important thing in the world. It’s only fair you understand how horribly you humiliated me, Lori…! L-Let’s see how you like it…”

Two more steps ripped through the home, kicking up and stomping down the furniture within as if Cassidy was forcing her way through small cardboard boxes. She suddenly cared little about the house in that moment, her focus pointed onto her obsession. Regardless of how Lorita shook and argued, Cassidy’s fingers moved across her helpless form and undid the bathrobe clinging to her skin. Lorita erupted into greater efforts of resistance, pathetically begging in all manners to not be stripped naked, but Cassidy’s grin doubtlessly hungered for that exact humiliation. In front of a crowd of her neighbors, Lorita was stripped naked for all to see.

Cassidy crashed into another corner of the home with her ass; her method for acquiring a seat. Lorita was not allowed a chance to recognize that another fraction of her house had been devastated by a giant’s rear-end, fairing poorly in the movements while still struggling with her nudity. When Cassidy was finally situated in a knee-risen perch, much of what remained of the property was junk and debris, piles of trash that eerily resembled the warmth Lorita once thrived in. Any additional movement made by Cassidy to be comfortable resulted in walls crumbling or a floor sinking.

The fragility of the world around her served to both empower and arouse Cassidy, glancing over the remains with an ecstatic grin until she focused again on Lorita. Everything she wanted was there, all within reach, and in an explosion of excitement, Cassidy spread her legs and demolished a wide space to be sprawled out in. Lorita shivered frailishly as she heard the cacophony happening just out of her sight, a sight that allured Cassidy’s open hand into approaching. Lorita yelled against the nearing of the other digits, but could not ultimately prevent them from combing her body. They tickled her sides with flinch-inducing touches, they toyed with the tits smaller than her fingertips. Persistently, Lorita still argued, but her body was truly a canvas for Cassidy to explore; the giant was catching up with all that she had missed over the past two decades.

Heavy breaths were heard across the neighborhood as Cassidy plunged deeper into her little reality. The crowd was transfixed with the scene being played out, captivated by the giant’s lust, greed, and rage, and how all those passions flooded onto her victim, her cruelty focused on that singular person. Even police officers were stunned by the sight, ignoring radio calls as they struggled to describe what they witnessed: a titanic woman whose rampage was steadily becoming more vulgar and obscene. It was upon them, felt in shockwaves that rattled the perimeter that the mob occupied, that the giant was masturbating, making use of her own destruction as a means to get herself off.

Lorita’s wailing added to Cassidy’s surreal experience. The giant loved to hear that cry for help, a trigger of her most visceral senses -- it was a constant reminder that she was as powerful as nature, a force that could not be reckoned with. Her obsession through life was her’s, manifested in this helplessly tiny form that was hers to own. All else in the world was toy-like, disposable, and meaningless if it could not directly benefit her. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in property had been repurposed by a merciless hand to be crushed against a monstrous cunt, a nebulous number that yet drove Cassidy crazy with how it validated her incredible strength.

Cassidy continued to collapse over the house and all that was around it. She made no effort to conceal herself from the crowds nor the helicopters overhead; their presence made her arousal more intense, rocketing her into a destructive climax that saw the last few walls of the home be pounded down. An echoing moan went off like a community siren, signalling the slightest relief of the shockwaves that riddled the area. Cassidy was complete, stretched out gracelessly amidst heaps of wreckage that her limbs easily brushed aside in their post-orgasm bliss.

Lorita, however, had barely survived. She was faint in Cassidy’s grip, slumped over a finger with a total lack of energy -- one minimal attempt to pry herself from the grasp was all she could muster before being dropped onto a wide surface. It was a stomach, plush and forgiving even under Lorita’s comparatively little weight. She saw Cassidy’s relaxed and lazy smile up ahead, beyond the breasts that rose and fell like ocean waves in tandem with her breathing. In the next moment, she was forcefully dragged up that landscape body, her body slipping up the wet-soaked skin until she was massaged between the mega mammaries. She struggled to both move and breathe in this claustrophobic environment, but she would have to endure, if Cassidy’s chuckle from overhead was any indication.

“Lori, Lori… I-It’s so good… to have you back…” Cassidy creaked, swirling a finger over Lorita’s wet mess of hair. She stared up into the sky, something so distant even to someone her size. “It’s our’s -- the whole world. I had a dream, only once, but… it was that we would go see the world together.” She craned upward from her laid-back position, uncaring towards whatever broke or popped under her shifting mass. Her eyes were dilated, bewildered and eager, while Lorita toiled under these unstoppable emotions. “Let’s do that. Let’s travel, to anywhere either of us want to!” Cassidy giggled, a youthful tone in her voice that had not chimed in ages. She hugged Lorita’s limp, naked body tightly into her chest, “Let’s go everywhere!” 


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