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And a third upload notes~ Sorry again for the backlog!

Hex's Yard here was a really quick story that I managed to hammer out in about four hours. If you haven't heard, there's apparently a "day" for Hex Maniac on 7/13. As far as I could tell, seems like it's mostly a day for artists to share art of Hex. A great concept! So I had to contribute, even if it was a little late. Hex Maniac is supremely important to me, so I just had to~

This was just a quick idea that I envisioned pretty much on the spot. No huge inspirations really~ it's a pretty typical little story! I didn't want to make anything too convoluted, since that's usually how things end up getting too long. I really went into this with the mindset of, "I need to get this done now, I need to plan for this being done today." So you might notice that there's a little less focus on the gritty details and nothing too overwhelmingly original~ Just meant to be a satisfying, compact story of Hex discovering tinies in her backyard. What does Hex's yard look like? I don't describe it? What does her home even look like? Which Hex Maniac is this, the one from Dynamax Maniac or the one from Hexed House?

No answers. Exactly how Hex Maniac would like it: a mystery.

I enjoyed the butt crush scene smiley face. I probably could have added a whole other paragraph or two of just raw detail of Hex ass coming down. I really wanted to depict her as feeling ashamed, like she knows treating little people like this is weird but she also feels unaccountable, like it doesn't matter. That whole feeling is super good, right? Hex agrees. I just regret not mentioning that it's cold to sit down on a flat rock, that's a little detail I often really like about butt crush situations, when all that chaos and mayhem is summed up as just a fringe comment.

Anyway, always a pleasure to add to the giant Hex content of the world~ Hope you all enjoyed this little treat! Let me know what other situations you'd like to find Hex in, because I'm quite honestly almost always in the mood to write more giant Hex Maniac stuff.


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