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Considered to be one of the furthest corners of Hyrule, a location so deep into the desert, no monster could possibly thrive: the Farlands, and its one landmark, End’s Outpost. A fortress under claim of a faction of gerudo, bandits and thieves that were unwilling to forfeit their way of life after the defeat of their king. Instead of accepting Nabooru’s leadership, these gerudo split away from their sisters so that they might continue to rule the desert with their wicked methods.

Despite the distance, these gerudo made criminal campaigns regularly into Hyrule’s kingdom. Trade routes were intercepted, markets were ambushed, and farmers were looted. Their strikes were sudden and fast, earning them a fierce reputation despite their relatively minor strength. Easily could these thieves be vanquished in a direct battle by a proper battalion, and hence why they chose to hideaway so far into the desert. Not a single commander was foolish enough to lead an expedition that deep into the unforgiving sands, well aware of the dangers that lurked in the Farlands, threats greater than the thieves themselves.

And thus, their terror reigned upon the common folk. The Hero of Time had vanished, the princess had a kingdom to still restore, and the sages were always occupied with protecting their own territories. Even if a sage had the freedom to venture so far, to manage an army capable of handling the combat-hardened thieves would be no simple task, risking dozens of lives per every gerudo they could potentially defeat, just to reach End’s Outpost.

Due to such difficulties, the problem of thieves was one that had to be settled for individual cases. Nabooru had promised her fellow sages that she would increase security in her domain, to mitigate the threat her own people were causing, but in that meeting, one sage expressed dissatisfaction, and keen disappointment. Princess Ruto of the zoras could not stand for these injustices plaguing Hyrule, and it had only become more personal when it was the rivers being attacked. “An insult to the zora people!” Ruto had exclaimed. “From the furthest reaches of the deserts, these thieves come to unsettle my land! The land of water! This cannot be tolerated!”

The sages offered their condolences, but Ruto’s pout expressed well that she wasn’t content with this circumstance, despite understanding the limitations. She couldn’t argue against the costs, and so she took matters into her own hands, returning to Zora’s Domain in search of her own solution. The zoras were capable not only in battle, but in magic as well; surely within the old archives, she hoped, there would be a spell that could aid against the gerudo threat. As it stood, the issue was to even reach End’s Outpost, and then having the might to beat them in battle.

But one spell did intrigue Ruto’s curiosity, in conjunction with an ancient map. The zora royalty always maintained a unique connection to bodies of water, capable of harnessing great power from these places. A desert, she had imagined, was no such place to draw that energy from, until she had made a surprising revelation. In times long, long ago, where so much history was forgotten, it was not waves of sand that once dominated the west, but a sea.

Ruto’s plan came together that very day. A giddiness filled her, an excitement to test out the possibility. She would travel early the next morning to Gerudo Desert alone, confident that if her magic was to succeed, she would be more than capable enough to put an end to the thieving menaces. Ruto hummed of her future victory as she prepared, I’ll put those villains in their place.

The orange sun blazed in the vacant sky; where its blue emptiness ended, the yellow waves of sand expanded in all directions. Miles separated civilization from the border of the Farlands, stretches of desert where even lizards and monsters struggled to survive under scorching rays. Stones cracked and crumbled as dry winds blew past, and scattered across the sands were giant bones, the remains of beasts that once ruled the barren plains, having caved to the heat at one point.

Only the gerudo separatists lived in the Farlands, isolated from the world they robbed, thriving in their loneliness. No rival bandits, no monsters to interfere; even if a foe did reach End’s Outpost, they would then have to face End’s Outpost itself, a fortress that spiraled around a tall jet of stone. It was a well-equipped safehold, strategically built to withstand an attack and win through resilience and patience. Spiked walls and archer posts meant enemies that were pushed back were forced longer under the unforgiving sun. To even pierce those defenses would then mean scaling the several levels of the outpost, where hundreds of women were prepared to fight for their freedom and stolen riches.

Despite all of these advantages, the gerudo separatists spared little in terms of defense. Just outside the fortified walls were camps that dotted the perimeter, parties of recon grunts that patrolled the area. Such shifts were only difficult because of the boredom; the separatists prided themselves on being too distant to attack, and so never had any gerudo reported suspicious activity. So too had that day appeared to be the same routine, until one guard noticed a cascade of sand crumbled down from a dune, as if the stillness had been disturbed.

The guard approached without a weapon in hand, waving at her companions that she wouldn’t go far. The winds had picked up deeper into the desert, whipping up a sandstorm that dragged dust and sand into the air. Perhaps it was just the weather that caused the sand to collapse, the guard thought, but then started to doubt. More of the dune fell, certainly in no natural way, and she could sense something amiss, a vibration from the earth that unsettled her nerves.

There was a rhythm in the subsequent quakes that followed. Underneath the howls of the wind, the guard swore she heard booming. She nervously stepped back towards the camp, where her sisters were urging her to return, to stop playing. But she didn’t stop staring into the distance, and so she was the first to recognize a silhouette past the filter of flying sand. A tall creature was on the approach, wading through the dunes towards End’s Outpost.

“A… A monster…?” the guard wondered to herself, now having trembled back completely to the camp. “I-It must be…” She looked frantically to the other guards, but none had a better theory. They doubted it was anything more than a mirage, but they too felt the beat at their feet, confirming the realness of what existed out there.

Yet no evidence in front of them could prepare for the first real footfall of the creature invading their grounds. From the veil of the sandstorm came bursting forth a blue-colored limb, a titanic serpent of a leg that created mighty gusts of wind in its wake, blowing down the senseless storm with its entrance. The platoon of guards bunkered for an impact before they could even scream in terror, scrambling for safety in the last dwindling seconds of whatever massive thing was coming for them.

The foot, as it were, collapsed over the dunes and flattened them into an even ground. Hills of sand and the dried earth underneath piled around the toes of the foot, splintering from the ground to take shape around the impression left behind by this single step. The quake that followed shook the camp, threatening to undo the tents and huts. As the echo of the footfall eventually faded, the gerudo were deafened instead by their own cries of horror, disbelieving the sight in front of them. The one guard quivered to her knees, staring across the field where just one of the creature’s toes flexed into the sand, huge enough by itself to wipe out their entire camp.

The dust settled, but not the tension. The camp guards struggled back up to their feet, disoriented and dismayed. Only one had the motivation to start a signal to the rest of the fortress, the most inspired of the group to inform End’s Outpost of an attack, but that vigor diminished under the sight she beheld. A hard look at the enemy, the giant foe that had appeared, had been more than enough to convince her how futile resistance would be. The sight was so demeaning that she stumbled back to where she once laid, cowering at the immense person -- a zora of god-like proportions.

The toes, bare according to zora customs, stood imposing like a cliffside, dwarfing the mesas that dotted the desert. Yet this was only the foot of the attacker, and barely even that -- these were the toes that threatened to crush away the camps into sand, one small part of the greater foot which had already proven its meteoric potential. To then think that this was just one foot of a pair, and that these extended into legs that stretched high into the sky, the stance of an unquantifiably massive opponent, was impossible for the gawking gerudo to grasp. It was as though Hyrule Castle itself had suddenly warped into the desert to face the thieves, but even that imagination was only a fraction of the size the zora stood at.

“Hmm… Is this it? Is this the gerudo hideout? Or, just some rocks…?” An explosion of a voice rumbled the air as the zora muttered doubts to herself. The clear language made it obvious that this was no force of nature, nor a bizarre otherworldly creature. It was a zora not only of significant size and strength, but with intelligence and perception, a true to life giantess that was unable to tell fortress from stones.

Her expression was impossible to read from groundlevel. Her face was among the heavens, but still could a small giggle be heard, a hint of her amusement. “It appears so. This must be End’s Outpost,” she boomed again, addressing the spire of a structure in front of her. “One more step and I would have accidentally crushed it all down…

“Ah. I suppose that’s why I came here for. But that wouldn’t have been very fun…”

From the camps to the fortress’s interior, panic sprung in bursts. All could hear the words raining upon them, the casual mention of their destruction and how it was meant to be fun for her. Soldiers rushed through armories and storehouses in order to equip themselves, but they would all be greeted with despair manifested in a blue, aquatic form upon stepping outside.

“You thieves have brought pain and suffering to Hyrule. Worst of all, you’ve even dared steal from zora-kind! As princess of the zora and the sage of water, I cannot allow these transgressions to remain unpunished! It will be an honor for you all to be bested by the majestic Princess Ruto~!”

Ruto made her declaration, her hands at her hips and her smug glare pointed down. Her announcement crashed over the gerudo with a reckless volume, reminding them further that they were at the feet of a giant zora princess more so than her explicit words did. Not a single commander could bark a command or organize their platoon under the pressure Ruto exerted.

Yet their destruction wasn’t immediate. The horror was suspended, eternally on the verge of happening but never playing out. Ruto’s toes promised a swift and easy defeat to the gerudo, but she remained standing where she was, as of yet to lift a foot over her enemy. Her curiosity couldn’t be understood, not when her perplexed expression was so many thousands of feet high into the clouds.

“Hmm… Is this not it?” Ruto asked herself, a tilt in her head as she became doubtful of her discovery. “I don’t see anyone… Shouldn’t an army be amassing, o-or something…?” In her head, the image of minions pouring out of End’s Outpost seemed reasonable; all abled bodies put to work in an honorable battle against her, their worthy opponent and beautiful superior. Why they weren’t forming up to face her brought concern. “Am I just embarrassing myself? Talking to a stick in the sand?” she mumbled into her hand, a soft blush developing. “Just standing out here in the sand, I don’t even feel like a giant. Immense as the ocean, that’s what the spell said…” She crossed her arms with a sigh, a breath huge enough to topple over ten camps if she had so chosen.

It would have been a humiliating waste of time for Ruto to stomp out a supposed fortress, only to discover that it was an entirely different location. There was no objective evidence that this was End’s Outpost, not that she could see. The camps and their guards were beneath her perception, and the banners cast over the stronghold were too tiny to decipher. A closer inspection was necessary.

A new wave of panic rolled over the gerudo as the keenly-watched toes began to grind into the earth in a twist of motion. Once again it was put onto display how wildly simple it would be for Ruto to vanquish their entire collection of thieves with just a footstep, and still that fate wouldn’t come. The heels of her feet lifted into the air as the soles and pads dug into the ground, all to brace for the weight that was Ruto’s upper body roaring down.

The shadow Ruto had placed over the fortress turned darker as she knelt closer to it. On her haunches, she leaned forward and studied the spire more intently. “Am I just too big to see you in there?” she asked, unsure if anyone could hear her, unaware that thousands were deafened by her idle question. A giant eye scanned the outside of the structure, peering in through the tiny holes that were windows, many of which were packed with frantic gerudo trying to grasp the events outside. Even with them there, the zora’s face would pass over them, blind to their tiny shapes; they would gasp in terror as a freakish purple pool of an eye would stare seemingly right at them, only to blink and be pointed elsewhere.

Her gaze would weigh heaviest upon those most at her mercy; the camp directly in front of her, setup just outside the fort’s gate. Her curious intent had shifted to a disappointed, annoyed glare, an uneasy face for the gerudo to gawk up at, but it soon softened into a look of minor amazement. Beneath her, scrambling about nearly-collapsed tents, were minuscule gerudo smaller than grain. The camp itself only spread as far as a finger tip, and so the people themselves were barely distinguishable from specks of sand.

Ruto’s voice hailed directly onto the camp, shattering their eardrums with her gasp of discovery, “Oh! I am just too big! You’ve all been down there this entire time!” It was partly a laugh how she spoke to the gerudo, her tone absolutely absent of the respect any warrior would have for another. Not at all did she immediately perceive these scattered dots as enemies; under her, they were bugs, if that -- mold, just spores of a foul growth that needed to be removed.

Only a beat later did Ruto remember her position as a giantess. The tiny stragglers at her feet had her reflect briefly on her sense of scale, and how End’s Outpost must have been a huge haven for these bandits. It was a tower comparable to a temple, though its highest point failed to surpass Ruto’s ankle. Beneath her were not just specks fluttering to the wind’s whims, but they were gerudo, rebels that opposed Hyrule and were tormenting vulnerable citizens. Bullies, Ruto remembered, criminals that hurt and steal without care.

Ruto’s smile returned, callous to the unequal dynamic between her and her prey. She rested her cheek into her palm, savoring the thrill of power she had obtained. “Do you regret taking to a life of crime? Fufu~ You should have submitted when you had the choice to do so! Now, you’ve gone and angered not only a sage, but a princess! Did you think your disobedience could get past me?!”

At the end of her speech, Ruto’s amusement could be contained no longer, and she erupted into giggles. The humor ended when Ruto fidgeted, struck by a small rash developing between her legs. The exact position of her itching was not especially kind for a princess, for it was her perineum being irritated. Something beneath her was the cause of the discomfort, she had figured; “A-Am I sitting on something? A cactus?”

A chant of battle cries sang from a dozen gerudo archers, their arrows whistling after being strung back to their furthest pull. An eclipse had blackened the sun like an omen, and the sky ruptured with a roar. There was no greater authority than instinct for the unfortunate patrol guards whose routine was disrupted by Ruto’s walk, and so in the shadow of something they couldn’t comprehend was a titanic ass of a zora princess, they engaged with a desperate attack. Atop the tall dune they were on, their arrows could barely impact against the blue flesh, and less could be said of their ability to pierce the thick hide.

Suddenly, the gargantuan columns that were feet and legs began to push down on the desert. The earth rumbled and the gigantic ass hovered higher into sky, only enough so that Ruto could peek under herself. One archer pointed to the huge face now peering into view with her bow, having forfeited all ideas of continuing to attack such an unstoppable foe. The sour expression of the princess, the slight glare in her brow, summoned a grimness among the patrol group so severe as to cause some to abandon rank and flee.

“A-Ah! You…!” Ruto gasped, her fingers cringing into her thighs out of disgust. “D-Do they even know what they’re attacking…?!” She assumed, wrongly, that a quieter voice wouldn’t be heard. A chill ran up her body, suddenly humiliated at the peak of cherishing extreme power. But it wasn’t entirely unpleasant, and she grew over the shame quickly the more she remembered how villainous these people were. A semi-smug huff was had, and Ruto held a mischievous grin, “Even exploiting zora fashion isn’t enough. I can barely feel your attack.”

Ruto sighed and responded most naturally to the gerudo’s attack, which was to scratch what itched her. The gerudos, already shaken and unbalanced from her minute movements, were stumbling over themselves as they saw Ruto’s hand soar towards them from between her knees. So easily could she have dispatched them with a finger, but it was not them that they came for. The long, elegant fingers were instead tending to the area with grinding strokes, effortlessly pushing into the impenetrable flesh like the tender skin that it was. The arrows were instantly crumbled to splinters, undoing even that effort tauntingly.

“Well, I believe you had enough time to run,” Ruto announced. “Now then… Back to End’s Outpost.” And so she gave her weight to gravity, allowing her ass to crater into the pleasantly warm sand. The gerudo patrol unit never had a chance to escape, even those that fled early on. It was impossible to dodge the sudden fall of Ruto’s ass, the very object they had been mercilessly shooting which now collapsed towards them. The entire dune that their path had been upon had caved under the unprecedented weight, its suddenness riling up a sandstorm all of its own in the stretches of desert around her.

Despite all that chaos caused by her firmly sitting down, Ruto was still uncomfortable. She swayed and fidgeted so that she could be more relaxed, unknowingly causing further catastrophes. The fins from her hips fanned the dry air into spiralling storms, and her hands fissured the land in their effort to let her recline slightly.

Once settled into her seat, her legs then expanded outwards into a v-shape, stretching above and around End’s Outpost. Each leg slammed into the earth at their own time, two quakes from their impacts that shook the numerous camps if not outright demolishing them. Beneath one thigh, an unlucky camp happened to be, and where one foot was settled, there was a hunting group plowed underneath it.

Princess Ruto laughed, only humbling herself by bringing one hand gently to her mouth in a noble way of quieting herself. Her blush had returned, though she was in utter denial of these heated feelings coming to her; the intimidating spire filled with vile criminals was cowering in front of her exposed crotch, shuddering in her wake. Intense feelings entangled Ruto, distinct emotions of embarrassment at ends with this luxurious excitement. No sage was here to be compared to, no subjects which she must maintain an image for. The only witnesses were herself, and the condemned.

All rattled within End’s Outpost as Ruto eased into her seat. The structure’s sturdiness was a joke in the presence of something so massive, threatening to crumble in on its occupants. The gerudo raced from chamber to chamber; some commanders thought to evacuate, while others prepared to make an attack or to prioritize saving treasures. Whatever morale there was would always meet despair, however, upon seeing the wall above the hills, the pussy of their tormentor on shameless display. The most vulnerable area of Ruto’s body was given to the enemy for them to see, all parties well aware how pointless even a full-scale attack would be there.

“Has an army still not been rallied against me? I’m disappointed! Are the gerudo normally so cowardly?” Ruto’s insult was genuine; this wasn’t very fun if she didn’t have a target. “I suppose I’ll test your defenses, if you won’t come to greet me. These circles here must be camps, right? All these tiny dots must be thieves or soldiers.”

Judgement manifested in the form of a pointed finger, aimed directly down at the first camp she spotted, situated precariously between End’s Outpost and her horizon-enveloping crotch. Desperate gerudo guards swelled into an uproar as the finger hovered above them, a force far too impossible to resist. Some succumbed to begging, even praying to the princess as though she were divinity proper. Others made their own efforts to flee, taking to horseback and attempting to outrun Ruto’s decision.

“I wonder if any of these thieves had stolen from Zora’s Domain, specifically.” Her indifference was clear, and her shrug concluded the teasing. “They’re all guilty~”

The finger plummeted, regardless of how much the gerudos begged. It was useless to try and stop the finger, its width perfectly fit for flattening the entire camp all at once. The limb, muscular yet noble, had little push behind it. The weight of its touch, even fairly light, was more than enough to wipe clean the circle of land the gerudo once occupied. Tents, wagons, weapons, bodies -- Ruto was hardly asked of anything in order to conjure such destruction.

Ruto raised her hand so that she could enjoy her handiwork, but there was little to observe. The pad of her fingertip was coated with sand, but small chunks of wood spoke of the damages she caused. At the spot where her finger had laid waste was nothing more than a crater, a graveyard of flattened gerudo that the sands would eventually bury into nothingness. Ruto, minimally entertained by this, dusted the sand and ruins off her finger.

“That… was pathetic,” she commented honestly. “If it’s that easy to bring down an entire camp, I could just do that to the rest of you. Hm? Is that how End’s Outpost should be destroyed? Fu~ By the fingertip of a princess?” Wickedly, Ruto held her finger above the fortress’s center, threatening it the same way as she had the camp.

“That’s too easy, though. And not very exciting.” Ruto’s smile was reinvigorated as she carried her foot back towards her, the long limb soaring over a long stretch of desert once again in a matter of seconds. Her foot hovered on its side adjacent to End’s Outpost, displayed so that its occupants could admire its hugeness. Cascading down the few wrinkles of the sole was a flood of sand, much of which scattering into a dry cloud in the wind. The unsettling sounds of stretching flesh could be heard by the gerudo, the result of Ruto passively flexing and stretching her toes.

“Aha~ A monster is attacking! Is that what you think in there?” Ruto giggled, amusing herself with how near her foot was drawn to the tower. She dug her heel into the sand outside the outpost’s grounds, standing her foot up straight. Those within had already been trembling before Ruto’s foot, and now its momentousness was only more clearly on display, looming over the fortress several times its own height. “Hurry, attack it! Maybe you can stall for time~ Or is a woman’s foot too strong for the fearsome gerudo?”

She had tempted the belittled gerudo to attack her, yet it was a surprise when she felt a prick at her sole. It was similar in power to that of the itching from before, though these were in fact superior projectiles being launched. Ballistas had finally been rolled out, by the direction of a bold commander that had yet surrendered to the cruel titaness; the most powerful artillery End’s Outpost could offer, and still it was weaker than an inconvenience to Ruto. The pads of her feet were much thicker than her sensitive perineum, and so the long bolts being launched were fracturing into shreds upon impact. Only one shot managed to pierce into the flesh, and then do nothing else.

Princess Ruto marveled at the technology being used to ward her imposing foot. “There we are. Finally, someone willing to stand up to me!” Her amethyst eyes widened with eagerness. “How noble, for a thief! I do accept your challenge -- and I’ll fight you respectfully!”

A cruel definition of respect. Princess Ruto reeled her foot inwards and took aim at her target, the ballista-mounted gerudos who now took frenzy at her repositioning. Their meager hope that they have enough time to flee was not even granted, as Ruto unleashed her kick as a merciless charge directly through the forces. A tidal wave of sand was picked up from Ruto’s heel as it bulldozed towards the soldiers, striking the women first just before the foot itself trampled through. The mighty ballistas became splinters to be lost forever in the dunes, obliterated much like the commander’s strategy; what was meant to secure pride for her sisters instead resulted in their direct and immediate slaughter.

More than just them, Ruto’s stretch of her leg barreled beyond the ballistas and past End’s Outpost. For an unfortunately positioned camp, this meant their total destruction as well. Without warning, and having thought themselves safe situated so distant from the encounter, the gerudos manning the camp were embarrassingly overwhelmed by an avalanche of debris mucked up by a juggernaut foot. The most mercy present at the scene was a pitiful gerudo left alive, a straggler stranded upon a wrinkle of the princess’s dusty sole.

“Two for one!” Ruto cheered, but then bashfully excused herself for the unladylike appearance. “Err… An honorable fight. I did not hold back, as promised. Let that be a lesson to the remaining amount of you! This is a game to me, a fair punishment for those who made a joke of Hyrule law.”

Ruto reclined more, having not noticed how she hunched forward with intense interest. The more she reflected upon herself, the more the shame buried within her rioted. It really was embarrassing acting this way, she had to admit, but it felt proper to have this much control over those who have wronged innocent people. If this quirk of a desire was to be expressed anywhere, it was safest to exercise it on criminals. The scene around her was so satisfying, affirming that this was a pleasure meant to be enjoyed.

Her gaze traveled the vicinity once more, eventually coming upon a scattered gathering of gerudo nearly beneath her leg. Amidst the chaos, they had banded together for some sense of safety, a difficult feeling to treasure as Ruto went along with her playful destruction overhead. They had hoped to sneak past the princess, to at least pass by without earning her ire, but they had been targeted without realizing it, not until Ruto’s eyes glistened at them.

“I wonder if I could…”

Ruto reached out to the group with an extended finger, something that had already proven to be no match for any gerudo woman. The thieves feared for their lives, but were too stunned to move, too defeated to flee. The finger was hoisted above them, but it was not dropping like they had expected. Instead of piercing the earth with a casual poke, the finger was instead generating something -- a bubble, extending from the tip.

That bubble expanded, and as it did, Ruto lowered it even closer to her victims. It was a mundane spell for zoras with the training, and Ruto was curious of how it could affect such tiny people. The targets themselves were perplexed by this strange ability, standing their ground as the liquid wall grew and grew. When it reached the first gerudo, she flinched and tried impaling the bubble with her spear, but it and herself instead bypassed the wall altogether, trapped on the inside. The bubble continued like this, swallowing the others with as much ease.

At its completion, the bubble was not much bigger than the tip of her finger, but it had succeeded in capturing a squadron of gerudo, the sand beneath them included. The gerudo felt the earth shake uneasily as the finger lifted away, bringing the bubble along with it. The movement was gentle and effortless, enabling Ruto to carefully carry the tiny women up into the air. The gerudo stumbled in the unstable sands, helpless to prevent a chunk of desert from being stolen and held hostage hundreds of feet in the air. All around them was the watery dome, and just past it was that blue-colored monster, happily looking down at her little prizes.

“Aha, so it does work! How helpful!” Ruto giggled. She removed her finger from the bubble, but instead of popping, it continued to float right where it had been. Ruto’s smile persisted, “This makes handling you a lot easier. Hehe~ You all look kind of safe in there! I bet it feels nice and cool, too.”

Having heard her own tone, Ruto blinked and purposefully shifted her attitude. “This isn’t supposed to be a vacation,” she said dismissively to her own prior comments. “Besides, this was just a test. Bye-bye.”

Ruto brought the finger back quickly just so she can seal their fates. All it took was a small tap on the bubble to have it pop, thus abandoning its contents in mid-air. Ruto didn’t much care what was to come of the gerudo, figuring any fall from that height would be successfully lethal. What she had underestimated was how close the bubble had been to her before popping it.

It was slow, but sudden -- the ground beneath the gerudo gave in to the nothingness below and crumbled away, the gerudo themselves only able to yell and flail as they plummeted. Hundreds of feet above the surface, they knew all too well how deadly the fall was going to be, screaming maddeningly on their trip down.

The drizzle of sand fell not to the surface, however, but onto Ruto’s chest. It was dust to her smooth skin, easily forgettable, but the gerudo themselves were slightly more noticeable. Ruto scoffed when she felt the tiny bodies land upon her chest with uncomfortable bounces, each thief struggling to secure stability by grappling with the wet skin. Some fell immediately into the valley that was Ruto’s cleavage, an abyss that swallowed the women deep within as a warning to the survivors.

“Oh, eww…” Ruto grimaced, bringing a hand up to her chest. It was an unwanted tickle to have little bodies scrambling over her breasts, and so just like the dust, she wiped them away with a couple strokes. Each finger, thicker than even the biggest trees, rolled across the plush surface, mercilessly and decisively sending several of the gerudo tumbling off to their dooms. The safest place to be was that valley, a refuge where they might possibly save themselves by becoming forgotten in the princess’s bosom.

Ruto didn’t consider the possibility, not caring whether or not people clung desperately to her body. Her devilish attention had returned to End’s Outpost, where the remaining bulk of gerudos fortified themselves. They bickered among each other, leaders feuding with one another while the pressure only increased. Interrupting their rabid arguments was Ruto’s giggling, a haunting voice that foretold their imminent defeat, framing their destruction as a fun game.

“I’m certainly done with the desert air,” Ruto sighed, fanning herself with one hand while the other formed a point above the fortress. “All this heat and dryness is unbearable. Wouldn’t you all agree? Perhaps I can take you elsewhere.”

Another droplet of water formed at Ruto’s fingertip, again inflating with magic to form a widening bubble. The thin barrier coated over the roof of End’s Outpost, undisturbed by the flapping banners or the guards stationed there. It continued down each level, covering the fortress one floor at a time until the entire building and its surrounding area was enveloped by the bubble. It was all exactly the same as before, though a slightly larger bubble was required.

Just as she had with the other group of gerudo, Ruto raised her hand and, with as much poise, the bubble followed. Carried along inside of it were the restless gerudo and their headquarters, risen far into the sky where it would then be grasped into Ruto’s palm. Many cowered inside or flocked to windows, only some brave souls rushed outside to at least humor the idea of fleeing. Their world, stripped directly out of the Farlands, now belonged entirely to this one enormous woman, a princess that had utterly overwhelmed a small army of bandits like bugs at her feet.

Ruto laughed, smugly gazing down at the specks of people comprehending their powerlessness. “There’s no escape, criminals! You’ll be returning to Hyrule with me. Lucky for you, there will be plenty of time to reconsider your past decisions while decorating my vanity.”

Princess Ruto lifted her leg so that she could rise, a mundane preparational step that was cataclysmic to the area once solely inhabited by ruthless thieves. Her calves and thighs cleaned the area flat, washing away the weapons, stock, and lingering gerudo that happened to remain, just so she could stand up. At her full height, she took pride in her adventure with a satisfying stretch, allowing some of the sand to shiver off her form. She turned to the opposite horizon, but her eyes were set on the tiny building, still amazed at how cleanly she could abduct a whole enemy force.

Massive footsteps crashed into the neverending dunes, each stride a thousand feet being crossed. The voyage back was enjoyed by Ruto with a joyous hum, a tune of her delight. More than just the pleasure of making evil kneel, what excited her most was the pure power she felt, the tickle of dominating her enemies in a way most fitting for both a princess and a sage. Although her methods were lacking in some maturity, Ruto knew well that she would be tempted to do the same again, for there was bound to be more threats to Hyrule that she could play with.



Ruto was made for being giant sized. A playful romp and stomp like this where people who deserve to get smashed end up getting smushed is great! And you kept her character in mind through it all. She went in on a mission and left with her objective in hand. Fantastic one-shot.