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H.O.L.Y.S.H.I.T This movie was a study of how to create gut wrenching confliction in your audience members.


Cacw Reaction Patreon S



Yeah, Alfie Woodard's character is powerful because she's ultimately right in her belief that what happened to her son in Sokovia was Tony's responsibility. That doesn't mean that Steve's position in the film overall is wrong, but you need someone like Steve Rogers who leads with his heart and eyes clear from Day One to be making the tough calls. Tony starting from a place of guilt in the first Iron Man, makes his journey toward being a selfless hero more winding and complex. His belief that he knows best resulted in Ultron and the Accords. Ultimately, he's still on his journey and this is another learning opportunity for Tony (who is the ultimate audience stand-in in MCU I think).

Jayden Jones

definitely one of the best civil war reactions I’ve ever seen, I love your insight & takes on the situations it’s so interesting to watch