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Ahoi y'all!~

So I mentioned in my last dooble set a couple days ago that I feel like I've pushed out of my burnout phase and I'm ready to get back to my bigger projectsss~
(  งㅇ                       ω ꒪)ง That being said, many of these bigger projects include SUPER-late birthday draws for some pals, amongst many other important things I'm trying to catch up on aha~ T vT7 Gonna be playing catch up for a lil while so I'm gonna be pausing the billing cycle for next month (January 2023). I wanna make sure I give myself the time to work on these without accumulating new projects so I don't burn myself out again so soon haha X3

So I guess just think of January as an extension of this December?~ XP
Haha but I'll throw out another reminder of this as we get closer to the new year in a couple weeks~

Keepin' this kinda short cuz I wanna get back to things here aha so ye!~
(  。                        ◁     ゚)7



Can I still pledge anyway? I can't see the option if it exists :(


Aha I super appreciate it! T v T/ But for realsies don't even worry about it~ XP Consider this something of a Christmas/New Year gift for y'all too haha! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞


Nu! If I can pledge then I'll do it >:( Can't stop me!


You are just a Magnolianimous person! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Wishing you the happiest of holidays ahead!


I'm not paying until today....... Does that count as an existing client?

Nemu Nemuri

Love your Art Mag, enjoy your rest.


If you paid today and up till the end of this month you're getting January for free so your next charge is February 1st


Yupyup!~ As Blitz mentioned, just stay pledged through the end of this month and you'll retain access to January for freee~