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Back in the day when she was around 19, Leuedai once found herself in a pretty precarious situation laying stripped and heavily taped up in the trunk of some thugs' car~ :0
So how did she ever manage to escape from this one??
(   。                   ω        ゚) Well, cuz it's Leu~ 😂 She'll always manage to find a way! XPc


And now for you Honorary OmniV, here's the last doobl set I was working on the past few days~ T   v T/ Actually, this started out as just a dooble but I was liking how it was turning out and so I polished it up a bit and splooshed some color onto it XDc aha~
I didn't do much shading on this tho, kinda like how I left that Sofia DiD scenario too T vT/ But maybe one day I'll come back to these and give 'em some proper shading 'n suchhhhh!

It's been a while since I last explored young Leuedai's misadventures X3c so I had quite a bit of fun with this scenario haha~
Leu's gotta Leu! (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞

Anyways, I think now I'm feelin' a lot better as far as drawin' goessss~
(  งㅇ                       ω ꒪)ง I think I can say I'm out of my lil burnout phase yeeeee (/ 。         ◁゚)/
That being said, I should probably get some slep =     v  =7 Haha see y'all again laterrr!~


Dropbox can be found through hereeee~




wonderfulwizard gameing M

You see now mags now you’ve got us interested. Interested in noodl leu….now we want more……..you are an amazing businessman you know that


omg mag shes too adorable! absolutely love that tape wrap too, looks so tight on her and it goes super well with her longer hair~


Oh my ❤️ so lewd! Love it!

willl sargent

Great to see you draw more of your world! What happens after she got out of the trunk must have been quite a sight! I didn't know she was also a nudist. Was she caught that way? Or stripped of her clothing?


This is incredibly good~~

Zack Morris

Love how there's no explanation. They just open the trunk and she's just gone like a fart in the wind.


Leu's antics--past or present--never fail to put a smile onto my face. :) Lovely piece, and glad you're feeling better!


Awesome as always. Whether it’s to herself or others, Leu’s antics are always hilarious. 😂


Haha thanks!~ And she's not really a nudist ahaaaa XPc She was strip searched by the baddies before being tied, but they let her keep her hat on at least~ ( 。 ω ゚)7


GOD, I can never get over seeing Leu with the longer, blonde hair, it's just such a cute look on her! Really nice to see an increase in OmniV love lately in general & glad to see it's helped dig you outta the funk pit! ^w^


; V ;7 AHHHH thanks Bee!!~ Yeeee next year I plan to really bring back the OmniV love too! X3c


Didnt know she was blonde XD


XP Haha yee I've drawn her younger self a couple times but I s'pose it's still not entirely common knowledge that Leu is naturally blonde X3c


Not only is a super sexy piece for our dear LEWDai, I absolutely love how it went from "omg what do I do" to "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL" ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

John Gray

Seeing a nudai leuedai in bondage is always one of my favorite things!