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Phewwwww!~ Sorry for the delayed start to the month y'all! Marin is ending up having a lot more variations than I anticipated uh oh ( 。                   ω           ゚) But I've finally gotten all the clean line art for both Ryza and Marin and alllll their alts! XPc
Next up is adding flat colors and then shading will come laterrrr~ T    U  T7

Also! I'm sure many of ya assumed so but I wanted to make a quick note that since I'm gonna be catching up on a lot of projects and stuff, there won't be a new fan art poll for this month :0 I still have the last winner (Nino Nakano) on my to-do list as is too aha T  v T/ Thanks for understanding! I'm working hard this month to catch up on plenty of stuffs after my break in May~ ;     w  ;/

Anyways! Hope y'all enjoy the progress updates here! :3 See y'all again soonnnnn~
(  งㅇ                       ω       ꒪)ง


Sketch and line art WIPs can be seen in the dropbox below~


Note: Marin is depicted as over 18 in my draw (   。                   ω    ゚)/ The dialogue I have planned for the scenario will emphasize this point too~ XP




I’m a patient person. I can wait a little for more Marin variants :3

Jack Z

It’s alright if things take longer to do Mag, as long as it looks great by the end of it and you like how it looks, and the more variants the merrier :3


Excellent. Love the gag variations for Marin. Looking forward to the base color update. It’s looking to be your best draw of the year

Su Yazzi

No problem - those Marin variants look amazing!


Will character poll suggestions start again this month?


Looking forward to both of these! Just don't go TOO overboard with the Marin alts, okay? Don't want you to burn yourself out right after getting back in the swing of things!


Ah, Magnolia. Putting the Pro in Projects (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)