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Just some smol doobles I threw together recently to get back into the swing of things~ X3c I came up with manyyyyyy ideas that I wanted to do to kinda warm back up, including some fan art involving grils that are on my to-draw list, but I think I just needed something a lil simpler to ease back into things for now T    v T/ Those grils on my to-draw list deserve more polished draws anyhow haha~ XP

Anyways! First up is a doofy scenario I thought up of a while back XDc Chai thought it'd be nice to take the older grils out to a nearby pub! 🍻
But, Hiromi has never had alcohol before and it turns out she gets drunk suuuuuuper easily and also gets that Asian flush 😂 She's kinda just sitting there staring at her glass processing things right now since this is her first experience getting drunk XP (hiromi.exe has stopped working...)
Leuedai and Adelaide on the other hand have already gotten plenty of drinks already and are completely plastered 🤣 Leu is a very loud and giggly drunk and Addie is surprisingly an affectionate drunk, but she also gets very sleppy =        v   =/ Although... Leu's lewdness may also be amplified when she's drunk >     v  > I see where her free hand is going~...
(Note: the legal drinking age in Chai's country is 18 so everyone's good XP Drink responsibly y'all~ (   。                   ω    ゚)/ )

Second is a doofy dooble I already posted to Twitter but it's Leuedai making the meme-y "Heh" face that Anya Forger from Spy x Family makes often XDc (I've read through the first three volumes of Spy x Family recently and I am LOVING it so far X3 The characters are so great haha!)

That's all for now~ But once again, thank y'all so much for sticking around during my break month here! T     U  T/ Starting tomorrow, I'm getting back into the bigger projects that I need to catch up on so I will see y'all then!!~ (  ง ò           0      ó)ง




I Think a pic with a drunk leudai tying up the other Girls for shits and giggles, maybe with random knots etc, would be nice^^

Bryan Holland

Nicely done but why isn't ella and hana in this pic? Are they kidnapped and bound and gagged by some thieves?


That's some blackmail material on Adelaide behavior > v >


Ca va mal finir cette histoire XD


Oh boy, does this mean we have to tie up Leuedai and Adelaide before those two start causing some drunk-induced havoc?

Joe Dover

Does Leu want some Peanuts?


Wow, talk about horrible drinkers XD


Just a note: Be careful when commenting with OmniV story spoilers~ Comments w/ spoilers in them will be removeddd~ Not everyone is caught up just yet aha XP Thanks!~


Have I mentioned before that I love your doodles? They're always so cute, and more works of your OCs are always appreciated. :)


T v T/ ahhhhhh thank ya!~ I always enjoy doing lil slice-of-lifey doobles with my characters!


So SO INCREDIBLY CUUUUUTE You are just too good at making amazingly lovely, feel-happy pieces...And wayyy too good at making me smile when I see em’~ Those expressions are so precious I could die of a adorable-attack. More than well done Mag, seriously lovely


Omg that Anya/Mag lol


\T U T/ THANKS IMOTAAAAAAA!!!~ Making folks smile at cute/doofy doobles brings me so much joy ahhh!! ; U ;7


methinks Leu's getting's a stella award! Mag certainly is!