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Additional votes for you Honorary Omnivoyant!~ :3c You could help tip the scales in your desired characters' favor! Get to it, y'all!~ :P


Okli dokli!~ Here are the 10 grils who made it through the RNG round, so now it's time to vote for a winner this month! X3c Here we goooo~! (☞ ò      ヮ  ó)☞

Voting will close at the end of the day MDT April 24th~

You can vote for as many characters as you want!

And here's all the specific scenarios suggested to go with some of the grils below!~ Definitely check 'em out and vote for any that catch your interest! X3 As usual, I'll come up with the scenario if the gril who wins didn't have one suggested~


Suggested Scenarios:

Kohaku- " Senku could be showing off how his new tape adhesive works and ties her up with it for science! "

Cassandra- " in an alternate reality, she discovers her sister Sophitia is questing to fight the evil sword Soul Edge again and attempts to stop her. She fails however and is left in a bit of a clumsy rope hogtie, hair undone and a bit messy, clothes a tad torn up, and gagged with her own tights held in place by rope. "

Kallen Kozuki- " she is caught by the mafia in her undercover mission as a bunny girl, tied up with ropes (or leather), gagged and is ready to be auctioned on stage. She can be tied with a boxtie and her legs can tied together standing so maybe she could bunny hop. "

Chris Yukine- " Kirika and Shirabe would have convinced Chris to show them how to do an escape challenge, appealing to her ego as their sempai to get her to agree "




This made voting so much easier and faster. Also, I'll be super happy if that person's OC wins.


Could you maybe take out the bunny hop for Kallen? It is kinda cringey for an auction. This is the character I submitted.

Bryan Holland

Well let's hope that spinning wheel thing works at well also has magnolia ever heard of a magical girl series called pretty cure?


Personally, if Kallen wins (best girl, by the way), I like the idea of her legs being tied up, mostly because I feel it fits thematically with the whole bunny girl concept. Bunnies hop, so should she.


Yeah, I feel you on that. I just think that if she wins, it would be kind of awkward for her to hop during the auction.


Sorry, stupid typo. Note - I am NOT advertising human trafficking, just to be clear, I'm just talking about basic economics. Kallen's dressed as a bunny, when people see a bunny, they automatically know that bunny's hop, its not even something that they think about, its just something they know subconsciously. As such, to have her legs tied up and hopping at an auction adds to her appeal, and more over, it looks sexy. Sorry for that nerd out just now. I'm not trying to preach or anything, I'm just giving my thoughts on this. What are your thoughts King? I enjoy constructive conversation and would love to hear what else you might think about what picture should look like. ;)


Maybe when I'm thinking about the bunny hop, I'm thinking about her expression when she's doing it. I like to see her scared about being sold or pissed that she was captured, but I can't imagine how she's gonna look if she's hopping with these expressions. I honestly don't know how it's gonna be drawn based on style. I remember the Tifa poll drawing of her bunny hopping her way out and that really felt awkward and not sexy because as much as I like badasses showing who's boss, I honestly like to see them helpless and under control. Usually in auction scenario's, slaves are supposed to stand still for viewers to gaze upon. It's not that I'm against the bunny hop and I do want to see her legs tied, hands behind, and gags on her, it's that while I'm a big fan of Kallen and think she's a badass, it kinda unsettles me that she's hopping on stage for viewer's enjoyment rather than being scared she's about to be sold. Yeah, she's a bunny girl and it's cool to see bunny's hop, I just don't think it fits her personality. I think there's still some appeal without the hop. I suggested the bunny hop as an optional added bonus because I wanted to see her legs tied up standing and maybe if there was extra page, she would be hopping off with her new buyer dragging her. That would seem fitting for a bunny hop. But I heard that there won't be a lotta pages or panels for this poll drawing, so I just wanna settle for her tied up and present for auction. That's what I think.


I don't know why I'm making a big deal out of the bunny hop. I'm just glad Kallen is maybe gonna get some recognition in this patreon.


Thinking about it, I think I will actually have to omit any reference to an auction or slavery if Kallen wins (which it looks like will be the case). FOSTA-SESTA is still a very real and serious thing that websites have to adhere to, and I'm pretty sure someone I know lost their Patreon a couple years ago because they drew the sale of a person, which Patreon noticed and took seriously. If I can take any steps to help prevent the potential loss of this Patreon, I will gladly take them~ X/ Plus, auctioning and slavery scenarios aren't really my cuppa anyway... :/ I'm sorry if this affects any voting decisions so late into the poll Dx I should have noticed this sooner. I'll let everyone else know about this decision once the poll is finished as well~


I understand, gotta keep it safe and wholesome. If Kallen wins, will we have to start a new suggested scenario for patrons to write down? Or will we continue off the suggested scenario that I wrote for the character, just without the auction setting. Maybe after she is tied up and gagged, she could either be: on stage for viewers to see, or walking around to customers with a tray of drinks hanging below her chest or just thrown into a prison cell. I like the serving the customers scenario because that's how she was introduced in her bunny cosplay. If she was bunny hopping, the drinks would fall down easily, but that's still an option in this drawing. Another cool idea to add on is two variants of her hair style, one with the hair slick down and the other being her usual hair pointing sideways.


The poll is not even done and we're talking about whether Kallen should bunny hop or not. Honestly because the auction idea is out, her bunny hopping or not is fine by me. Still, keep the boxtie and the legs tied. I don't know if this is done, but maybe put a bit gag on the gag variants. Looks very good on her if you ask me.


Doesn't seem like Code Geass. Yeah, too much. Just keep it in the Casino.